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lol tokens big part of my strat and when im playin at school or soemthin idk whats best to use like what can i grab

2007-04-16 09:57:42 · 2 answers · asked by painkillz666 1 in Games & Recreation Card Games

2 answers

The very best thing to use is Glass Beads. You can get them in large numbers for a decent price. If you look, you can find some with rounded tops and flat bottoms, and that will show to your opponent that they are untapped or tapped.

I don't belive in using cards as tokens or counters because it can get very confusing, especialy if you're using morph creatures, and if these cards get into your deck accidentaly, a judge might rule that cheating in a tournament. Bits of paper have some of the same problems because it's hard to tell what they are and it's a mess on top of that. Coins are alright, so long as you bring enough.

Personaly I have four different kinds, green ones for green tokens, clear ones with a white line for +1/+1 counters, blue chrome ones for charge or time counters and red ones for anything else. Using a small variety like this is good because it helps aliviate confusion for everyone.

Also these glass beads are sturdy, you can use them for a long, long time with any kind of deck that has tokens or counters. I always carry a small bag filled with the beads whenever I go to play Magic.

A superstore like a Wal-Mart or a craft store like Hobby Lobby should have the beads at a decent price.

2007-04-17 14:09:48 · answer #1 · answered by jack_cain 3 · 0 0

coins are pretty useful as tokens or counters.

2007-04-16 17:04:18 · answer #2 · answered by chancebeaube 3 · 0 0

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