I do not believe in or follow any particular religious system. I've studied and taken many aspects from numerous belief systems, things which applied to, has worked very well for and made since to ME. In doing so, I've achieved finding all the "answers" I've ever needed. Its really a wonderful mixture of "spirituality" without all the BS, the man made nonsense, the self induced / self imposed hang-ups & the guilt.
I do not typically share those views with others as its something which is custom taylored to ME. I have no idea if this form of going about it would work for anyone else as it has for me, but I think that in many instances..... What would it hurt to give it a try? I certainly don't think that it would (or could) be ANY worse than any of the traditional ways!!!
2007-04-16 17:34:34
answer #1
answered by Izen G 5
I was born and raised as a Presbyterian Protestant. At the age of 22 I converted to Catholicism. I have not looked back since then. I am now 68. Why did I become Catholic?
John Cardinal Newman, a Protestant minister who converted to Catholicism said if you study Church history and the Bible you will come to the conclusion that the Catholic Church was the Church founded by Jesus Christ. I took that path and came to the same conclusion.
Peace and every blessing!
2007-04-16 22:22:16
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses, and it would take quite a while to explain everything we believe, but here are a few.
1. There IS a God and his personal name is Jehovah.
2. His son is Jesus Christ, who died for our sins and makes everlasting life possible.
3. God's Kingdom is a real government, and it will solve all of the problems we see around us now.
4. God's purpose is for humans to live on a paradise earth, and he will fulfill his purpose.
5. We are living in what the Bible calls the last days.
I know what we believe is the truth because I have checked them all out myself in the Bible, which is the highest authority for me. Try it.....see what you think.
2007-04-16 22:02:33
answer #3
answered by V™ 6
I am a Christian and a follower of Jesus Christ and believe the Bible tells the truth about man and the universe he lives in.
The only true religion is the one that will tell the truth of all that you seek for.
The only true religion will tell you that God exists and he created the universe and the world we live in. The true religion will tell you at what place man lived on this earth and who were the first parents were on this earth. The true religion would have a history of their people that would cover 4,000 years of man's history on this earth.
The true religion would have a creation story, a flood story, and a messanic story. The true religion will tell you why all the different languages started up in one day and caused the great migration of man to leave the cradle birth of their land and start to exert man's presence over the earth. That story in the true religion explains why there are so many similar myths and legends are part of the mythology of peoples all over the world. But there is only one true story and it is found in only one book.
The true religion would show you that the one saviour for all manknd is Jesus Christ. And that in his genealogy is the anscestor of Noah and Shem who are part of the flood myth. And lead back to the first parents of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden.
The true religion would have such a profound impact on man that one man from that book Abraham would have generated 3 of the powerful religions of the world, Judaism, Islam, and Christianiy.
The true religion would have the goldern rule and the 10 commandments. The true religion would impact nations and governments of ancient time as Babylon, Assyria, Persia, Egypt, Greece, and Rome. And yet it impacts westernized and eastern countries as well like Russia, Europe, The United States, Canada, and all those countries that once were European colonies. That true religion had much impact on all those people and countries the whole world over even today.
The true religion would exist with a people who are called by his name and have church buildings to worship their God. You can see them in neighborhoods and city blocks.
The true religion would predict with uncanny accuracy the life and times we live now. It will tell you about the future. It will tell you about the coming blood baths that will come upon the earth. But yet that is not the end. It will tell you that Jesus the Saviour will come back as Jesus the Messiah and redeem his nation Israel of all of her enemies and destroy the weapons of war and promise 1,000 years of peace, where the lion and the lamb will sleep side by side.
The true religion will tell you about a new heaven and a new earth. The true religion will tell you that man is not the only creature here but angels and demons as well. These too are intelligent beings but they are spiritual. The true religion will tell you that they can posess or live inside a man and cause him to do things that are not normal.
The true religon will tell you, that you are not just a physical being, but a spiritual being as well. That you are an immortal being. That you have an eternal destiny. To either live with God in heaven and happiness or to live in the lake of fire where the worm dieth not, and to be totally seperate and alone with no one there to help you.
The true religion will tell you things you will love to hear, and other parts you will want to reject. But the true religion is the Truth whether we like it or not.
