#1 just because something is relatively uncommon does not
make it abnormal--try left-handedness
#2 just because it is necessary for heterosexuality to exist
does not mean that it is necessary for everyone to be
heterosexual, especially in a society of 6 billion!
#3 it actually does occur in species other than humans...the
higher up on the chain of evolution you venture, the more
you see it
#4 human sexuality is very complex. we are not tiny insects
who live to mate, eat and sleep. With the range of human
emotions, our "natural" is quite different from that of
simple life forms.
#5 AIDS only affects gay men worse than others. Lesbians
have the lowest risk of AIDS and other STDs. So...this is a
gender correlation rather than a sexual orientation one.
#6 People actually do not change their sexual orientation.
The very few who claim to are overly publicized. One can
change how they identify and behave, but not inner
feelings. If someone feels ashamed, they can simply
convince themselves they are straight. Don't believe
everything you hear.
#7 Heteroseuxality is an indulgence of desires as well.
Without desire, there would be no sexuality.
#8 It is not really a "lifestyle." This word applies to habits,
such as level of promiscuity. Homosexuals vary as much
as heterosexuals in their lifestyles.
#9 No one would choose to be gay in a society that trains us
to be straight.
#10 Gluttony and drugs are harmful, while homosexuality is
not dangerous in anyone. But denying it is.
#11 Love is always good. Period.
Hope I've helped give you some clarity.
2007-04-16 18:32:40
answer #1
answered by nicole 2
Is Homosexuality Normal
2016-11-08 03:55:29
answer #2
answered by rott 4
I think that question has come up a couple of times already.
For a start, it is a normal human AND animal (higher order) behaviour, even though it baffles scientists because, you state it, it is not reproductive. By the same principle homosexuality should have died out long ago but it has not. There might be many reasons to this, from scientific over mystic.
The homosexual part of any population/culture/society in the world is around 10%
Some parts of the wold have more AIDS in the 'regular' population due to prostitution than in the homosexual population.
Google it... there is a lot of material which might provide you with some interesting topics when sitting with your homosexual friends over a good bottle of wine...!
2007-04-16 20:30:45
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I think the number is closer to 10% are homosexual. I believe over 1,500 species have been observed to have homosexuals in them - I think usually 10% of the total population. So it is quite normal. (1/4 of the black swans are raised by homosexual swans.) So they are happy-camper family groups which aid reproduction by raising young while the heterosexuals are off (I assume) making more eggs. I understand homosexual individuals are allowed into alpha-male groups with females because they are not a threat, thereby strengthening hunting groups.
If reproduction is the sole issue of why something is normal, then I am not normal. I am a married heterosexual female who refused to reproduce. Thus, I am abnormal.
But - very happy! Much happier than if I had had kids!
Oh, yes, I am also one of the 10% that are left-handed. So I am abnormal that way, too! (I also had my appendix out, but I don't know what the percentage is on that.)
2007-04-16 20:45:30
answer #4
answered by Tina Goody-Two-Shoes 4
This Site Might Help You.
Is homosexuality normal?
Why do people want the world to accept homosexuality as normal? It's not normal, it goes against nature. To me it is an indulgence of desires not unlike anything gluttony or drugs. I have nothing against people that live the lifestyle I just don't think they should try to get the rest of...
2015-08-06 22:49:35
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
The one site you give for HIV/AIDS says "47% of people diagnosed with AIDS were probably infected with HIV through male-to-male sexual contact." Please note the "probably" this seems to indicate that they don't know for sure, or else it wouldn't say probably. They are inferring this information, they don't have the hard data.
It's just as likely that they got it from using prostitutes, or taking drugs, or some other cause. It's not conclusive when they say "probably". HIV is a human disease, to think you're somehow immune because of heterosexuality is silly. Plus this still shows that 53% were "probably" infected through heterosexual contact. Oh and it says "male-to-male contact" not homosexuality. Homosexuality alone does not make one contract HIV more easily, it's having unprotected sex that does.
