Where do you live? You spelled behaviour in the American way, so I'm guessing you have never been to Britain and are judging us by what you see on TV. We do have our issues, but we're no worse than anywhere else, and America seems to be much worse than we are.
2007-04-17 04:58:14
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I am English but I am not racist! I work in Tunisia an African country. I am learning to speak Arabic. I am warmly welcomed into Tunisia every time I arrive there.
Yes it is true that there is a small number of people that are racist, but that applies to every country in the world not just England. This was shown in South Africa during the Apartheid years where whites separated the blacks (called non-whites).
Please don't judge a country based upon the minority, but judge it on the majority. The UK has got some of the strongest anti racist laws known.
Your comments will not help the situation.
Your assumption that because of a few people that were badly behaved in a particular way means that the whole of that country behaves the same, we don't. Nothing is further from the truth than your general stereotypical views. Racism is a worldwide problem not a problem that exists in just England.
You want to see what we are about? Come and visit England then make up your mind.
If I were racist I would have filed a report for this question, but I haven't, even though your comments insult me.
I don't blame you for your views as they say that first impressions count and if the behaviour you have seen is the only behaviour that you know I can understand why you say what you have said here.
Here is the invite: Come to England to see for yourself, you will find that the majority of the british people are warm and friendly and it is just the minority of people here that disgraces the name of England.
2007-04-16 20:11:45
answer #2
answered by tunisianboy46 5
I don`t think we`re a racist country as such ,sure we have racist elements - which country doesn`t ?
The sentiment you raise about "the immigrant problem" isn`t exactly racist - it`s more a reaction to the fact that most seem to get a "free ride" here ,money etc. is literally thrown at them by our rediculous System when some British families are living in poverty through no fault of their own.
It`s easy to criticise certain elements here for speaking out against what they see as an injustice and label them Racist for doing so without seeing the real picture.
Certain groups within our immigrant population claim to want to be British since we are a "great culture" and offer something to them that their old countries didn`t.They then take every opportunity to destroy that culture with their own inability to be British and live by Britain`s laws.
Don`t get me wrong - many ex-immigrants integrate well here and actually contribute something to our diverse culture-system but like all people there are "bad apples".
This country was built upon the backs of immigrants - we`re a mongrel-race and I doubt anyone here is a true native BUT we have laws.
By all means come to us as immigrants ,be British BUT live by Britain`s laws.
2007-04-16 20:12:00
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
If you're going to generalise about us, at least learn to spell "British" properly.
We are not all racists. Yes, of course there are some. There are some everywhere, of every colour, creed, religion and race.
We are only a tiny little island and we are already overcrowded and our economy is stretched to breaking. We simply can't afford to take any more immigrants on board - we've got our hands full with the ones we have. It's time for some of the other members of the European Union to take some of the strain - we've already done more than our fair share!
Actually, if I had my way there would be a lot less immigration and a lot more helping of countries that need help with their infrastructure, economy, etc. Migration from these countries just drains home-grown talent and makes their economy poorer.
2007-04-16 20:18:16
answer #4
answered by Wild About Harry 4
we dont want immigrants ship em back to where they came from .We should follow Australias example dont let em in unless they have a trade(very unlikely that is) . We are British citizens and if we want to emigrate we have to have a trade,money in the bank and a relative who would sponser you . So therefore we dont want immigrants we shold look after our own people first . Like the elderly living in poverty who cant afford to put the gas fire on .The majority of immigrtants know that this country is a soft touch, free housing, free money etc etc etc . Enoch Powell had the right idea with his speech but nobody listened , i bet he his turning in his grave now. Ship em all back and give the British People their country back.
2007-04-17 00:23:44
answer #5
answered by leanne j 1
I think that you have to assume that the ignorant sort of English people you talk about are the very small minority. England is the most culturally diverse and integrated society in Europe and on a daily basis I think that you would be hard pushed to find a culture of racism. Another point might be to raise the fact that England football fans wherever they go in the world always manage to find equally ignorant people to fight with. Please don't be so judgemental about the entire country without any hard evidence.
2007-04-16 19:54:05
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Sadly, racism is everywhere, not just in Britain, and I am afraid you have made a very sweeping generalisation there. I am British and proud of it, but I am certainly not racist. One of my best freinds is Indian, I live happily and peaceably amongst many Turks, and I hail from Wales so I understand the rivalry between us and England on International day!!
You must bear in mind that racism is a two-way street, as those that claim to suffer it can be equally as vociferous in passing it on!
I think Great Britain is very tolerant of other cultures and peoples wishing to enter, and I think you will find that there are may other nations that are far less accommodating than we are.
2007-04-16 20:03:18
answer #7
answered by Kickinkitty 3
British people are no different to others except that we are much less racist than a lot of our European and Easterneuropean neighbours. Are you by default claiming that where you come from everyone is tolerant and accepting of everything - even when they don't understand it? I don't believe such a place exists.
2007-04-16 20:19:01
answer #8
answered by LillyB 7
Some of the British (1 T) are racist, but this is the case all over the globe, but do not make the mistake of thinking we are all racist. This great country is only great because of the diversity if racial content. Racism is fear, and making generalisations like this creates fear - if we all took the time to learn instead of making judegments based on what we feel there would be less racism and fear.
2007-04-16 19:55:46
answer #9
answered by chillipope 7
Im not British but i can say that you are so ignorant .
You're generalising the English people so badly .
Not every English person is racist . in EVERY race
there's people who are racist and like to make trouble.
And what about the other people that got into the fight with the English ? Would you say that they are racist too ?
It's just the people who want to make trouble.
2007-04-16 19:50:15
answer #10
answered by rainbowstylin 3