How to Imprint Your Own Energy
It is possible for people to make a lasting impression on the telluric energy of a place. Also, we can transmit our own energy into the fabric of, for example, a castle, as the following story shows.
Garth castle, near Fortingall, Perthshire, is close to the geographical centre of Scotland. This is where 'the Wolf of Badenoch(1) exterminated many a clansman, binding them hand and foot and kicking them from the top of the battlements into the deep ravine below. Niall Stewart, a later owner of the castle and a descendant of the Wolf, also used the ravine to rid himself of two of his wives. As a punishment he was imprisoned in his own dungeons for over seven years, in a tiny walled-off cell, neither high enough to stand in, nor wide enough to lie down in. Eventually, he died a miserable death. Is it coincidence that in this tiny prison, now a cupboard, an unhealthy spiral could be found?
A recent owner was a Dutch lady, Maryse Vogelaar, who has stamped her own character indelibly into the ancient fortress. She felt, when she and her husband first saw the castle, that it 'rocked them in its arms', 'absorbed them'. When I surveyed the magnificent dining room, into which Maryse had projected her own energy, there were numerous small eddies of healthy spirals, with any unhealthy waves passing straight through, without staying to create any difficulty.
Maryse explained that, from time to time, she felt the presence of entities, but being an unusually strong minded woman, and more aware than most of any strange presences in the castle, persuaded them to depart, one by one. For me, it was a salutary lesson that we all produce our own energies, which can be imprinted into our surroundings in either a negative or positive manner.
This was further impressed upon me in a house belonging to a Pakistani couple which had a number of unhealthy spirals through it, from subterranean water in this case. As I was about to survey one of its rooms, the owner politely asked me to remove my shoes, since it was a very special sanctuary for them both. The room was a beautiful shrine to the Indian mystic Sri Satya Sai Baba. I was intrigued to find that there was no unhealthy energy in it at all, unlike the rest of the house, which was full of unhealthy spirals. My divining rod for 'unhealthy energies' showed that there was a healthy spiral, centred on the shrine. Whether this was an input from the occupants or emitted from the shrine, or a little of both, I have no idea at present. What did intrigue me was that there was an unhealthy spiral immediately below the room. This should in theory have been radiating vertically and equally unpleasantly into the shrine room above. Some aspect of the shrine room was apparently keeping the unhealthy spiral at bay.
Another house had a very similar pattern, including a powerful spiral on one side of the bed, at the level of the husband's throat. He suffered from sleeplessness and panic attacks, as well as a painful throat. Only one room was devoid of unhealthy earth energies, and this was the room in which he used his radionic machine. Radionics is a means of 'tuning in' to people at a distance, using a sample of hair, blood, sputum, etc., and broadcasting remedies to the patient. I have some difficulty in coming to terms with this method, but it does work, and even helps to keep its immediate environment free of unpleasant telluric energy.
So, even badly irradiated houses can be 'cleaned' by some aspect of the occupants themselves, without resorting to any of the practices suggested in Chapter 19. Perhaps buildings, or the fabric of which they are composed, are capable of picking up and absorbing some subtle emanations of the occupants, or it may be that it is the ever present telluric energies which may contain past information. After friends and I have a meditation group, for instance, there is always a healthy spiral to be found in the room, but not in the exact centre of either the room or the group, as one would expect. Even when I meditate alone with a little visualization, there is also a little spiral to be found, although it will disappear after an indeterminate period. This may be the origins of the 'housewarming party,' to give the new house and its owners the best possible start.
Similarly, in a church, with its different energy system, it is taboo to laugh or clap. Singing hymns, chanting or praying may enhance its special energies. It may be that vibrations of these types may 'inject' their special energies into the fabric of their surroundings. In an old monastery I visited recently, at Meigle, Perthshire (built from hand-cut sandstone) healthy waves radiated all around it, excluding all unhealthy ones.
An area with a rock structure which contains a high number of subterranean fissures and underground water courses can initiate energy fields which may be imprinted by sufficiently powerful and emotional events, according to the late T.CLethbridge(1).
