They are crawling up your tires, along your frame, and into a hole that enters the motorhome. About all you can do is crawl underneath and start looking for the hole and plug it. I used to get them in my 5th wheel, and never did find the entry point. Problem spots are where the water line, electrical cord, and sewer line enters the coach. You have to plug any hole you see larger than 1/2 inch. I suggest you use steel wool, and caulk to plug the hole. This can really be a pain to find out how they are coming in.
When you store the unit, make sure there is no food, paper for nests, etc. in the home over winter.
Good luck.
2007-04-17 09:17:12
answer #1
answered by Bare B 6
Fabric softner sheets. Lots of them scattered under the bed and in the cabinets and drawers.
For some reason the mice are repelled by them.
My aunt and uncle swear by them. Even when food is left in the motorhome during winter storage the mice stay out.
P.S.-Mice can squeeze into any hole bigger than a dime...sometimes even smaller than that! They can be getting in anywhere. You'll go crazy trying to plug all these holes....just use the good, smelly fabric softner.
Good luck!
2007-04-17 15:46:05
answer #2
answered by jmrob29 4
Once I caught a mouse in a plastic tote and put weights on it so it could not get out and then carried it back to the open field. And another time I put mouse poison out because the mouse was eating Halls loungers from a bag on the floor and I never heard a thing again, although I found it past away under the kitchen table the next day.
2007-04-17 15:51:44
answer #3
answered by ME 4
Check under the hood. They usually chew thru the air duct. While you are there check for chewed wires. Many rats,squirrels and mice have caused motor homes to catch fire. Exterminate just as you would if it was in your house.
2007-04-20 04:51:49
answer #4
answered by mountainriley 6
your in a heap of trouble once they are in they are hard to get out they can come in at any tiny place after you get rid of then put something around the outside of your motorhome there used to be some stuff you could spray on the axles and tires to repeal them but i don't know if they still make it i got it at a farm supply
2007-04-17 16:17:50
answer #5
answered by Anonymous