When people realize that it is their lack of moral fiber in this country that is the problem, not the gun.
people want to blame anything and everything else for the problem but themselves and look for short term solutions for long term problems that will not work.
I read a Bumper Sticker once that said:
Dear God, why is their so much violence in school?
God replied: " Dear concerned student, because I am not allowed in school".
Every since Madeline Murray O'Hare had prayer taken out of school the violence has risen dramatically, but secular people refuse to accept that reason and fabricate psuedo reasons for themselves in an attempt to justify immorality in every phase of life in this country, justifying all sorts of profanity and immorality all in the name of social tolerance when they themselves are hypocrites for doing so because they preach socila tolerance but refuse to accept Christinaity.
If you preach social tolerance than you accept Christinaity, it is all the way or nothing, you don't just pick and choose what is "comfortable" for you.
2007-04-17 17:02:15
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
DEFINTELY. After all all the regulations and strict campus policy against legal possesion of firearms worked so well, didn't it? They might better ban people from campus who are so mentally ill they require drug treatment, and teh campus has a right to know if that person buys a gun. Too many odd things in this case. Why a passport issued in Singapore if he was a resident since 1994? How does he get to buy a handgun and become a citizen if they have no fingerprints? Why did the university seem more intrested in the spin of the first shooting than preventing the second? And why did an English major have so much trouble with spelling? And who ever heard of J.F. Cooper's "The Prairie" and how can they stretch "Ismails ax" (Cho's nickname) to have something to do with that awful hack of a "novel"? They don't need more laws to restrict free law abiding citizens from being able to protect themselves from nutjobs like him, what these mass shooters want is more death, and more helpless victims running at the sight of their own shadow. he sought infamy and glory, and the all too eager press has handed it to him. VA University cracked down on legal firearms last year and fought a state law that would have allowed licensed concealed carry permit holders to carry guns on campus. It was such a person who stopped the Salt Lake City shooter, that was returned to Bosnia for a hero's welcome. They might better ban students of a certain religion from entering the country, those people in VA, as well as the Salt Lake City mall, and all those on 9/11, might still be alive today. Yes, that is what "Ismail" is about.
2007-04-17 17:12:36
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I believe that many people voice their opinions on a completely subjective and emotional basis; others promote and wait for these type of events to create a maelstorm of controversy and discord. Instability is at best the precursor to terror and more likely indicative that it has arrived. The real answer is to find out why these events happened and if there are deeper and more comprehensive answers than "he was an angry, young loner." I believe that most human beings would not come these types of actions and tactics without external reinforcement. The media, government and the public are always ready to create vast generalities( i.e. music, adolescence, self-hatred etc.) but perhaps this time we should we should try and hone in on specifics. The simplest way to do so is to concentrate on the relationship if any between the shooter(s) and the first 2 victims and then correlate the co-relation of those three individuals to the 30 other subjects that lost their lives. There had to be more going on and other people may/should have known about it. Gun control and weapons bans are most likely a very good idea "the right to bear arms to protect life and liberty" is very different from the right to bear assault weapons and be able to purchase them at a moments notice. There are many questions to be answered and avenues to be explored. Killing 33 people is not a random act, a period of 2 hours between events absolutely shows premeditation, the fact that the shooter(s) had multiple weapons and tools to bar entrance to the facility displays that this was not an act of somone who "just lost it". Terrorism in any form should not be dismissed as a random act in society, especially not a society that promotes freedom. Living in America is not just comprised of a list of "rights and freedoms" it also includes a list of "duties and responsibilities." So I say to you all excersise your participation in America fully by fully utilizing your duties and responsibilities as well as your rights and freedoms.
2007-04-17 17:29:32
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I hope not -
The prefessor who chose to die by holding the door closed while his students escaped out the window had carried a handgun - it could have been over sooner and saved more lives.
Now I agree that guns in the hands of criminals and angry people is a bad thing, but I also believe that guns in the hands of the peacemakers and the law abiding citizens is the only way to deter this kind of violence.
What gave the young man power was that he was armed. He would not have tried that in Texas, where some teachers, administrators and students are equally armed.
Guns are not bad things - they can save you life and others lives if used and stored properly. They should be concealed and not brandished. They are not toys, nor are they a way to settle an argument - they are for protection in a life or death situation - and these situations do occur.
