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in the past years there have been 47 school shootings since Jan 1996, 43 of those have been in the last ten years. in the last five years there has been 15 school shootings, 5 of those happened last year. this year we have had 2. What is causing this out break of violence? is it the fault of the Parents? the Teachers? the Peers of the Shooter? is it caused by stress that is the fault of the School? the Government? what is the underlying cause of these Stand-Alone Complexes?

2007-04-17 12:41:18 · 29 answers · asked by Kuraimizu 3 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

29 answers

I think it is a combination of the government, the parents, and peers. As a high school student, i know how much the government demands of us with all their testing and just course requirements becoming more and more demanding. Adding onto that stress is peer pressure, especially in guys about being "gay" and you have to act a certain way or else you are "gay" and then are teased, for girls (if there have been any women shooters?) are in constant stress to look like a pole and to dress in the newest trends...and i imagine that could be very overwhelming. Also, parents I feel are pushing their children to be great while being too busy with their work lives to spend time with them and to watch what they are doing with their friends. There are also the parents that just dont watch their kids at all then just end up doing bad things because they were never taught better.

If you dont mind, I'd like to share a recent event in my school that could actually lead up to a violent event, such as a shooting.

My friend, we will call him steve, went out for the wrestling team. Well, a couple weeks into the season, he was "tea bagged" by another boy on the team (forcefully held down by other players) 2 months later, Steve is under alot of stress from the remaining kids from that group that weren't expelled, he is very depressed and me and some of my other friends are worried that he might do something to either himself or to other people.

Well, i guess im done now and thx to anyone who actually read that entire answer. =)

2007-04-17 13:10:46 · answer #1 · answered by mc_bbchs_2010 3 · 2 0

I have no idea. I think as a society we want to blame someone so we look to the above referenced candidates. In the end there is no way to tell what people are capable of. Sadly, so many lives are lost everyday from people who know better but just don't care. I wish there was a way we could help everyone and get them the counseling they obviously need. In times like these it helps to pray. Pray for God to lessen the sorrow of the families, to give them hope that one day all will be right with the world and violence will be no more. God bless all the families affected by the recent tragedies. May the fallen rest in peace.

2007-04-17 12:46:51 · answer #2 · answered by Jamie B 3 · 0 0

The reason why you see a permeation of extreme violence in schools nowadays is because a generation of children has grown up without any responsibility. Whenever Johnny gets penalized by his teacher for not behaving in class, or for not turning in his assignment on time like he's supposed to, his parents are up in arms wanting to sue the school because they emotionally traumatized young Johnny. So these kids grow up not understanding/comprehending that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This kind of thing happens in a society where people are taught they can do anything they want and that they don't see/feel the consequences.

2007-04-18 19:01:45 · answer #3 · answered by Christy 2 · 1 0

My heart goes out to everyone.
So many where touched by still another senseless killing and so many at once. So many disturbed people lurking. We are in fear, watching our children, watching our on backs. No one is safe anymore. I heard in a group setting once that "We are all just a hair line away from insanity". That sounded scary when I heard it and I have never forgotten that statement.
I think I need to go back and edit a question I answered on environment. I see that question in a new light right this moment. The problems lie everywhere.Our environment. Not any one thing but the combination of so many. #1 being the denying of God Almighty. I can only say in closing that I am glad that I am an active born again believer. Blessings to all of us as we strive for harmony & peace & kindness~~~~jill

2007-04-17 13:13:26 · answer #4 · answered by Jill ❤'s U.S.A 7 · 0 1

You've posted the question from the position you do not know. Which means you're not aware of people being marshalled into little cell groups, official impotence, and a technology array not targetting outside but inside. Where people live. You also don't seem to be aware of the pattern of behaviour among all to promote and preserve an air of unreality, this from directive that leads back to that self same technology. The only real question is - who - has the wherewithal to come up with, use, and deploy that type of thing? If anyone so involved is confronted with these observations they'll do what you're doing; that they're not aware, or become aggressivelly defensive, police and other groups take an arrogant stand or simply disappear or discourage contact of any kind. Who are we kidding, here?

2007-04-17 12:45:40 · answer #5 · answered by vanamont7 7 · 0 3

I think part of it is the media. Kids see things like Columbine, and if they're of the same kind of mindset as those boys...they see it as a suggestion, not a shocking display of insanity.

I also think many parents today, either don't make their kids a priority, or instantly hit a state of denial if something is wrong. They excuse weird behaviour by saying 'it's just a stage' or 'they'll outgrow it'. Some parents are so afraid of infringing on the privacy of their child...they won't ask questions or demand to know what the kid does when they're not home.

I'm not saying parents should badger their kids, but you can't distance yourselves from them so much, that you don't even know who they are...and you HAVE to teach your children coping skills! This isn't just for those who could potentially become shooters, but also for the bullies who have so little conscience that they'd harass another kid to the point of mental overload.

2007-04-17 12:44:26 · answer #6 · answered by Lisa E 6 · 2 1

The undesirable adult males choose unarmed victims!!. whilst seconds count number calling 911 and asking the undesirable guy to attend isn't a possible option. extra useful to have a gun and not choose for it than to choose for it and not have it!!! **Police do no longer guard you from crime, they many times in basic terms look at the crime after it happens.** so which you're against the indoors maximum ownerships of gun! Do you have self belief in hearth extinguishers? Why, you may continually call the hearth branch!! No weapons Allowed Criminals this may be a protection unfastened zone All regulation abiding human beings have been disarmed for you

2016-10-03 03:45:22 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

If you pay attention to the pattern of family life of the typical perpetrator of this sort of crime, you will see kids who grow up in families with 2 parents at home. Kids who are seemingly normal, go to church, picnics, camp, play soccer, the trombone, do the boy scout thing, have parents who are highly involved in their child's life, and go to great schools. There is absolutely nothing here that denotes a trend toward mass killing or some other heinous act.

So you who blame, bad schools, bad parenting, satan, and rock music: Go back to the drawing board, or at least admit you're just grasping for answers to a question that can't possibly be adequately answered.

I agree with George Carlin on this one: Maybe we give kids way too much structure now adays. Maybe we should set aside a few hours each day for them just to daydream; maybe look at the clouds or the stars. Couldn't hurt.

2007-04-17 13:31:41 · answer #8 · answered by Mandi c 1 · 0 1

It makes it very easy for them to cross that threshold and begin to display violent behavior. We've seen this in the studies and finally, after years and years of pounding this issue, some of it has started to come out in the popular press. We're seeing a lot of warnings now about antidepressant drugs and their ability to cause violent behavior. We're seeing some of these drugs pulled off the market. And slowly we're beginning to see the general public recognizing the link between antidepressant drugs in our youth and violent behavior, including school shootings.

2007-04-17 12:47:43 · answer #9 · answered by Laura 2 · 0 0

There appears to be an increase in the severely mentally ill being allowed to freely pursue whatever delusions they wish. Years ago, these people would be locked up for the safety of the community at large and for themselves. Now, we are increasingly concerned about their rights to be a part of society. As much as I feel for their problems and those of their families, perhaps it is time to consider the safety of the community again and institutionalize these people BEFORE they explode. Counseling is RARELY (if ever) enough.

2007-04-17 12:46:51 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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