Table tennis is great and it definitely should be a high school sport in the US as well as here in Germany.
The problem is that it is difficult to play (on a high level) and to understand (for non players) because of the effects caused by the rotation of the little ball.
Measured lung volumes of top players as Swedish Jan-Ove Waldner showed that they are comparable with endurance sports like rowing or swimming.
In Germany table tennis players say "If table tennis was easy it would be called soccer." ;-)
That's because many famous soccer players here are empty-headed whereas you never can be a successful table tennis player with low IQ.
In many Asian countries like China, Japan or Korea table tennis is a national sport. People there can't imagine at all why table tennis is that unpopular in the US.
2007-04-23 21:40:56
answer #1
answered by k.samoth 3
Table Tennis should definitely be a high school sport? That would be great.
Yes, Table tennis (ping pong) is a sport. A very big sport in many countries, but not in America though. Table tennis is for example the national sport of China.
2007-04-17 22:04:18
answer #2
answered by Chao 2
If golf is considered a sport so should table tennis. People think table tennis is easy but when you play it at the next level it is actually a very challenging sport and there are certainly some athleticism involved.
2007-04-19 07:17:20
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
The reason to make table tennis become into a high school sport because table tennis is one of the Most Played Sports Worldwide.
Below here is the list of 8 sports that most played worldwide.
Worldwide sports most played.
1. Football (Soccer)
2. Cricket
3. Field-Hockey
4. Tennis
5. Volleyball
6. Table Tennis
7. Baseball
8. Golf
How can you create a olympic table tennis player if table tennis is not a sports that fit to play in shool.(Even primary school.)
2014-02-14 14:50:48
answer #4
answered by Anan 2
hi dear, ihope that i've answer for your quest the ping pong is more easyer than the land tennis so it in the college and spicialy in physical education college but also the land tennis is studied in this college but plz try to make us more understanding to your quest to make sure that you takes the right answers iam all yours plz visit my group Ro$y funkky cat may god be with you in all your steps a little lady in the faculty of the physical education Egypt
2007-04-18 06:21:33
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
ah, Ping Pong is not a sport - so by defination it can't be a high school sport. It is an activity - so they could play it on activity night.
2007-04-17 16:58:30
answer #6
answered by game7ot 2
i dont see any reason why it shouldnt except for the fact that to start a team there has to be other schools that are willing to do the same, which is usually difficult. plus it costs money to get a program like that started which is something all highschools hate lol.
2007-04-17 16:59:07
answer #7
answered by poker22only 2
no, because it is lame. should cup stacking be in the olympics?
2007-04-23 11:58:54
answer #8
answered by Anonymous