They had reason to believe that it was an isolated incident. Even if the school was on lock down, this still could have easily happened! He could shoot out a window, get in, and still kill people that way. He would still find a way to carry this massacre out! Why can't people just accept that these things happen, regardless of what security measures that you might have! If the killer is determined enough, he can plot out what he will do and what he needs to do to get around certain circumstances.
2007-04-16 17:52:17
answer #1
answered by Violation Notice 6
Inexcusable negligence? How do you figure?
I saw on guy on the news from the Secret Service (who protect the most important political figure in the world) and he sais that even the best they can hope to do is prevent a successful assassination. Once someone has made the decision to kill others and does not mind if they lose there life in the process, there is no way to stop them before it happens. All you can hope to do is take them down before they kill too many.
In this case, I think the assumption the police made regarding the two initial murders is a natural one. How many cases do we have of murderers hanging around the scene of a crime to commit more? Not many, most of the time they flee the scene. Even with a locked down campus, there would have been students all over and this guy would have been able to murder people.
A few people have said the school should have done more to beef up security after the initial murders. From what I have read, there were over 100 police vehicles on campus by the time the killings in Norris Hall began. There was a huge police presence. And I fail to see how evacuating the buildings would have helped anything. Then you just have a mass of people wandering around the campus in utter confusion and he starts killing them outside. He had made the choice to die, and he was going to take people with him no matter where he was.
2007-04-16 19:10:08
answer #2
answered by chthomp1976 2
At the time, the faculty and police believed that the dorm room shooting was an isolated event. They knew that the killer was on the loose and they believed that he had fled campus. Although the dormitory building was locked down, no warning or precautionary procedures were done to the entire campus. I believe that the faculty and police together should have made some effort to warn the entire student body. Besides the potential threat of another shooting, an email with a brief description of the shooter would have been very helpful to everyone. I do see why they would not cause the entire campus to shut down. With one shooting on an extremely large campus that is almost entirely open to the public, I could see the logic behind thinking that the first shooting was an isolated event, and that the gunman would flee campus. The faculty and police probably did not want to frighten students and staff anymore than needed and would not want to cause hysteria. Still, one simple email with a brief description of the gunman would have been greatly utilized and possibly could have saved some of the lives.
2007-04-16 18:09:50
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Lock down, very difficult on this campus. Visit VA Tech and you will see! It is hugh with a lot of open space which adjoins the town. It is hard to see where one ends and the other starts. Also there are 26,000 students housed there in dorms and local off campus housing. This is a city of moving people 24/7. They could have notified the students about the first event and then they could have locked the rooms with deadbolt locks that are there. Also the students dorms have card keys so once inside they feel pretty secure. This nut was trying to shoot through doors into class rooms. May he be burning in hell tonight. There may be some heads roll and lawsuits coming but this is early in the investigation. There is a lot of anger in Virginia tonight!
Harry in Virginia
2007-04-16 18:52:40
answer #4
answered by Harry - Virginia 1
Hey people, why hasn't every act of violence in the history of man not been prevented? The benefit of hindsight shows us how preventable every act of violence is, including this one.
The cops didn't lock everything down because it appeared that the first incident was isolated. How many times has there been an act of violence that wasn't followed two hours later by another one? They had no reason to believe this psycho would come back and kill some more because they weren't operating under the same rules as he was. You can't have a 100% effective contingency plan when there are psychotics roaming this planet. That sucks but that's the way it is.
Blaming gives the talking heads something to talk about. It fills airtime. I cringe at the thought of how the ripples of this incident will cause so much over reaction in the future.
2007-04-16 18:01:20
answer #5
answered by Peter D 7
They will pay and someone will be fired and they should have sent out an email earlier..all true. BUT Virginia Tech OR the police did not think this was a massacre in the making, they thought it was a domestic incident and over. What would have led them to conclude that he was going to do this next? It is always easy to point out what should have been done. That school is huge with an enormous enrollment, just the planning of a lockdown, much less implementing would have taken a while. I am sure they will have a plan in place for the future after today though.
2007-04-16 18:04:16
answer #6
answered by 1901pink 4
The president of Va Tech thought emails and stuff like that would work, what a dumb@ss. Second, he thought the gunman was on the run from VA to somewhere else in the US, perhaps to Canada or Mexico. The Va Tech administration should have brought in the heavy security and locked THE ENTIRE AREA (ON AND OFF CAMPUS DOWN) AFTER THIS
2007-04-16 18:41:21
answer #7
answered by Trojan8408 5
I heard the President of the school said it's not that easy to evacuate that many students. Don't they have routine evacuation drills in case of fire or other emergency? They also said they BELIEVED the first two killings were isolated. Believed but weren't sure. Since the gunman hadn't been caught why didn't they get those people out of there or at least really beef up security until they could figure out what the hell was going on?
2007-04-16 18:24:13
answer #8
answered by DawnDavenport 7
I used to work in security, and in a case like this, the school should have been locked down. Even if the school could not put out a PA announcement, there should have been a communication system in place to get messages to each building.
I'll bet that you will see schools all over the country ensuring that they have proper emergency evacuation procedures in place after today.
2007-04-16 18:41:01
answer #9
answered by Searcher 7
How difficult would it have been to put VA Tech on lock down at 7 AM this morning after the FIRST shooting?
It would've been different if they had a suspect, but if a college campus has 2 MURDERS and then no suspect in custody, why in the world would you let college kids get together in small class rooms w/a shooter on the loose?
Seriously people, I'm no genius, but it does not take one to realize how bad the VA Tech administration and police effed up today, someone had better be getting fired..
2007-04-16 17:56:37
answer #10
answered by Deeda 3