2007-04-17 17:48:09
answer #4
answered by certifiedtexas 2
They will try and they will fail. The problem was the VA Tech/Blacksburg police. After the first shooting the place should have been crawling with cops. The psycho should have been dropped withing two minutes of the second shooting. Instead they f***ed off for 2 hours. You have seen the video of the fat guy trying to run to the scene? He was running from the Dunkin Donuts. THAT was the problem there. If the cops can't handle this type of emergency then they need to bring back posses.
2007-04-17 16:57:25
answer #5
answered by data_disaster 2
Your question can apply to a lot of other issues that are exploited when a media event occurs. Look at PETA and their stance on humanitarian care of animals, the Forest Guardians when news is made of yet another tree being endangered, ELF when multi-million dollar mansions are built in an eco-sensitive area, and most recently look at how many people jumped on the bandwagon after Al Gore's movie came out.
I'm sure the families and friends of the victims wish the guns hadn't been so readily available to the shooter. I think we need to respect them and their views should they wish to speak out one way or the other. I think each one of us would feel differently if the victim were someone we knew. Personalizing an issue--by that I mean putting a face to the incident--changes your perspective.
2007-04-17 17:17:21
answer #6
answered by goldie 6
I don't think exploit is exactly the right word .. situations such as this one are the main basis for the arguments for gun control, so it's really just an incident that proves the point of those who believe there should be more stringent control, and these people are obviously going to use it as so. If things like this never happened, half the people who fight for gun control currently wouldn't care less who had guns. The other half who would still want gun control would really have nothing to back up their opinion. The VT shooting is no different from the Columbine incident, and the many other school shootings that have occurred in our country over the years, in that guns are portrayed as purely evil in all of these situations, and understandably so.
2007-04-17 17:03:49
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Gun control only affects law abiding citizens, criminals will always find guns (specially high powered automatics). Ask the Aussies and the British...
...Almost forgot, guns might have prevented this tragedy, unfortunately Virginia Tech is the only place in the State were people can't carry guns. Best example on how gun control works.
2007-04-17 16:59:54
answer #8
answered by Gollum 2
Absolutely. I predict you will now see every liberal politician getting on the band wagon. They will leverage and exploit the fear and strong emotions from the deaths at Virginia Tech to further their own political agendas. Nothing changes. That's what politics is all about. Playing on our emotions to get votes and make more laws to spend more money to enforce them. I'm sure it gives them job security.
I believe in the right to keep and bear arms - for American citizens - and think this right should be protected, not attacked, by our politicians hoping for more votes. However, I was very surprised to learn that non-citizens have been extended the rights to purchase and keep arms as well. Cho was not an American, he was a resident. Many of the 9/11 terrorists were residents (without criminal records). Why should we extend this right to keep and bear arms to non-citizens??? I think if they really want more laws, they should make them for non-citizens who are living in our country, not further restrict our rights as Americans to live freely.
The real problem is that you can't really control a criminal with gun laws, you only further restrict the rights of law abiding citizens. If Cho was not allowed to purchase a weapon in a shop, he would have found another way to get one. Yes, it would have taken a bit more trouble, but he would have been able to get it.
Politicians and lawyers would like us to believe that by making more/stringent laws (about anything really) that people are afraid of (like guns, or getting hit by a car while walking across the street) will fix all the problems and make what we are afraid of go away. Its a lie. There are laws against hitting a pedestrians, there are gun laws right now to keep weapons out of the hands of people who have committed felonies. But we all know that pedestrians are still hit by cars every day, and that people who have committed a felony can and do walk around with a gun in their pocket.
It is impossible to regulate or legislate against someone who is determined to be a criminal. A bomb can be created with common items one can purchase at the local hardware store, all unregulated items, like fertilizer. Should we now start becoming so paranoid that every citizen's purchase and action is recorded and regulated? Shall we all abandon what America was supposed to be (the land of the free) to be more like Cuba, or any of those other wonderful countries where the people are so happy with government control that they're fleeing to America on boats?
Virginia Tech is a tragic example of how one unstable, angry, out of control person can kill many people. But a law will not change people like Cho. If Cho had not killed himself our laws would have allowed the authorities to convict him of his crimes, but our laws would not have prevented the crimes in the first place.
2007-04-18 06:34:32
answer #9
answered by anon 1
Yep...that's generally how it works. Of course other folks like Scarborough did on his show last night are wanting to blame violent movies and video games as the culprit.
The reality is that 33 lives were lost and many others permanently damaged. Anyone who seeks to use this tragedy for the advancement of their own political ideas is really working with a bankrupt soul.
2007-04-17 16:53:39
answer #10
answered by KERMIT M 6