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Just wondering why they never tip at resturaunts.

2007-04-16 18:06:25 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

while I was getting my first degree I worked as a waiter and a delivery driver, and 98% of the time blacks didn't tip. I'm just curious as to know why.

2007-04-16 18:10:39 · update #1

15 answers

I like to sneak a coffee cup into the bathroom and take a dump in it, put a coaster on it, flip it upside down then leave that.

2007-04-16 18:28:23 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I worked as a waiter for a couple of years in a steak house, so I have a little insight to this question.

The one thing I noticed about my fellow waiters was this, you get tipped according to your attitude, the respect given to the customer and your service.

I'm a white dude and I never noticed any tipping issues with anyone of colour, be they black, red, white, yellow or whatever. I usually received decent tips, sure your gonna get the occasional jerk, but they come in all colours.

I've talked with a few waiters (white) who complained about minorities being awful tippers, but they started off the whole meal experience with an attitude. How can they possibly expect to get a fair tip from the customer, if they put out a vibe that they don't want to wait on the customer?

You may want to reexamine how you approach the whole customer service thing........

2007-04-17 01:31:33 · answer #2 · answered by Joker 1 6 · 3 1

You have to back this claim with a study. If you are a waiter, keep a notebook. Record the tips of every person of every color. Put the data together.

If black people tend to tip less...well what do you think? Statistically they earn less as a race.

2007-04-17 01:11:40 · answer #3 · answered by nicole 2 · 3 0


If you cop this attitude with them when you are at a restaurant, then THAT is why they don't tip. This is totally a stereotype, though like many stereotypes, it is based loosely on some small truth. A somewhat recent study found that blacks do, on average, leave smaller or flat tips. That said, to say that all blacks don't tip is wrong, because it is not true. It would be like me assuming you are a racist, just because many whites are. That is not fair.

In any case, that same Cornell study also found the following:

1. If you factor in average salaries for whites, compared to blacks, it seems pretty obvious that whites are in better position to tip, generally speaking. Even a black person who makes a decent salary may remember growing up poor, and may tip as his parents did.

2. Many blacks do not tip well because of discrimination. They find that they do not get as good of service as whites do, and they tip accordingly. In other words, race is a factor, but a bigger factor is the service of the waiting staff. It becomes a vicious circle. Some blacks do not tip because of poor service. Then waiting staff give poorer service to blacks, anticipating that they will not get tipped well. This starts the cycle over again.

Ultimately, in situations like this the majority has the power to overcome the problem. If waiting staff members make certain they give everyone the best service available, the reasons that drive bad tippers (regardless of race) to tip bad will be eliminated. And if the majority in power in this country, which is the white population, begins to treat minorities better in general, they will not come to expect poor service. This will result in better tips. You get what you pay for, and this goes for us whites, as well as blacks who do not tip.

2007-04-17 01:24:02 · answer #4 · answered by Mr. Taco 7 · 1 2

i may not be black but my husband is, and we do dang tip.so its either u were late on ur delivery or if u were in a restaurant u must have had some real bad waiter manners, so u don't get a TIP.

2007-04-17 01:30:25 · answer #5 · answered by leen 2 · 0 1

I've never experienced this personally, so I can't say much there. However, the area in which I live has alerted me to a terrible group of tippers--rednecks. Awful. Worse than old people. Crazy. You offer a wine list, and get the response, "I don't drink that ****. You got Bud?" Then you spend two hours catering to their every whim and keeping their Bud coming, and they leave you with next to nothing. Rednecks are notoriously bad tippers...I'd argue the worst.

2007-04-17 01:12:09 · answer #6 · answered by rumezzo 4 · 1 1

Oh, I always tip.
Unless the service is bad...then I give them a penny....maybe.
But, alas, nothing I say will extinguish the stereotype.

Are you a disgruntled waiter?
A bad disgruntled waiter?

Oh, well, stop being curious because white people don't tip either. Especially if they drive a Cadillac.
Asians, Hispanics, blah blah blah, they all don't tip.

So...have I quenched your thirst for knowledge?

2007-04-17 01:09:21 · answer #7 · answered by beelz 4 · 1 3

Did it ever occur to you that maybe you didn't deserve a tip? lol
I think you focus too much of your attention on what black people do and don't do.

2007-04-17 01:56:33 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I'm a waitress, only the rich blacks tip well.

2007-04-17 12:19:32 · answer #9 · answered by emaciated asian chick 4 · 2 1

Maybe you were a bad waiter?

2007-04-17 05:33:23 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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