I dont think global warming is real....i totally agree with u....thats why i walked out of class when my teacher tried to get me to watch Al Gore's documentary an inconvenient truth. lol
2007-04-17 16:33:13
answer #1
answered by lovely 4
Well, I'm not "sincerely concerned" about G.W. I'm more worried about polution and clean renewable energy sources.. I don't know if it's a "political farce" or not, but it's definately being blown out of proportion and it's turning into a distraction from getting to the "real" issues, that would in fact actually slow the progress, if there actually is such a thing as Global Warming. Both sides need to stop bickering about nonsense and start working together to use the alternate resources we already have.
2007-04-17 23:46:48
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I think a lot of it goes to personal comfort. Also, what one can actually cut back on with out hurting their every day grind. In a world that runs at the pace of carbon emitting cars/truck and feul guzzling airliners, business people simply cannot afford the time that the slower, more eco friendly options take.
Granted, there are many cut backs that they can in fact take; the main idea behind their platforms are for state and nation wide policy changes. For example: trucks that emit more than a certain level of carbon may not be manufactured.
Idealy it's all quite wonderful if we could all do it. I however, don't think that America is ready for the change (we American's don't tend to dig change), nor are we in the economic position to change our technology.
best wishes,
A liberal who believes in global warming, but knows better than to wait for our politicians to set a positive example.
2007-04-17 23:39:07
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I drive an economical car, I pay a lot of money to live close to where I work so I don't have to use my car that much, I shop locally (and pay more money) instead of driving far to the mall, I live in a house much smaller than one I could afford because I don't need a bigger house which I'd just have to fill with more stuff, I eat very little meat, I recycle, I reuse, I don't smoke cigarettes, I try to buy stuff without excess packaging...
And I don't beg the question when I debate people.
2007-04-17 23:35:09
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
There is no doubt the temperature of the Earth is getting a little warmer just as it has, in cycles, for millions of years. The Earth warmed up during periods of time when its inhabitants were not using fossil fuels and yet, Al Gore and his minions would have us believe that the latest cycle in the weather is man made and something we need to spend untold billions of dollars on. There is no evidence that global warming is caused by man and the so called scientists who espouse these theories depend on global warming research money to pay their bills. There are those who believe that the warming we are seeing is caused by activity on the Sun as well as the normal cyclic pattern of the planet. The question I have is, if man causes global warming how do they explain the warming on Mars?
Global warming could be heating Mars four times faster than Earth due to a mutually reinforcing interplay of wind-swept dust and changes in reflected heat from the Sun.
Scientists have long observed a correlation on Mars between its fluctuating temperatures — which range from -87 C to - 5 C (-125 F to 23 F) depending on the season and the location — and the darkening or lightening of swathes of the planet’s surface.
The explanation is in the dirt.
Glistening Martian dust lying on the ground reflects the Sun’s light — and its heat — back into space, a phenomenon called albedo.
Now, if global warming is happening on Mars how can we possibly discount the idea that global warming is not man made? There is no life that we know of on Mars and there certainly is no life we would classify as “man” so how exactly is it getting warmer there? I know that the greenies would like to blame global warming on man but it takes a huge ego to think that man on this planet is affecting the temperature of another planet that is around 47 million miles away at its closest point. No, something else must be causing Mars to get warmer because there are no living beings using fossil fuels on that terrestrial body. If it is getting warmer in the absence of what we would call man then something else is causing it and if something besides man is causing it there then something besides man can be causing it here.
The fact is man is easy to blame for these problems but in reality there are many things in play, the most likely of which is cyclic weather patterns (probably influenced by solar activity). The inconvenient truth is that people stand to make a lot of money by playing Chicken Little. Gore and his energy offset company, the government in its increasingly restrictive taxes and fines to coerce compliance, and the many companies that will jump on the Global Warming bandwagon in order to turn a profit selling paper plates recycled from toilet paper.
The Global Warming believers have accepted the idea as fact and the rest of us are called deniers. I want one of the enlightened to explain away that which has been described above. I want Al Gore to explain to me how man is causing Global warming on Mars and if he is not then I want him to admit that it is possible (and likely) that man is not causing it here.
2007-04-17 23:54:37
answer #5
answered by zack 4
Baloney. We consciously try to avoid using gas guzzlers, try to be aware of what we are using, Very few of us smoke tobacco or anything else.
Global warming is on us in spades. It is ridiculous to hear the Limbaugh's of the world denigrating this problem. Bush and his ilk are fools to ignore what science and scientists see all the time.
2007-04-18 00:48:16
answer #6
answered by iwasnotanazipolka 7
Because they want to be like their leader Al Gore
2007-04-18 06:07:03
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Wow then I guess your REPUBLICAN Governor Arnie is sucks since he stuck up for Gore on Hannity's America
Just scroll down and click when you see Arnie's face, also he makes a great point I've tried to make that even if it's not happening that's not justification for us not changing how we do business, want to hurt Muslim extremists? Hit them at their source of income ............OIL dummies . An effective and profitable way in the long term to hurt our enemies is to hit them in the pocket book, make our ability to innovate and prosper the weapon of choice and make OIL a junk fuel replaced by AMERICAN Technology
2007-04-17 23:44:39
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Al Bore is but one man. I am no liberal, but unless you have physically seen every liberal in the world you cannot speak of the way they live. The only airliners I know of are fuel guzzling and if they need to travel they need to use what is available. Do all liberals smoke cigarettes? You need to not use such a wide brush.
2007-04-17 23:32:50
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I live a mile from work and often walk, I recycle everything i can, I try not to buy useless crap, and I put plastic on my windows and close up a few rooms in the winter to save heat. Waht do you do?
2007-04-17 23:34:59
answer #10
answered by Ford Prefect 7