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someone going through my old questions and having yahoo take them off.

what is it about the BUSH CRIME FAMILY
didn't they want people to see????????

2007-04-16 07:46:54 · 1 answers · asked by Your Teeth or Mine? 5 in Politics & Government Politics

1 answers

There is a problem on YA with people getting Qs & As removed just because they disagree. It is very common in the "politics" & "religion" catagories.

Unless your questions contained slurs & insults (beyond that of calling our president a criminal) I would suspect you have fallen victum to that mentality.

I may disagree with your logic (& I do), but I think YA shouldn't bump you just for being unpopular.

Perhaps you should re-evaluate your wording.

In the religious catagory, one guy was anti-religion, which is his right. But he was going so far as to say all Christians are idiots, sheep, etc. This eventually got him kicked off. There is currently a guy who seems to hold to the same philosophy, but he holds back on the actual insults. I bet he's been reported quite a bit, but I don't think he's had many questions removed.

2007-04-19 07:59:18 · answer #1 · answered by Smart Kat 7 · 0 0

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