So the facts seem skewed already. Plus HIV had spread faster in the gay community back in the 70s and 80s before they knew what it was. The spread slowed in the 90s drastically as I recall because word of it was everywhere. So you still have people who are infected, but not dying, because of medications. Some people have had it 20 years. So a higher number of cases will be in the gay community for this reason. If these people lose their health care then they stop managing HIV and it turns to AIDS, which is also what would fuel that statistic.
Either way it seems odd, because few people are diagnosed with AIDS nowadays. AIDS is the end stage of HIV, most people are diagnosed with HIV. The whole thing seems very fishy.
Also, globally, AIDS affects more heterosexuals than homosexuals for sure. Take a look at the African countries for an example, there's no way you can tell me 47% of the population there has male-to-male contact if as you say only 2% of the population is gay.
Now as for the rest. Homosexuality can play a natural part in population control if you like, that's the first most logical natural thing it contributes to. Especially since birth order is the best way to determine homosexuality, every older brother a boy has increases his chances of being gay by 33%.
The other thing is that it seems that women with the "gay gene" are more fertile and have more offspring. So the same gene that makes them more fertile is thought to be the same that causes them to have a higher chance of having a gay child. Wiki says "genetic material being passed down on the X chromosome which both promotes fertility in the mother and homosexuality in her male offspring."
If that doesn't serve a purpose I don't know what would.
Anyhow, even an "anomaly" as you put it doesn't lessen us as human beings. It does not mean we shouldn't have the same rights and freedoms. People in wheelchairs are an "anomaly", and they still have rights, same with midgets, albinos etc. Discrimination for any "anomaly" if wrong, pure and simple, we just want to be treated the same as anyone else, not special treatment. The real end goal is full assimilation, where noone cares if you're GLBT or S, you just are a person first, the rest is in the fine print.
Oh and it is not an "indulgence" you pick indulgence, apple or pie or none. I get no say in this, I never got a choice. Hell I don't want to be gay even, but I still am. Indulgence implies choice, I have none in this, much like you have no choice in your sexual orientation.
I will agree with you on one thing, we are a minority. But so are straight people according to studies, especially the good old Kinsey studies. They say about 10% of people are gay(that's where that saying comes from), that about 10% are straight, and that 80% are bisexual to varying degrees.
Lastly, nature requires diversity, it is the most natural thing there is, so don't try to homogenize everything, and especially never oppress anyone based on one little fact.
Maybe if we were accepted, we'd never have such a bad AIDS epidemic as what has hit the community.
2007-04-17 02:20:30
answer #6
answered by Luis 6
Well your whole statement is an opinion, a wrong. Black heterosexual women are the highest number of HIV infections...It isn't a homosexual disease, proven statistics show Gay men get it less.
Now, I know that years of denying, and or being ashamed of who you are led to some gay/lesbians like myself coming out at a late age..But Honey, I've always been gay, I use to live my life for others..not wanting a backlash from family, and friends. Now, I don't care what ANYONE thinks..this is my life and I have to be happy with who I am, and my family and friends love me just the same, and so does Jesus.
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change...Gourage to change the things I can...And the wisdom to know the difference"
So, not even you can tell me I am not normal!!
2007-04-16 18:21:19
answer #7
answered by ©Diva© 5
"if gay was natural it would lead to reproduction."
Hm. Well then, if taking care of old people was natural, it would lead to reproduction. So kill your grandparents. Your definition of natural is a little narrow. Natural does not = reproduction, it = whatever happens in nature.
Furthermore, by your reasoning, any trait that's in the minority is an anomaly and not to be accepted as normal. So, brown eyes are normal, anything else isn't and shouldn't be accepted as natural and normal. The KKK is right, and minorities in this country aren't normal or natural.
Your thinking is dangerous. It doesn't matter to me, frankly, whether you think I'm "normal" or not. If what I'm doing isn't hurting you or anyone else, you don't need to be trying to put your judgments on my back.
Neither you nor anyone else knows how many gay people there are in the world. I am middle-aged, was married for 10 years, and have reproduced. No one who was compiling statistics ever asked me what my sexual preference was, and I'm sure there are millions of people in the world like me.
