First, arthritis does not go away. The damage to the joint is permanent and can get worse without proper care. Make sure you wrap your knee or use a brace to help withstand the impact. The pain and inflamation from arthritis is generally caused by the bone-on-friction within the joint. After a game, alternate cold and hot treatments so lessen the swelling, and you might also want to consider taking an inflamatory, like Aleve or Advil. I have had similar problems since I was 12 and with the proper amount of care and preparation, you can still stay active for a very long time, but also be prepared for the pain that comes with it.
2007-04-16 06:43:08
answer #1
answered by John D 3
Try taking Aleve. It's Naproxen Sodium by its generic name. It used to be prescription, but is now over the counter. My doctor told me to take two in the am. and two in the p.m., being sure to drink 8 oz. of water with it so it won't bother your stomach.
I also have arthritis in both knees. Get into a good exercise program which will develop the muscles around your knees so the joint won't have to work as hard. This has made an amazing difference for me. I also walk three miles every day that I can.
Good luck. You are quite young to have this already. I've been very active in sports most my life and the osteoarthritis didn't catch up with me until I was in my 50's.
2007-04-16 06:44:58
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Imagine for a moment your arthritis completely vanishing right now.
If, in a moment, your pain and stiffness melted away. And your joints all of a sudden functioned like a well-oiled machine.
Like a magic wand was waived, you'd be able to jump up from your chair and run around the room like a kid.
And imagine that you'd never have to suffer as much as a pinch of arthritis stiffness or pain ever again.
I know this sounds impossible right now, but bear with me, because sometimes miracles happen.
It was a gift from a woman on the other side of the world. From the kindness of her heart, she took pity on my suffering and taught me how to completely reverse my arthritis.
Today, I want to do the same for you!
2016-05-14 17:21:12
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
See if you can get into see an orthopedic surgeon or sports medicine physician. There's a series of injections you can get in you knee, done with a medicine called Synvisc which helps replace the natural lubrication in the knee. They generally use it on older people who have severe arthritis and joint pain, but it can be used on younger people as well. I had arthroscopic surgery on my knee a couple of years ago and it continued to hurt so I went in and they did these injections. It seems to be helping. They say the injections can last up to 8 months, then you have to get them again. Maybe check this out. It could offer you some relief, and insurance will surely cover it.
2007-04-16 06:41:38
answer #4
answered by fonzarelli_1999 5
Check out This stuff is amazing! It is for horses and works awesome for me and several people I know too, as well as our horses. It works because it is not full of fillers like you'd buy in human products and at human dosage is a lot cheaper than anything else. I've had arthritis for most of my life due to an accident when I was 9. I've had surgeries and steroid injections etc... This is all natural and doesn't cause you more problems later, like steroid injections, nerve blocks etc... and will work in as little as 2 weeks not 2 months like the supplements they sell for humans. NO FILLERS! that is the key, it's just Glucosamine, chondriotin and MSM. You won't be sorry!!!
2007-04-16 06:51:35
answer #5
answered by Ktcyan 5
Eventually you're going to need a knee replacement. And at your age, you'll probably go through a few. In the mean time, you really should try to take it easy - which would mean laying off the volleyball...tough I know, but TKRs are not fun whatsoever. Have you by to an orthopod or sports med physician yet for their opinions?
2007-04-16 06:36:53
answer #6
answered by Sunidaze 7
Go to your local chemists .They carry so many different products that could help with your dads knee.Elastic knee supports are not to bad.I hope your dad gets better as arthritis can be very painful.
2016-04-01 04:23:08
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I have a similar problem. The best remedies that I've found are to take a good anti-inflammatory (I take Mobic), followed by time in the gym. Squats are great for my knees, and after I'm done, I put ice on my knee for 20 minutes if I need to.
2007-04-16 06:38:08
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Get a prescription for a good anti inflammatory. I am 32 and am in similar shoes after a knee surgery at 23. I take voltaren going into and coming out of sporting events.
2007-04-16 06:36:44
answer #9
answered by johnmichaelphillips 2
I have the same problem. Aleve is great. And start taking supplements like Glucosamine which is known to alleviate arthritis symptoms.
2007-04-16 06:37:37
answer #10
answered by Anonymous