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We get it already. You don't like Harley Davidson. You don't see me going to all the super bike questions to say bad stuff. Grow up and get over your Harley envy!

2007-04-13 20:05:12 · 19 answers · asked by Molliemae 4 in Cars & Transportation Motorcycles

19 answers

I would like to know why so much bashing on here even exist, I Ride a Honda my Brother rides a Suzuki My best Friend rides a Harley ,my other friend rides a sports bike and a guy on a trike rides with us some time ,We all get along just fine and none of us bash the others rides ,only on here do people bash each others rides ,Must be a Northern Thang /Peace

2007-04-14 03:30:01 · answer #1 · answered by Terry S 5 · 3 1

To be blunt, I can own and ride any damn thing I want. And I do. And I couldn't give a rats ass what you or anyone else rides.

This is the same tired argument from the same type of zealots that preach against helmet laws. Same response. Ride how you want. I couldn't care less if you are a candidate for the Darwin Awards or not.

Every REAL rider that draws a breath knows that every marque has it's diamonds, and it's lemmons. Every one of them builds at least one great bike, and every one of them builds a dud. REAL riders appreciate the machine for what it is, not for what it's not.

It really comes down to this; Shut up and ride. Period. Doesn't matter what you ride, when you ride, where you ride, or how you ride. Just ride. And wave at every bike you meet. We're all cut from the same mold. Some of us just place our values in different places than others. Ain't that what makes this country great?

2007-04-14 10:36:40 · answer #2 · answered by Nomad 4 · 8 2

Because they are just plain ignorant.There are some older metric riders on here that I give my utmost respect to.I think most of the bashing comes from a bunch of young punks that don't know what they;re talking about.The older guys have been around long enough to actually know what they like.The younger ones only know that they don't ride a Harley so it must be wrong.Ride what you like best.

2007-04-14 14:10:29 · answer #3 · answered by bill b 5 · 2 3

Everyone is into their own thing and we should respect that. In saying that though, riding a Harley is very much an image thing and because so many take it so seriously it is really fun (and easy) to get them annoyed. Most sports bike riders are focused on the engineering/performance not the image and really couldn't care less if someone bagged their bike.
Trust me envy has nothing to do with it. We tend to have a sense of humour though.

2007-04-14 03:56:27 · answer #4 · answered by ozraibike 2 · 4 5

I'm the equal opportunity type.

I think she's talkin' to you, Gary M, and others of your ilk.
You got the first part right, everybody likes thier own.
Which provides no reason at all to say anything negative.

You never saw me write anything about cars on two wheels, have you?
Like she said, grow up.

P. S. If I'm facing you at a stop light, will you wave when I go by in the opposite direction?

2007-04-14 03:42:24 · answer #5 · answered by Firecracker . 7 · 9 1

Because it's a "Motorcycle" category. And as usual..... a Harley only rider is stirring the crap pot first.... not a "sport biker". If you don't like it why don't you rally for a "Harley" category and get outta here? I do happen to like Harley-Davidson's. I own two. Been riding them since 1972. How long have you? I bet you weren't even born yet. They are the most undependable motorcycles I have ever owned. One alone has caused me more grief than all the "metric" bikes I've owned put together. And that number is in the dozens. They leak, they break, they perform inferior, you need two sets of wrenches, overpriced, etc. There is absolutely nothing to be envious about. In fact, as a motorcycle rider I am embarrassed to own one. However there seem to be a lot of naive women out there without a vibrator. I am single and have a lot of gal friends so owning a Harley is necessary for that. I wouldn't want to be "not cool". Or not considered "a man" because I don't have one. Got to be part of "the experience", "the family", all that crap you know. Tellin' people to grow up? Maybe they don't want to. Some people are still kids at heart and able to perform. Can't do that when your motorcycle is in the service department.

2007-04-14 14:42:17 · answer #6 · answered by toyracer49 3 · 4 9

I just bought a Harley for my girlfriend and she is delighted with it. I know she wouldn't rise to some pillock knocking them !! They are jealous and green with envy. So am I cos I havent got a bike licence !

2007-04-14 03:11:04 · answer #7 · answered by charliebrown 2 · 5 3

"because so many take it so seriously it is really fun (and easy) to get them annoyed"

little kids like this are the ones that ruin the forum for most, and cause problems with trying to annoy people in the streets, doing dangerous stunts to impress or annoy , its the "look at me" attitude that drives me nuts, then they say its harley people that want the attention

2007-04-14 08:38:24 · answer #8 · answered by swenjj 4 · 5 3

ive had harleys and now have a kawasaki drifter and love it,i like all bikes,and agree that its stupid to bash others stuff...

2007-04-14 11:13:09 · answer #9 · answered by john doe 5 · 5 1

Have you ever listened to a Harley rider at Sturgis or Daytona when he's interviewed? If they ask them about why they ride a Harley the first thing out of his/her mouth is "I won't ride a &#@%$$# rice burner". So maybe the bashers are just getting even ya think? I don't think it's envy myself. I'm sure if anyone really wanted to own a Harley they'd find a way.

2007-04-14 10:08:34 · answer #10 · answered by ms_beehayven 5 · 6 8

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