I think guns should be banned. They serve no positive purpose to society. I wouldn't lose any sleep knowing hunters can't kill animals for fun anymore.
And to the people that say, if we take guns away they'll start bombing schools. They could do that now, and they don't. What you're saying is, well, we don't like bombs so let's just let them shoot people because we don't like bombs.
FYI, bombs are illegal too.
2007-04-16 09:53:07
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
You are just what we need.
Machine guns have been illegal in the US since the Chicago gang wars of the 30s. That was another attempt to control criminal behavior by outlawing an inanimate object. It didn't work then, or 1968 or any other time. "Assault" weapons are stringently controlled.
I would bet anything I had that you would picket to prevent the execution of this guy.
The 2nd Amendment closes with the words "shall not be infringed". There are 100,000 plus laws governing the manufacture, distribution, sale, purchase and possession of firearms in this country and still we kill each other. The only thing those laws have accomplished is to make legal owners scared to enjoy their sport. And, before you tell me there is no need for such a “sport” please explain the need for football.
In 1950 California had a murder rate half that of the national average, it is now twice that of the national average. One weapon banned under the "assault" weapons ban in California was a single shot .22 cal rifle. It was banned because it "looked ugly". The laws are not obeyed or enforced in California or no one could buy a handgun anywhere in the state. A dealer must give a purchaser the weapon in a closed, secured container. The minute the purchaser takes the package they are in possession of a concealed weapon.
These are the kind of laws dreamed up by a bunch of idiots who will do anything to appear that they are doing something. You fall right into that category. Since you want to ban something to prevent another incident I will assume NO laws were broken in this incident.
Will Rogers was absolutely right when he said that when ever anyone had said all they know they should be made to sit down and shut-up.
You have displayed your ignorance quite completely. You may now sit down.
2007-04-16 06:37:01
answer #2
answered by gimpalomg 7
Trichbopper, you really need to get your facts straight. Unless you stay at home 24/7 and know nothing about US culture, yes drugs are illegal. But the major fact where you are wrong is that drugs are smuggled into the country. Thats why there are rehab centers. I take it that you are a grade schooler because of the fact that you spelled heroin, i mean "herion" wrong. Plus that is just a dumb, naive comment. Anyways, back on topic. The right to bear arms is a given right in the constitution. If that is taken away, they might take other things away like freedom and choice. Call me crazy, but that has happened before. That is called "Prohibition". They could not stop people even then. What makes you think that banning guns will help? People will always own firearms. Criminals will always have weapons and terrorize people. If guns were outlawed, I personally think that the military and police departments would have mass hysteria on their hands. Guns are tools, just like hammers, chainsaws, knives, and wrenches. Everything has a good purpose for what it was intended. A gun's has 3 purposes: to protect, to use to hunt, and for recreation (target practice). Plus, I know that this a common cliche but "Guns Don't Kill People, People Kill People". Plus, just because some nut job decided to go on a mass rampage, does not mean that everyone with guns should pay. Many people with guns consider that a hobby, just like liberals, i mean women like women's fashions. If guns became illegal, I would only buy even more through dealers, or commonly known as the "black market".
2007-04-16 13:11:51
answer #3
answered by blalblblblldldl 2
It's true, not all people should be trusted with assault rifles, but why should that include me? I'm a taxpaying, law abiding citizen. I'm also a gun owner.
A gun, like a car, is a tool. It only performs the tasks directed by its operator. The two maniacs who shot people at VA Tech today are to blame: not video games, not guns, not movies. I brought up a car as an example for a very specific reason. Far more people in the US are killed by cars every year than by guns. Should we ban cars too? How about air planes? More Americans were killed on 9/11 by airplanes than by gun deaths in the past two decades.
I will submit that guns make it easier to kill people, but so so do any number of items. If a person is truly determined to kill randomly, he will do so. These murders today could just as easily ran into a crowd of people with an SUV. Guns don't kill people--people kill people. To claim that guns caused these deaths today is the same as claiming that spoons made Rosie O'Donnell fat.
If you really want to attack the heart of the problem, take a closer look at the ideology behind the killers. I'm willing to bet that they have a common denominator with Osama bin Laden, the 9/11 hijakers, and the DC Snipers.
2007-04-16 06:21:46
answer #4
answered by godofsparta 2
Banning assault rifles is a bad idea that could lead to the banning of other guns vital for self-defence and hunting. It happened in Britain after Hungerford, 10 years later they banned pistols. And after the ban gun crime is worse than ever as criminals will still find a way to get illegal weapons.
Maybe issue a special permit to people who own heavy weapons and have a sanity and criminal background check before an individual buys a new gun, but there should be no other regulation.
How many machine-gun owners have shot up a university? One madman, that's all.
Psychos like that are the exception to the rule, most weapons collectors are sane, responsible and law-abiding.
2007-04-16 06:17:05
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Republicans are gonna start screaming at you about their 2nd Amendment rights!
Nobody needs an assault rifle. But at the same token we don't really need more legislation on guns. We need to enforce the laws already on the books.
Sickens me to see 21 kids die.
Also reminds me that 21 people dying in a day in Iraq is just another typical day.
2007-04-16 06:13:38
answer #6
answered by Josh 3
Synonyms: attack, beating, stabbing, mugging, battering, pasting
Antonym: defence
Synonyms: offensive, attack, onslaught, incursion, storming, blitz, raid, charge
Antonym: retreat
Where can I get one of those retreat rifles??? And is it pink with little flowers hanging off of it??? Maybe it shoots little rose petals...
Geesh....Relax...Get a couple of beers and climb in the pickup...Go down to the dump and shoot a few rats.....You will feel alot better...
I have an "assault" rifles in the closet......So far the death tally stands at about six deer.....about three dozen squirrels...assorted and sundry quantities of beer cans, tree trunks, homemade targets..........But I can hit what I aim at...And the shells are about four bucks a box, so I got plenty..
Almost forgot BlaaaBlaaaBlaaa.........Whine whine ...BlaaaBlaaaBlaaa
Oh and "Machine guns" can legaly be bought in this country....It requires a Federal permit.......
2007-04-16 06:34:54
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
You want to use the deaths of people at the hands of pistol toting madman to ban rifles? I suppose you can come up with just one murder commited by an American using his or her legally owned machinegun? I think not.
Most gun nuts do not think all people can be trusted with guns. The law says this too.
2007-04-16 15:27:42
answer #8
answered by ranb40 5
In what way is an assault rifle more dangerous than a handgun, auto shotgun, or bolt action rifle?
Also, for the record, you can't purchase an automatic weapon. These are semi-auto. I can run about as many rounds throug a lever action rifle as you can through a semi-auto.
2007-04-16 06:14:42
answer #9
answered by desotobrave 6
Think before you speak, or should I say research...the shooter used a 9mm and a .22 caliber, both handguns.
Automatic rifles have been heavily regulated since the National Firearms Act of 1934.
This places a $200 tax stamp, required, for each select fire weapon, short barrel shotgun, or suppressor transfer.
2007-04-17 11:54:21
answer #10
answered by Jimi 3
We don't need to ban guns. We need to prosecute the people who use them. If a gun lays in the cabinet for a hundred years, no one dies. Deaths and injuries occur from misuse of guns. They also occur from misuse of autos. Should we ban cars? Yours goes first.
Better question- When will libs stop talking like morons? Of course, the answer is when they grow brains.
2007-04-16 06:41:40
answer #11
answered by Anonymous