What is the meaning of life? This is not the right question. This is the correct question. What is the purpose for life? Man was here to glorify God and to worship him. But because of our sin nature, that we got way back in the Garden of Eden, we choose to reject God. The only remedy is to ask God to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us of all unrighteousness. And he will do so. You ask God to live in your heart and it is Jesus' nature in you that will always fulfill the purpose and will of the father for your life.
That is the true religion. Is there a religion like that?
Is it Buddism, or Hinduisim,or Islam?
The true religion is Christianity, that sprouted from the root of Judiasm. The saviour of the world is Jesus Christ.
2007-04-16 21:56:21
answer #4
answered by Uncle Remus 54 7
I am not sure right now. I want to believe that there is more than just dying. I was raised to believe(in God) but sometimes I cant help but wander if there is anything else. Then I look at my son and pray that there is so that something so wonderful would have more meaning than just to end at death.
2007-04-16 21:50:02
answer #5
answered by agirlinky 2
Buddhist. I grew up mostly Catholic, until age 15 when I became Atheist. Then I became interested in Buddhism because it's just about the only non-theistic religion in the world.
2007-04-16 23:26:21
answer #6
answered by mahakoti 2
Definitions of religious on the Web:
religious * concerned with sacred matters or religion or the church; "religious texts"; "a member of a religious order"; "lords temporal and spiritual"; "spiritual leaders"; "spiritual songs"
1. Maya must be seen through in order to achieve moksha (liberation of the soul from the cycle of death and rebirth) -
16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: 17 And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.
2. Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it... And hath put all under his feet, and gave him the head over all to the church, Which is his body, the fullness of him that filleth all in all.
Unity in Buddhism. 'Many in Body - One in Mind'
3. And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence for in him all the fullness was pleased to dwell,
The Supreme Self (or Ultimate Reality) who is Pure Consciousness perceived Himself by Selfhood (i.e. Existence with "I"-Consciousness). He became endowed with the name "I". From that arose the basis of difference.
4. # He exists verily in two parts, on account of which, the two could become husband and wife. Therefore, this space is ever filled up completely by the woman (or the feminine principle) surely.
{Eph 5:25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;
Eph 5:31 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.
Eph 5:32 This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.}
5. There is nothing (an) more supremely high (uttara) than unities fullfillment (sam [samma']) of Being (yakkha, could also say Essence, or "soul" in loose sense) in the oneness (San. [samma, or Sva]) of exquisite perfection(sam, in combination with Bodhi is always a modifier of excellence) in great wisdom (Dhi)
Matthew 5:48 ye shall therefore be perfect, as your Father who is in the heavens is perfect.
and so on and so forth as such.....
2007-04-17 00:51:09
answer #7
answered by Monita C 3
do you mean personal beliefs or institutionalized beliefs? I have my own Vision of God. I have my very own God who I do not share with anyone. I am selfish about that. Although to my dismay my God probably is all others' God. I created my God and my God created me as with the rest of this dumb physical world that probably is smarter than I am. I feel thus "I am" as I feel my God which is all that I can do with God... feel God! ... Intellectually I cannot know God because of my overly trained, overly fearful mind, structured in language... and so on...
2007-04-16 21:57:27
answer #8
answered by Richard15 4
I believe in what the Bible teaches. Jesus confirmed the old testament teachings in that he often referred to them. The Bible confirms the divinity of Jesus. Jesus had thousands of witnesses in his day. His disciples went to death for him. He was not a fake.
Accomplished prophecies credit the Bible as God's word. For example if you read Isaiah chapter 53 ( written hundreds of years before Jesus ) it describes how Jesus would come to die for our sins. The details are mind boggling !
I believe in Jesus in that he changed my life. I have witnessed hundreds of changed lives ( as day and night are diffrent ). There are many countries where people get healed just by placing their faith in the name of Jesus ( see www.gospelforasia.org )
or just go on www.Google.com and type: Jesus changed my life, or anything like that...you'll be amazed.
ghispilon@yahoo.ca if you would like to share with me on this subject. Ghis
2007-04-16 22:01:19
answer #9
answered by ghispilon 3
I believe there is more to all of this than we can realize at this time.
i believe that there are both male and female deities.
i believe we've seen and done more than this life we are living. i believe we chose to be who we are and so on.
I do not believe i have to go any certain place to worship or pay reverence and so on.
I believe there is more to all of this than we can realize at this time...
2007-04-16 22:48:24
answer #10
answered by lovely_lady_lavender 4