YES. Babies have rights 2 and it goes against the commandment "THOU SHALL NOT KILL." if u abort a baby, ur killing some1 who could have changed the world. u never kno, that baby could have been the next president or a world-wide actor.
2007-04-15 13:39:00
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
well a home abortion is illegal.
As for it being wrong that all depends on your morals and beliefs.
I personally think as soon as the child is conceived it's a life. Not after the first trimester.
I think when you have an abortion you are killing a person. I think of it as murder because that is what it is.
HOWEVER I think if you were raped, the child will be deformed, etc or have health issues then abortion is the best option because no one deserves to born if they're not going to be able to live life completely.
I think teenagers need to stop having sex. They don't use protection and then they end up pregnant and asking "how did it happen?" or they just lie and say they were on the pill and weren't.
Abortion should not be used a form of birth control because that is not what it is.
Birth control pills, condoms, spermicides, etc are birth control forms.
I personally think you have an abortion just because you're not mature enough to have a child maybe you should rethink why you're having sex. The main reason to have sex is to conceive a child. So why have sex if that's not your goal?
2007-04-15 13:41:40
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Abortion is not only wrong but is is MURDER and I believe that there are five people in the History of the World would would say that it is Murder;
1. God because he is the almighty creator and since children are a gift from God, a child of God is being killed if they are aborted.
2. Jesus Christ because he was a man who was not a sinner and he gave his life on the cross so that we can be forgiven of our sins and since murdering is a sin, Jesus Christ would not stand to see a child of God being murdered.
3. George Washington. Before he became the first President of the United States of America, he put his job on the line so that Future Americans could have freedom and a chance towards democracy and had Washington lost the American Revolution, the history of the world would have been altered forever.
4. Mother Theresa because she was a nun who believed that life was worth living and she devoted her whole life to helping the poor.
5. The Pope. From Saint Peter to Benedict XVI, the Pope would be against it because they believe that life is worth living and the Christianity is against murder and it is even mentioned in the Ten Commandments.
2007-04-15 13:45:43
answer #3
answered by Mr. Knowledgeable VI 7
It shouldn't be something you do just because you can, with little to no thought. You are killing a baby, no matter what the circumstances. I believe that every woman should be able to choose. But I would never encourage anyone to do it. I think that anyone considering abortion should also consider adoption. The end result is the same, you don't have a baby to take care of. And the mental baggage will be a little lighter.
But only you can decide what you feel is right.
2007-04-15 13:45:38
answer #4
answered by pinkluxe 3
Well I think it is wrong because you are killing someone they have a spirit once they are conceived and if you can go to prison for killing someone who has been born shouldn't the same be rquired for killing someone who had no say at all? I do think that there are times when it is necessary for an abortion, but if you want one just because you should and I believe will be held accountable maybe not this life but the next
2007-04-15 13:39:30
answer #5
answered by ja man 5
Abortion is wrong because your killing an innocent life... and its not just any life, its the life of the persons child.
Who would want to kill their own child? no one... people have the idea that its ok burned into their own mind. They think that the babys not alive, but we don't know for sure.
Life is too easy these days and we can just quit anything and not go through it, but people need to wake up and deal with everything as the mature adults they clame to be.
2007-04-15 13:46:56
answer #6
answered by skilletfan911 3
Ethically, there are stages of development that make killing the unborn child MUCH more wrong than others.
The more advanced the growing baby, the more wrong it becomes, ethically to destroy it.
For instance,
I do not consider an embryo: before 8th week gestation,
the same as a 20 week gestation (5 month old) fetus who has the full capability of feeling pain and is aware and a fully conscious and sentient being.
Partial birth abortion is just a fancy way to kill a baby who can feel as a pair of scissors (factual) are lodged into the back of his skull and a high powered suction machine is shoved in the stab wound and is killed by sucking out the brains.
however, the other methods in that late stage and a bit before (14 to 28 week old fetus or almost 5 to 7 months old) is dismemberment of limbs with sharp instruments shoved into the uterus and the baby dies by bleeding to death as it is dismembered alive.
And injecting poison into the heart,
sometimes they miss and stab it in other places.
So you can get where I'm coming from,
killing it before the first trimester is very sad and probably wrong,
but not nearly as wrong as it begins to become later in development and the techniques which are beyond cruel which are used.
And I'd like to remind you that Roe v. Wade was ONLY meant to be within the first trimester,
another very horrible court case (Casey) allowed this so called "viability" which is hogwash, really, to allow aware innocent beings to be violated and destroyed in such barbaric ways.
2007-04-15 14:03:20
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
It's wrong but so is a lot of other life-ending actions. The abortion rate is still appalling due to irresponsability of individuals.
2007-04-15 13:43:37
answer #8
answered by david m 5
abortion should only be done if it is risking the mothers life.
It's wrong because it's like murder. A baby, fetus, or whatever you want to call it is alive once the sperm enters the egg.
2007-04-15 13:39:34
answer #9
answered by Munchy.Blind.Bear. 2
Wow.... as I'm reading some of the answers this question's got, I've got to wonder if there's really that many inane people in America. How the hell are we a superpower when so many of our population is bloody retarded?
With that mini rant out of the way, no abortion's not immoral. People who say a fetus is a person are full of sh*t. That's like saying an acorn is the same thing as an oak tree.
Pro-lifers like to claim they're on the side of life. If that's true, they should support a program that randomly selects people, kills them, harvest their organs, and save multiple people that need organ transplants. There's a net gain of life in the process so that's also "pro-life". They don't understand that sometimes the right to choose overrides the right to life.
2007-04-15 13:47:14
answer #10
answered by hyungbinkim 3
It is wrong because it takes away an unborn's life. If there is uncertainties about when life begins, the benefit of the doubts should go with preserving life.
2007-04-15 13:50:23
answer #11
answered by RICARDVS 4