I am Wiccan and yes. I am a member of a tradition of Wicca that does not worship tradition-specific gods. I have a relationship with real, living deities, but their names would not help you find them, and aren't of use to you.
The Goddess and The God of Wicca, as many nonWiccans call the gods worshipped by Wiccans, are two deities of a pantheon, with specific names guarded within the tradition- Wiccans are not ditheists, but polytheists worshipping at least two of many gods.
Other groups of Wiccans have found that the organic structure of Wicca works better with deities other than the two Gardner liked....
2007-04-17 07:03:24
answer #1
answered by LabGrrl 7
I am a Witch, not a Wiccan or Pagan. Please don't branch us all in the same category, as my practices are very different from both Wiccan and Pagan. I don't know if I ualify to answer this question but::
-The Wiccan way of life is considered a religion in its own right, therefore there must be some deities to worship or see good through. I don't know much about this, although I have studied Wiccan practices! I assume that there are many deities to worship, as it would make no sense for there to be one absolute, by the way that Wiccan's live!
-I know nothing of the Pagan religion though I gather that it is more THINGS that are worshipped than any specific deity, or a deity of specific THINGS. Like the Moon for example ^_^
-Being a Witch and following a God/Goddess are two entirey different things. For instance I am a Methodist Christian, I ask the Angels for guidance instead of God-bothering, and I have also been told by the Angelic Realms (and realised through powers in me) that I am an embodyment of the Spring Goddess Cochenne. So in that respect, it is possible to be a branch of a deity and worship God at the same time, as well as practice Magick, permitting your religion allows. (I just take it that Jesus was a Magick performer... Miracles are just under a different name is all!)
I'm pretty sure a decent google or yahoo search will lead you to your answers! There are a great many Gods and Godesses out there, and other such deities, so it would be too much for someone to list here, methinks. In love and light, Tasha x
2007-04-17 01:02:54
answer #2
answered by missytetra 3
I am both a Wiccan and a Witch and basically to say who, is not answerable.. I don't have the time nor the space to nor the intent to type thousands of possible Gods/Goddesses out.. Get the idea ? we call upon the Deity/s who is best suited to the intent of our ritual, or just the way we wish to feel on any given day.. Also we may honour a Deity on a particular day, even ones we don't normally work with... Blessed Be .. )O(
2007-04-16 08:48:59
answer #3
answered by Bunge 7
Wicca differs from other Neopagan religions in that, in Wicca, there are only two gods -- The Goddess and The Horned God, and they can be called by any name you want to call them by.
I am a Pagan, not a Wiccan, and I worship the Greek Pantheon. For me, there are many gods, and each one is a separate entity. They are not merely archetypes or symbols to me, though I used to look at it that way. For me, the Gods are very real and very much alive. I may pray to a specific deity based on my specific need, but I also believe that each of us as a Patron Deity. I try to dedicate daily prayers to my Patron. This Patron Deity chooses you, not the other way around. I have found that the Patron Deity can change as one grows and learns. When you are ready, this deity will reveal him/her/itself to you.
2007-04-16 17:11:45
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I'm a young Pagan and I come from a Pagan family as well.
Some Pagans/Wiccan do worship certain deities. I on the other hand don't like to get into the names because I would become very confussed. What I do it just call them the Lord and they Lady, otherwise known, as you know, the God and Goddess.
2007-04-16 04:32:07
answer #5
answered by Josh 2
I am pagan. I have been chosen by Hermes. The only thing I got to choose was which name to call him by. As for the goddess aspect, I do not have a specific goddess as of yet. I have played with Diana and Briggit, but neither really stick. I just think of her as either "the goddess" or "the lady" and leave it at that.
Both are just aspects anyhow. It's more the masculine and femanine that I woship than any specific name.
2007-04-16 05:30:47
answer #6
answered by taliswoman 4
I follow the Greek Pantheon. Although I do not worship the famous ones. I worship those that were there before being taken down by their offspring and I worship the younger ones as well. It's complicated...
2007-04-16 05:11:30
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
interestingly that a brilliant form of folk think of you may desire to examine an unwell written fable (aka The Bible). i'm undecided in case you're searching for some sturdy reads or books that handle Wicca &/or witchcraft. in case you elect for actuality that's no longer fairly Wiccan, i choose for to recommend something by using Scott Cunningham and a e book by using Raynmond Buckland reported as "Scottish Wtichcraft, historic past and Magick of the Picts". yet please! stay away from Silver Ravenwolf except you elect for to envision some relatively interesting analyzing, yet be constructive you no longer take something she says. i think of she writes extra for the upset childrens, and for some reason they draw close on each observe and take care of it through fact the actuality.. individually Ithink she is the goddess of Fluffy Bunnies. in case you ar searching for a sturdy fictional e book related to witches, Wiccans etc i'm afraid i won't be in a position to show you a thank you to, BB )O(
2016-10-03 01:52:44
answer #8
answered by doolin 4
I'm a pagan, not a Wiccan, but my viewpoint is that deities are symbolic and I'll appeal to whatever metaphor suits my purpose at the moment.
The holidays on the site below list a lot of deities that may be thought of for each one.
2007-04-16 04:32:23
answer #9
answered by KC 7
My own belief is somewhat different from the traditional god/goddess beliefs. I feel that there are two dominant forces in this world: male and female, and that different cultures and religions have symbolized them in different ways.
2007-04-16 06:49:28
answer #10
answered by xx. 6