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Secularism is a myth. No country can be secular in it's true sense. Ultimately every nation will reflect the culture and faith of the majority. All Muslim nations openly declare themselves as Islamic nations including Pakistan. Why India should shy away from this truth with 80% Hindu population and the only nation for the Hindus?.

2007-04-13 20:24:16 · 33 answers · asked by humanity.first 1 in Politics & Government Politics

33 answers

well, another form of racist has evolved.
You are a sad human being.
Why would you even ask that question.

2007-04-13 20:27:33 · answer #1 · answered by D.W.W. 4 · 6 3

yes, i think it should as it will not make any difference to the society.

As even if some people think this will kick muslim out, i dont think so cos reality is that many hindus and muslims living in india undertsand each other well, religiously also as many visit holy places of their counter parts for prayers.

Its only when some politicians and religious leaders get involved in that conflicts start. I believe indian hindus and indian muslims have a lot in common compared to indian christian.

Anyway, india will always be referrd as a hindu country although its muslim community is part of it and then no nation in the world can be said to have only one religion otherwise its dull.

Religion has never been a barrier to peace. all religions r for peace including islam as they have not tortured or forced people to conversion like the christian did mainly during the spanish conquistador christian period or like the red cross fellowers and so on. Even if many christian will never accept the truth that they r the terrorists and bush & the pope r two stupid wankers who encourages rapes and wars.

2007-04-13 21:01:39 · answer #2 · answered by ashmolko 2 · 0 0

Nepal has changed from being a Hindu nation to a secular nation.

India has to be guarded against the Hindutwa elements. Secular India is the accepted nationality and I for one is proud of this.

Tell me if India is declared a Hindu nation, where will the poor and humble Hindus like me, go?

2007-04-16 19:54:43 · answer #3 · answered by Vijay D 7 · 1 1

Do not consider Hindu as Religion only. Our religion is great, one of the best on this earth. It teaches how to leave the life selflessly. So many people came and ruled our nation, Britishers, Portuguese, Dutch, French Mo gals. They could not crush our culture. We considered each and every one as our brothers and sisters. We never crossed our borders for selfish purpose and yet survived with respect. We are respected all over the world. Pakistan did not survive.(Parted with Bangladesh). They are not going to survive for next 10 years. Pakistan will be Taliban with in short time and will face problems like Afghanistan if they will act timely.

2016-04-01 01:06:34 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

India can do what it wants. With a few issues on what and where can somethings be displayed and what can or cannot be said, the US is stronger for not official declaring itself under a specific religion.

However, if you want to support that India should, the Islamic nations aren't a very good example to help your cause.

2007-04-13 20:30:28 · answer #5 · answered by Χαλαρά 7 · 2 0

firstly correct your stats coz the population of hindus in india is less than 70% and secondly is there any problem with you. i mean what will change if india is declared a hindu nation nothing will change everything will remain the same only people will get away from each other emotionally and racially

2007-04-14 06:17:36 · answer #6 · answered by sunny 2 · 2 0

Very shortly - NO. India is an excellent example of greatest working democracy. Secularism is only way to keep religious understanding and peace in the societies like India. Don't destroy India anymore.

2007-04-14 09:59:29 · answer #7 · answered by VERITAS 33 3 · 2 0

As our india is a democreatic country, not secularism.
Islamic countries may be declared as muslims countries, because, the islamic leaders are rulling their countries in the dectetorship method, raj- tantra,.
This is the proude of india, under one roof- living so many
religions as freely, freedomly. Never india decleared the Hindu countries.And, we are indian are also proude of it.

2007-04-15 06:44:17 · answer #8 · answered by diprodiptaBanerjee 3 · 1 0

There is a huge case for supporting your statement. Whether one likes or not India is a land of the Hindu nation. Other religions springing from elsewhere have by foul means taken root in this land and even today they, after so many years, owe allegiance and loyalty to their faith - and not to the country and the traditions which the Hindus have built up over several millenia. The grandest exception to this state of affairs is the sole case of the Zoroastrians{PARSEES OF INDIA} whose sense of loyalty and great contribution toIndia is out of all calculable proprtions to their small numbers.By accepting the foreign religions India has lost a great deal of the glory that she once was. If India is to regain the total freedom for Indians, there is no way out than to reaffirm in law and in practice the fact that India is Hindu. After all that is the only place the Hindus can all their own and there is nothing to be ashamed to suggest that thesocalled secularism is an attack on the hoary culture of Sanatana Dharma. Many thanks for this query.

2007-04-14 01:08:21 · answer #9 · answered by polymath 1 3 · 1 4

who said secularism is a myth?
and why should we follow some other nation's doing?
if they want to declare themselves as according to their majority of population(pakistan etc)
let them. we are different. let us be different.

and one thing....many ppl from so many religious backgrounds have done so many things for this country...shouldn't we atleast respect their efforts and make this country a secular one?
mother teresa , tipu sultan , mahatma gandhi etc...
they all made india proud.
and what difference does it makes?? will india progress in a better way if we declare it as a hindu nation?
which other nation is called with different honourable names as according to their religion?
hindustan, bharat, india.
aren't the names from different religious backgrounds?

the fact is that we end up fighting for all the wrong things whereas the same energy could have been used for the welfare of this nation.

2007-04-14 02:24:42 · answer #10 · answered by *~Hope~* 3 · 2 1

India's secular credentials make us stand wproud in the world... even the West is shocked that Indian muslims haven't taken up arms
our secularism is a boon, we should not throw it away

2007-04-13 22:03:51 · answer #11 · answered by sushobhan 6 · 3 0

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