The court jester would be a four-pointed hat with bells or round tassles (pom poms) on the end of each point. But this is just how it is recognised.
The court jester was a slave. He would also wear a collar or rope of some kind.
The symbols used for a jester however would be:
--A series of three circles horizontally next to each other (signifies slavery through childhood, adulthood, and old age, and also the ability to juggle)
-- A curled toe shoe from the side
-- A pictoral version of the four-pointed hat
-- A harsh picture of a crucifix-style cross with a jesters hat layered over it.
-- a raibow with a cloud at either end ("You don't know where he begins, or where he disappears, but his colours are bright and many"-- excerpt from the tale of Lady Ragnall and Sir Gawain when Gawain describes the knights jester.)
Hope this helps! In love and light, Tasha x p.s. email me if you want to know any more about what I've said above! my address is ^_^
2007-04-15 14:34:56
answer #1
answered by missytetra 3
The stripey hat with the points on and bells on it - if you just wore one of them and normal clothes people would know it was a jester`s hat.
2007-04-15 19:53:06
answer #2
answered by yahoobloo 6
for pointed or more tassle hat and a stripey suit made of silky material which is very colourful the shoes are also pointy as well abit like a skinny clown really lol ma xx
2007-04-15 19:41:32
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
The four point tasseled hat.
2007-04-15 19:33:07
answer #4
answered by Terry 7