A lady who had recently moved from a house which had been built on the site of a stone circle told me of her experiences. The atmosphere in her house was incredibly bad. Her teenage son woke one morning with scratch marks down his face, a cross scratched on his chest and a trident symbol: a 'T' shape with a vertical shaft through it on his abdomen. She later discovered that a witch had been burned to death there some centuries earlier! They moved from that house shortly after, leaving the problem with the incoming family.
Another worried person in Crieff asked me my opinion of his new house, which he had just moved into. Until then, he had a perfectly good job. He and his wife enjoyed good health and got on well together, but now everything seemed to be going wrong. Their health had deteriorated, and he was having a run of 'bad luck'. After only a little questioning he volunteered the information that his house had been built on top of a bubonic plague pit!.
Other locations in the country though, have similar problems. The cathedral in Perth, Scotland, for instance, has been built on the site of an abattoir!
Various sites can feel the effects of naturally occurring and man-made, unhealthy energies. In descending order of magnitude, I list below the different types of location where I have recorded noticeable effects. This list will no doubt have to be changed.
1. Directly above an underground 'unhealthy' river or stream.
2. On the energy ley between an open-cast coal mine and a quarry.
3. Downstream of two graveyards.
4. Downstream of a quarry. (In a working quarry, this depends on the type of rock being quarried, whether dynamite is or has been used, and the amount of dust emitted. In disused quarries it depends on the type of rock present and whether or not it is used as a rubbish dump).
5. On the site of an old graveyard or battlefield.
6. Downstream of a graveyard.
7. Wells radiating into an energy ley passing through a cemetery, refuse or chemical dump, etc. (Remember that wells are usually sited on crossing underground streams). In addition, sometimes disused wells are pressed into service as septic tanks.
8. Above and around deep coalmines, especially if they are disused and flooded.
9. Other old mine workings.
10. The area close to power cables near quarries and geological faults.
11. The area near busy railway lines. This only extends to about 40 metres on unelectrified tracks, but very much further downstream of electrified lines,
12. In the 'shadow' of a television repeater mast.
13. Around transformers and turbines at power stations.
14. Around nuclear reactors and dumps, missile storage sites.
15. Above underground train systems.
16. Crossing energy leys from standing stones and circles.
17. On the downstream side of banks of polluted rivers, canals.
The telluric energies we have been discussing change position or intensity quite dramatically over the years, I find this quite usual. Early in 1992 I became aware that they seemed to be increasing in intensity to such an extent that i was becoming a little alarmed. When I gave talks throughout the country I found that spirals seemed much more common in the halls and houses I visited. An unhealthy spiral had the affrontery to place itself within one metre of my armchair, and another in my spare bed! Fortunately because I was aware of them and was able to work on them to change their polarity, I had no problems with my health.
Also to be considered is the possibility that I may be altering the energies myself, which, if true, would complicate this type of research dramatically. I have seen so many people apparently altering the enIergy fields around them simply by visualizing them, that I have the uneasy feeling that they may be capable of being altered at will (or subconsciously). Throughout the research for this book 1 have tried to go with what I find without knowingly or subconsciously influenci
the result. I wonder if I have been successful!
1. Lethbridge, T., see note on p.178 (chap.17).
Click on Following Chapters to Read or Download:-
Chapter 01 Disease
Chapter 02 Vibrations
Chapter 03 Facts and Figures
Chapter 04 Bedtime Story
Chapter 05 Around the House
Chapter 06 Power Lines
Chapter 07 Computers
Chapter 08 Microwaves
Chapter 09 Some Solutions
Chapter 10 The Positive Side?
Geopathic (Earth Energies) Stress
11 Earth Stress, Earthquakes, Earth Sensitives
12 History of Ley Lines, Ionization Under Cancer Beds, Scientific Measurements
15 Black Spirals, Crop Circles, Demons, Oscilloscope Measurement
16 Crossing Leys, Ion Effect, Allergic to Microwave Ovens, Graveyards, Quarries
17 Natural and Man-made Sources of Unhealthy Energies
19 Eliminating Unhealthy Earth Energy
20 Cup-marked Stones or Petroglyphs
21 Human disease and Mother Earth
2007-04-17 22:32:55
answer #1
answered by Dragonia G 3