omg my mobile is my life lmao i need it to survive i call and text loads but i lived without one when it broke so i really dont know i supose i would be lost without it...
2007-04-17 08:50:10
answer #1
answered by xXx LaYdEe_lAuRen xXx 2
To be honest, if I had just left it at home and knew I would be able to check it for missed calls etc. in a few hours, I really wouldn't mind that much. If I lost it, then all hell would break loose. There are some very sentimental texts on there from my boyfriend that could never be replaced.
2007-04-17 08:58:33
answer #2
answered by KATIE 2
like a missing limb. Just happened recently and I had left an urgent email to all my friends to search for it. Turned up at a house i was at the night before. i left work for an hour to get it!
2007-04-17 08:49:59
answer #3
answered by sandibum 5
It would be no big deal if I left it on a regular day. I don't like to go off at night or on overnight trips without it though. Amazing how we've gotten so dependant on the little critters.
2007-04-17 08:55:39
answer #4
answered by Goddess T 6
I can do without the hassle. If I thought I'd lost my mobile, then I'd panic. Texts and phonecalls from my partner hold me up at work, so I keep it short and sweet!
2007-04-17 08:51:29
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I be totally lost. My charger broke and i didnt get one for 2 days!!!!!!! thats 2 days with no contact ..............
the longest 2 days of my life. it was like i was in the middle of nowhere with no one around
2007-04-17 08:50:23
answer #6
answered by Viaa 5
I have come to work without it on several occassions. I just turn around and go get it.
2007-04-17 08:49:26
answer #7
answered by Jon S 4
no i have had my mobile for 3 years and topped it up 3 times
2007-04-17 08:50:39
answer #8
answered by wingnut 2
yeah i've driven home on my lunch break just to get my cell. and i'll call my voicemail all morning to check if i have messages. its sooo sad, but i cant live with out it!
2007-04-17 08:49:43
answer #9
answered by socal_rachel 3
i would be able to cope without it but i would always be wondering if someone was trying to call/text me... i wouldn't be able to concentrate on what i was supposed to be doing until i'd checked!
2007-04-17 08:51:15
answer #10
answered by dbx 3