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why they make movies like 300 by this look of persian, if any one read the history of persian they will know that the most democratic , modernate people in history were persian.
this is correct that persian loose that war but go and reasearch for that why they loose, and never persian look like evil or gay, and how could that 300 fight against that much persian , they were more soljuer there?

2007-04-13 22:34:37 · 13 answers · asked by vipboy_19 1 in Arts & Humanities History

13 answers

I wonder if it could not be because what was persia is now Iran ... and we all know that certain current Goverments are saying what bad people the Iranians are ...

could it just be a form of subliminal propaganda ?

2007-04-13 22:44:49 · answer #1 · answered by ll_jenny_ll here AND I'M BAC 7 · 1 0

Firstly, a thank you for the question; I am assuming English isn't your first language and you have done well to articulate yourself, although some comments by users may be less constructive. A lack of understanding of a language cannot be correlated to ones intellect; maturity is a word loosely used these days.

Persia used to be called Iran before it became Persia; its meaning is "land of the Aryans". Persians (this is the RACE of people living in Iran) are Anlgo-Aryan descendants. Persians were rather fare, but the continual invasions by barbarians such as the Greeks, Turks, and the Arabs resulted in racial diversification.

The Aryans/Persians were the most civilised race in the world during the time. There are still scientific riddles within Persian history that still baffle scientists today. There is a vast amount of historical data that certainly is in contradiction with this movie, perhaps some credible, peer-reviewed academic literature may provide a more accurate insight into such history; and perhaps not one or two books written by novelists. And yes, this is a just a fictional movie, and the story is based on the very talented Frank Miller comics.

Unfortunately, the minds of simpletons are moulded by movies, and USA/Hollywood has been using this media channel for many years now to instil certain feelings into viewers, and wage a subtle psychological war on countries such as Iran. And you would ask why? USA is the protector of the free world? Hmmm. Well perhaps look at the USA economy recently. The emergence of China; the Reddest, communist country today, has resulted in a massive shift of power and economy in the world. This is the motivation of USA, and countries like Iran support China with natural resources.

You have to remember that countries play a 20-30 year game of chess, and quite often, we do not understand the true reasons behind such moves. I am not implying that 300 is a movie produced to discredit Iran, however, the people who made the movie are part of the big, ugly, greedy machine called USA.

Also, for everyone who thinks Iran is anti-Semitic, there is a fairly large Jewish community living in Iran, and they are all protected by the laws there. This is merely an Isreali/USA smear campaign. Iranian politicians have made comments such as “Isreal should not exist as a State”, which by historic account, is correct. The British Foreign Minister pledges support for an establishment of a “Jewish national home in Palestine.” This is totally against the Palestinian Government, and hence, technically, Israel should not be a State. We can argue this til the cows come home…, but my point is, poor journalism that is based on ratings should not be taken as true and correct.

2007-04-17 20:33:24 · answer #2 · answered by Arvin . 1 · 0 0

Why is it that Persians whine so much when someone says something about them or their history that they do not like, and then at the same time they make the most ridiculous rewrites of their own, such that the holocaust never occurred. You claim that the Persians were the most democratic and modernate (whatever that might mean, modern or moderate) people in history. This is so ridiculous that you must be joking.

It is a movie. Get over it. Most American movies do not even pretend to be related at all to the historical scenarios that provide their background. Anyone who thinks that this movie accurately portrays the Persians of that time probably already owns swamp land in Florida. Get over it.

2007-04-14 05:39:45 · answer #3 · answered by Fred 7 · 0 0

Okay, vipboy, time to grow up and face reality.
"Why DO they make movies like '300', that are against Persia?" First off, if you are going to accuse someone of doing something wrong, tell us who "they" are, or else we will not know who you are talking about. Secondly, there is no country called "Persia" today - so tell us which people this movie was made "against"? If you have some sources about Persian history, list them - or else no one will believe you when you say "If anyone were to read about the history of Persia..."
I have read Herodotus (The Histories) and Zenophon (The Persian Expedition). As for the rest, either use spell check, or try to familiarise yourself with English.
modern NOT modernate
lose NOT loose
soldiers NOT soljuer
Have a good day.

2007-04-13 22:57:06 · answer #4 · answered by WMD 7 · 2 0

There can be no argument but that Persia under King Xerxes tried to conquer the whole of the known world and that they were stopped at the Pass of Thermopalae by the 300 soldiers of Sparta under King Laertes. That we know from the historical record. Whether the film correctly shows the character and nature of the persians or the Spartans, no one knows as the incident was 2500 years ago. For an historical perspective read the book 'Persian Fire' by Tom Holland. You will learn a lot more than basing your history on the products of Hollywood.

2007-04-13 22:52:22 · answer #5 · answered by rdenig_male 7 · 2 0

can i just say that the movie '300' is entirely fictional..its based on a comic by Frank Miller and although I can't speak for the film industry as a whole I don't think that any of the makers of this film have anything against Persians...Maybe the country does..who knows?? But seriously Frank Miller is an artist who wrote comics such as 300, sin city and batman for FUN. not for political agendas.
so to answer the film is NOT against the persians!

2007-04-13 22:50:45 · answer #6 · answered by Mariam K 1 · 1 0

The movie was based on a comic book, it was never meant to be a documentary about the battle of Thermopylae. The story was told from the Spartan perspective, which would make the Persians the bad guys. The battle although a defeat for the Spartans bought Athens enough time to prepare to engage the Persian fleet, which turned out to be the decisive battle which stopped Persian expansion into Europe.

2016-05-19 22:06:37 · answer #7 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

As you already mentioned, Persia was the most advanced and powerful empire at that time. If you studied their religion, you would realize that Persian's ideology and world view were far more democratic than Spartans...actually...it was Sparta that had bunch of slaves living out miserable lives

* movie 300 is just the evidence showing what white people think of Asians

2007-04-13 23:57:10 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I haven't seen this film but the story is at he heart of Western Civilisation. Don't take it to heart,

For one thing there wasn't just 300 Spartans there, for another the Persian Empire(s) lasted until 1935!

2007-04-13 22:41:32 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Persians are a wonderful people and have a great history to be proud of.

It's called EXPLOITATION when people make movies, music, or other entertainment to sell based on the prejudice.

I know this, because black women are exploited all the time by rap music and hip-hop culture; I am not a 'ho' or a '*****' but you'd never guess that from the wave after wave of music videos shown on MTV.

2007-04-13 22:40:07 · answer #10 · answered by nora22000 7 · 1 1

It was just an artistic one-sided representation. The film makers simply needed 'good guys' and 'bad guys'. Xerxes was an infamous warlord so they choose him to represent the bad side, it doesn't mean they have a disliking of Persia. They could have easily have chosen Gengis Khan or Julius Caesar. If I remember correctly the Immortals were represented as quite stunning and well dressed people, implying that it was only the terrifying Xerxes who was the monster.

2007-04-13 22:40:02 · answer #11 · answered by thespoonmachine 2 · 0 1

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