Take a long hot bath. Relax. All of this is normal. A lot of women are going through the same thing. I know I am. I cry at everything. My head is killing me and my stomach is bloated and crampy. I am miserable. It will be ok and remember, "This too shall pass"
2007-04-16 03:20:35
answer #1
answered by mtippett17 3
I felt the exact same way when I first got pregnant..... The good news, it gets easier! I'm 14 weeks now and feel a whole lot better. Things that helped: Fresh Ginger, helped w/ the nausea and diarrhea. When I could not eat it (grated on some veggies and stir fried was easiest), I would make a tea and sip it.... You can get a tea ball at any grocery store. I am still pretty mood swingy, what helps me is a good cry! I turn on lifetime or a baby story or something really sappy! Just get the kleenex and have a good sobbing session.... You'll be amazed at how much better you'll feel! Sleep/rest whenever possible! You can take extra strength tylenol for the headaches, I only did when absolutely necessary. I did however start seeing a chiropractor and massage therapist, this helped the headaches big time! Just be sure to let them know you are pregnant before they work on ya!
Hang in there! You will start feeling better soon!!
Very Best Wishes and Congrats!
2007-04-16 10:47:19
answer #2
answered by gracie 5
If mood swings are the worst of it, i'd suggest asking a doctor about taking Lamictil. It is Rx and I don't know if it would have any bad interaction with your pregnancy. SO talk to a healthcare professional. As to the cramps, hot water bottles always help me ease those away. And I know this is getting personal, but when you say bathroom, do you mean 1, 2, or nausea? If it's feeling as though your bladder is full, in the first few months of pregnancy that's because of the hormones. Later on, it'll be because your bladder is being subjected to pressure from your uterus. My best advice for that is to know where the bathroom is at all times. It may also be a UTI though, so I'd reccomend getting it checked. Overall, I'd suggest upping your fluid intake. I know it sounds silly, but many of these things are caused or influenced by dehydration.
2007-04-16 10:26:00
answer #3
answered by togspled 1
I am in the same boat as you are. I am 3 weeks pregnant as well, or so I think.. going to the doc. this week. I don't feel like I am having morning sickness, more like all day sickness. Headaches, nausea, major mood swings... I am going to try drinking water/gatorade in between meals, eating 6 small meals a day, not drinking while eating. The whole body is a mess right now with hormones, so I think the more basic you stay with foods and drinking will be best. Lots of rest!
2007-04-16 10:30:16
answer #4
answered by Roz 4
So when you say, you have to go to the bathroom do you mean no 2's? if so, constipation is a common symptom of pregnancy, the cramps I wouldnt worry about too much unless there was signs of bleeding, The headaches are due to all the hormone changes in your body. The mood swings my dear, well it's only the beginning Im afraid! (if your anything like I was)The highs and lows should die down after the 3rd month in your second trimester, ou should start feelin good by then. just hang in there, eat healthy and drink lots of water.
Good luck!
2007-04-16 10:29:32
answer #5
answered by brigdib 1
For your headache, take Tylenol Extra Strength...it is a blessing!! Lay down when you feel like it and take time for yourself. It only 9 months...you can be selfish during this time and people will be more understanding. Plus not the whole 9 months is like that for all women. Mine thus far (I'm 31 weeks) has been pretty smooth sailing. But since I am in my 3rd trimester, the headaches and nausea have come back. I just lay down and try to distract myself by watching my favorite movie or show or reading a book. Look forward to the 2nd trimester...it was the BEST! Your body has adjusted the shift in hormones and you actually can feel your baby and that makes you forget about the 1st trimester's pain....then the 3rd trimester comes and its like being back in the 1st. Just take it easy and sleep as much as possible. After a nap I always feel much better! Take care and I hope you feel better! Good luck and congrats!
2007-04-16 10:27:52
answer #6
answered by ArrowExterm 1
hey there in regards to your question,.. i am also pregnant myself and when i first fell pregnant i experienced the same symptoms as you have mentioned. In regards to the feeling and crampsin your stomach,i suggest you either take some panadol or go and take a visit to your local gp.whilst your there ask him/her 2 prescribe you with a medicine called Maxolon. This will help ease the cramps and the stomach pains you are experiencing. In regards to the mood swings,look they happen all the time during pregancy so what helps meis that i do something to put mymind off it.Give it a try and i hope i have helped. Good Luck with everything
2007-04-16 10:36:21
answer #7
answered by kittylover 1
Yuk...I feel just like you do in early pregnancy. My stomach is never normal. I'm either nauseous or throwing up, or I've got diahrea and bloating.
The things we do to bring babies into the world! But they are definitely worth it.
Just realize this will be a hard time for you, but you will make it like millions of women before you have. You should start to feel better in a month or so, and getting used to being pregnant helps, too.
There are good teas you can drink while pregnant, with herbs that are soothing. You can get them at homeopathic or natural medicine websites.
Best of luck. Hang in there! And congratulations - you are already a mother who is caring for a child.
2007-04-16 10:25:58
answer #8
answered by Veritas 7
If this is your first pregnancy even if its not your body is still trying to get your hormone levels right for the baby so your mood swings could be normal. The cramping may be normal as well due to your body getting ready to carry the baby however if the pain goes beyond simple cramping there is cause for concern. The headaches are also probably due to your hormones. If you are really concerned you should always call your doctor and ask them about your concerns.
2007-04-16 10:29:27
answer #9
answered by olsen 1
well, honestly all of that is normal. If its really bad you may want to talk to your doctor and ask what things you can do, but really I think with all the hormones you have now, you'll be feeling like this for quite a while. I'm 9 weeks and just yesterday, I was telling my hubby that I felt like crap and I didn't feel like doing anything. I said, " I hate sleeping, eating, going to work, watching T.V., going out....everything bothers me!!" But then I wake up this morning and I'm feeling queezy but I'm okay because I've got (two) little lives growing inside me. This is my first pregnancy, but I've been told it gets better during the 2nd trimester. But don't worry, we're all in this together. Good luck!
2007-04-16 10:24:08
answer #10
answered by Jess 5