Furthermore, your claim that AIDS affects gays more than anyone else, if true, still proves nothing. Using your logic, any infectious epidemic that kills a large percentage of the population would be an indication that society itself is unnatural, since contact among members of society spreads the disease. Think flu in 1918, plague in the middle ages, etc.
Thus, if society itself is unnatural, I think you need not be worrying so much about a small portion of it. It sounds to me as you're looking for someone to persecute. Hope you get past that.
2007-04-16 20:28:27
answer #8
answered by gehme 5
Normal? Hm...what is normal? Normal comes from the word 'norm'...a 'norm' is that which is most prevalent among a society, a civilization, whatever. So, homosexuality IS AGAINST THE NORM because it is in the minority. Therefore, it is abnormal. It's really rather simple. If you have such a problem being against the norm of society, then get over it...it's okay to be not in the norm, or abnormal....quit acting like it's some sort of death sentence to be against the norm. It's okay...it's just not okay to try and say it is normal. It is NOT normal.
2013-12-11 05:53:39
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I'm sorry, were you saying something that hasn't already been disproven by science?
NO? Oh well then...
Look, if we've stated it once, we've stated it a thousand times...here are the facts.
1: The APA REMOVED "homosexuality" from their list of disorders back in 1975 because it poses no harm to those who are gay or others.
2: Homosexuality has been observed in over 500 species of animals OTHER THAN Humans!
3: Homosexuality is NOT an addiction.
4: Homosexuality is NOT a "lifestyle!" We don't have special gay cars, gay houses, gay clothing, gay taxes...etc. It's simply PART of who we are as individuals.
5: HIV/AIDS is MOST prevelent among STRAIGHT MALES worldwide! Try checking your facts with the W.H.O. (World Health Organization)
6: There is NO such think as a sucessful "conversion" from being gay to becomming straight. NOT ONE of the supposed organizations who claim this keep ANY sort of records attesting to their supposed sucesses....why? Because it can't happen!
Also NOT ONE of these groups employs a board certified or accredited psycho-therapist, psychologist or psychiatrist! NOT ONE.
7: Being gay is NO MORE an "anomaly" as being left handed or red haired. There are NO ACCURATE statistics on the true number of GLBTs in the world because of the intence ignorance, hatred, misinformation and religious beratement against homosexuality, forcing many to remain closeted sometimes for entire lifetimes.
Such hatred still is the NUMBER ONE reason why so many American teens attempt suicide each year!!!
2007-04-16 18:17:56
answer #10
answered by DEATH 7
Why do people want the world to accept homosexuals? The same way you want people to accept your purple eyes. Just coz someone is gay it doesnt mean that they dont understand the nature of a straight couple. Maybe they dont understand it in the terms of being sexually involved with someone from the opposite sex but they definatly understand it's purposes. You cant create a PERFECT world. You cant expect to make a world full of man and woman and for homosexuality not to occur. Its always occured and it always will and the reason why people ask for acceptence is so their lives can be eazier and they dont have to deal with peoples critisizam and being worried about their safety on the streets just because they love someone who happends to be of the same sex. Would you like someone bashing you up because you were born with purple eyes? You cant help the way you are and you are dealing with your own insecurities and you dont need the rest of the world making it worse for you, do you? Instead of getting yourself worked up and wondering why and how homosexuality could be normal or not you can do something more worthwhile with your time like concentrating on something thats going to have a positive outcome in your life, try focusing on your goals and dreams and be more involved with your loved ones instead of worrying about other peoples buissness in this world. Its good to know about it and be educated but dont stress your little head over it. And BTW the thing you said about AIDS isnt exactly true, it occurs as much in straight people as it does in gays, it has nothing to do with sexual orientation.
Does everything have to lead to reproduction? Imagine we were all straight and we all had as many kids, the world would be OVER POPULATED! Plus what about straight couples who cant have kids? Their relationship wont lead to reproduction simply because they cant have kids, does this mean that them in general arent normal as human beings? Look around you, try and be a bit more open-minded about things.
2007-04-16 18:21:52
answer #11
answered by Anonymous