I think so, most of the time anyways. I know it helps to know that you are loved unconditionally and that you love someone with all your heart....BUT I also know you need trust,humbleness, and respect to be able to achieve that kind of love.
2007-04-24 17:37:37
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
True love causes one to get what is needed for the other person and themselves. True love hangs in there. That does not mean being a doormat just following through with commitments made. This does not mean I'm slamming divorced people. I think divorced people suffer alot and the children of divorced folks should be offered counseling when parents split.
2007-04-17 17:02:02
answer #2
answered by gemstone 2
I have the love that Jesus gives
The love of a wonderful husband
The love of our kids and grandkids
The love of our church family
The love of friends
Having said that. I want people to see me as a woman of Christ, integrity, honesty, compassion, caring, loving, giving, kind and willing to be there if someone is hurting, alone or afraid. That may even just be on the phone.
2007-04-24 18:59:01
answer #3
answered by Garnet 6
I need a lot of loving I tell ye but I have a lot of love to give.
2007-04-23 13:13:59
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Love is the greatest gift you can give or receive in life. You do need other things in life, but Love is a very important factor. It also hurts when you lose it.
2007-04-17 12:08:59
answer #5
answered by Teejay 6
Unfortunately no. Love is wonderful and powerful emotion to have in your life because it drives and influences you but you can't live and survive in the world off of love alone.
2007-04-17 13:18:14
answer #6
answered by ♥♥Bree♥♥ 7
I also need job to earn for a living, I need people around me coz I know I can't live alone. Love is what we need to complete our lives
2007-04-17 13:13:55
answer #7
answered by Ωbroken♥vow 4
Nope, having true love is great , but it does not pay the bills..one needs to work.
2007-04-25 02:35:21
answer #8
answered by emeraldfire68 2
YES! just like The Beatles said it!!!
Love Is All You Nedd -The Beatles
2007-04-17 12:04:29
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
No it isnt. First we need financial security. When we dont have it, love may fly out the window! bettyk
2007-04-25 09:10:49
answer #10
answered by elisayn 5