The Jews USED to be Gods' chosen people...God got mad at their crapola and kicked them the hell out of Israel....and said that He would raise Himself up sons from the gentiles.
God said he would restore the Jews to Israel when they ceased their rebellion (which includes their rebellion of not accepting Jesus as the Messiah)...but the Jews have sought to bring those prophecies to pass by their own means, while still in rebellion...and that is why "Israel" is such a hell-hole. The Scriptures say that when God restores the Israelites to Israel, they will dwell in peace and safety. Funny...because those are the last words that come to mind when one thinks of Israel today...obviously, this UN-made israel which usurped other peoples' land is not the fullfillment of the prophecies or what God had in mind.
Some Jews understand this- Many Orthodox Jews even protest the Zionist Jews being in Israel today- google it and see.
2007-04-15 12:55:20
answer #1
answered by Ed Norton 2
Everyone thinks they are god´s chosen people. Catholics, Muslims, Jews, everyone, except Buddhists (I may be wrong)
I was raised catholic and hated when the nuns in my school told us we had the TRUE religion, the ONLY truth. But they could never answer to questions like: so if someone happens to be born in islael, saudi, etc, that means God is not going to forgive them? Or the other way around?
I believe all religions try to raise "good" people, but the mistake they are making is teaching this NARCISITIC posture that we or they are the REAL and ONLY ones chosen by God.
That is what starts wars, not only the recent or not so recent jiadh (or however its spelled, sorry dont want to insult anyone) but also with catholics during the Inquisition etc. Everyone has done pretty bad stuff!
ACCEPTANCE and TOLERANCE is the only way to go. Otherwise you may have Narcissistic traits and hold on to your beliefs so much maybe because you dont want others to challenge your weak opinions.Like in catholicism whenever you want to challenge something they cant explain they just tell you its a "mystery of faith" haha how convinient.
SO this is what Ive learned, growing up catholic, going to a catholic all girls nuns school, having jewish ancestors, and muslim ex-bfs:
This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness. (DALAI LAMA)
2007-04-15 12:52:04
answer #2
answered by B 2
So, if the Jews are the chosen ones, and anyone who reads the bible knows it, why isn't every one else Jewish?? It only seems logical that if it is written in the bible, and the bible is the what millions live by, then how come everyone else don't live as a Jew? Don't all religions believe that they are gods people.
2007-04-15 12:53:35
answer #3
answered by niecie 2
I guess paradise is in the eye of the beholder! Serious now, It says in the Bible that Jews are God's chosen people. It makes me think that maybe they are the line of Seth, then Noah after the flood of course. Cain's line is the rest of us. Gentiles? Anybody else have a thought on that?
2007-04-15 12:44:44
answer #4
answered by Chloe 4
we are God's chosen people to get the Jewish scriptures and the Messiah too. I have been to Israel and its very wonderfull great growth and if you go to the neighboring arab countries its just the opposite. Hawaii is nice too
but even there they need hope-as a Jew I needed it too= The Messianic words to HaTikvah -give the true national anthem of Israel "Long I wandered long I strayed, searching for God and his Messiah's reality, then I found him------His love laid hold of me--------pause---- now I know him ------as my best friend------now i know his shalom with my heart-----now I have peace and hope that never will depart!
As a Jew I sang the traditional songs but had no hope
then I believed Isaiah 52:13-53:12 He will be exalted but first marred more than any man. He will lay down his life to make atonement for our sins. He will be despised and rejected and our sins will be made to light on him. All we like sheep have gone astray but the Lord will make to light on him the iniquities of us all. He will die with the wicked and be burried with the rich.
through this I found our Messiah Jesus asked forgiveness of my sins and him into my heart to be my friend to help me, amen (Revelation 3:19&20 He promised in His love for each person knockin on our heart door to come in)
and I got the true hope of my Jewish people, with Him my savior and best friend Messiah life is grand.
be part of the chosen come to the Jewish Messiah too. It is in God's word why not believe Him?
2007-04-16 07:24:17
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
This "chosen people" thing seems to be much more important to Christians than to Jews. I wonder why?
2007-04-16 07:21:42
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Do they think that? Thats something new, I honestly didn't know that. Mabye it is in the Torah that those with Jewish parents, or who follow Judaeism are their God's chosen few?
I don't really know enough about Judaeism to say, I'm not even sure I spelt that right.
2007-04-15 12:45:42
answer #7
answered by Anonymous 2
Because they are GODS CHOSEN
2007-04-15 15:55:04
answer #8
answered by chickengal 2
Because Jesus was a Jew, so they are gods chosen people.
2007-04-15 12:42:37
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I'm not a jew..but I know I'm chosen....great kids...great wife
2007-04-15 12:42:31
answer #10
answered by smiles 2