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Is there a big central clearing place for prayers that flow in times of great panic and desperation?

2007-04-17 12:49:34 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Science & Mathematics Alternative Other - Alternative

17 answers

He only listens to prayers of people who belong to the right religion, so assuming the religion with the most people is the right one, that is still less then 5% of the population. Actually, God retired a long time ago, when he saw his creation was going nowhere. Think about it, there has been no confirmed cases of any prayers being answered or of anyone getting into heaven in over 2 thousand years.

2007-04-17 21:53:45 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

The first thing is know what is God. If God can see all futures,past and present then your prayers were heard trillions and trillions of years before a person ever pray to such a God. So, God can hear anyone at anytime and anyplace. Assuming God is a real entity that exists.

As to if God will answer a prayer will lead to many opinions by many different people. Each with their own ideas. Many believers think God answers all prayers in some form or another. Just like when someone didn't died from cancer or an accident then they atriibaute God as the answer to their prayers. God saved them from harm. In other cases like great tragedies, people would say God use such incidents as lessons for humanity. Again, opinions from human beings.

Does God answer prayers? The answer is NO because it does not exists. Human inventions cannot exists. Just like Kwan Kung where many Chinese businesses and even some police stations worship as their protector. Why people invent things and God or Gods to worship is another interesting concept. The need to be saved I guess or be comforted. That is what made us humans I suppose. Also is the weakness of the human specie that will probably lead to total destruction of this planet in the future.

2007-04-21 19:46:03 · answer #2 · answered by unabletoplaytennis 5 · 0 0

I don't know what you mean by "government-staged events," but cosidering the other two items are "tsunamis" and "massacres," perhaps your question pertains to why God allows bad things to happen in the world.

Even though I studied to be an evolutionary biologist, I'll tell you what I get from the Bible's Book of Genesis: God tried making the world a paradise for humans, and it did not work out; and, that it was the fault of our ancestors as they chose to use their free will to defy God. He then told Adam that he was cursed to "Strive with other men." I also find it interesting that He tells Eve that "in pain you shall bear children," and that this is related to eating from the "tree of knowledge."

Today, believers of God understand that suffering is a part of life while we are on this Earth and that it is not as big a deal when it is placed in the perspective of eternity. The bad and violent things that some of our fellow humans choose to use their free will to perpetrate are one of many forms of suffering we must endure, and that can help us to understand that the peace we enjoy at other times is a gift from God.

If God grants intervention in a massacre or another form of evil, it may take place in such a way that nobody realizes God's role, and his help is not obvious. This pertains to Jesus' teaching that "Blessed are those who do not see, and yet believe." Our faith is tested so that God will know what is in our hearts outside of the context of constant, miraculous re-enforcement.

When we experience suffering, we may be called to accept punishment from God so that he can keep us right with him while we are still in this life. If he doesn't do it to a person in this life, it could be because he has decided to give up and deal with that person later -- and that is what you really don't want.

Remember, the suffering and the pleasures of this life are to be considered in the context of eternity.

2007-04-20 15:49:10 · answer #3 · answered by dinotheorist 3 · 0 0

God, is God, we mere humans can never begin to understand the power of God. God can here all prayers at the same time so because of his greatness does not need a clearing center.

God answers all prayers but not necessarily that suits us but when the time is right for us. Even when we pray we have to remember that sometimes he says no, who are we to question his will?

2007-04-18 23:32:48 · answer #4 · answered by justgetitright 7 · 0 1

Prayers are always heard. Sometimes God has to let bad things happen. Its the freewill he has given us. He in turn is there for us after those bad things happen in order to help guide us through.He shows us a way through times that we feel are unbearable and in the end we get through and wonder why we ever doubted him or ourselves

2007-04-21 16:55:37 · answer #5 · answered by John S 2 · 0 0

I will try to answer your question, but know the following first:

Your problem is you are asking this question from a perspective that you have not given us enough background info to understand. if you said, "suppose that God needs to do such-and-such with prayers but there's a dillema when there are lots of prayers and that is blah-blah-blah, so what would happen?"

Where is this space of which you speak? In fact, why are you even assuming that prayers take up three-dimensional space at all? And even if they did, how would we know God's method of overcoming organizational issues?

I can try to answer your question... if you mean, when so many prayers come at once what does God do with all of them?

I don't personally belive that God is limited in the number of prayers he can accept at once (unlike that movie Bruce Almighty where he is overwhelmed with first voices and then post-it notes!). Wouldn't it make sense for God to have the capacity to devote attention to all the prayers simultaneously and equally?

So, I guess... no, there probably is no clearing space.

2007-04-17 21:48:09 · answer #6 · answered by Mysterious Bob 4 · 1 3

I think he has few angels as personal assistants. They probably take all incoming correspondence and sort it by priority and/or subject. There are probably some prayers that get auto-responses due to high volume. But, the more complex and personal prayers are probably handled on a case by case basis. It is also important to note that when many people pray for the same thing, it moves up on the priority list. This is why group prayer is so important.......

2007-04-18 11:58:12 · answer #7 · answered by angieisageek 1 · 0 3

Good question!!!! First let us look at who God is. God is all knowing and all present. In the bible it says that God knows our thoughts before there is a word on our tongue. So to answer your question God already know the prayer before it was asked.
You can ask a person named Grantley all questions about God and he knows the answer. web site

2007-04-21 00:06:24 · answer #8 · answered by His Kid 2 · 0 1

God always hear prayers but he will always answer at the time that god thinks is the right time for the answer it may not be what you think that it is the right time. My advice just keep praying because he is always there.

2007-04-18 01:58:49 · answer #9 · answered by Oscar 1 · 0 3

God can hear it any way you like. However, they cannot be acted on, as that would contravene the laws of physics. God can't do anything.

2007-04-20 01:02:59 · answer #10 · answered by terra-ist 1 · 0 0

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