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Americans constantly claim they live in a free society- free to choose their elected representatives and place them in the position of authority to guide their countries' actions both at home and abroad. So how then are Americans as a whole not responsible for the actions of their country? When they claim they are not, are they admitting that they actually do not live in a country with a government that does abide by their wishes?

How is it that Americans can make a choice of majority to elect certain people to run their country, yet when that very government engages in acts they disagree with, they all cry wolf and say it's not our fault. Take responsibility for your country or put a cork in it.

2007-04-13 19:44:58 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

15 answers

You make a very good point.
Personally, I am deeply ashamed of my country right now. I think it is sad that so many people in this country support hypocritical evangelist. I think it is sad that so many people are willing to trade away their liberties for the allusion of security.

"Those who are willing to trade a little liberty for a little security, will not deserve either, and will probably lose both."-- Benjamin Franklin

2007-04-13 19:55:03 · answer #1 · answered by Harry 5 · 1 4

While I don't totally disagree with you (i.e. in reference to the people who say "he's not my President" - I agree with you there), let's look at this another way.

How many countries governments actually abide by the 'wishes' of their people all the time?

Secondly, how scientific are public opinion polls? I've been a voter more then 20 years now, and not once in that time have I been asked, either in person, on the phone, or through the mail (snail or electronic) for my opinions.

I'll tell you what, if you are so concerned about our actions in the world, how about this? -- We pull out all our troops around the globe. We end all foreign aid. So, when the next natural or man-made disaster or regional conflict hits, don't call on us, ok? Then we'll see just how much 'responsibility' we're supposed to take.

I'm sick and tired of being damned if we do, damned if we don't.

2007-04-13 19:53:18 · answer #2 · answered by MoltarRocks 7 · 3 0

Now even though we elect our officials we as a people do not have a vote in everything. Even beyond that I as a 24 year old woman have NOTHING to do with most anything that happened prior than when I was born or could vote ( throughout history? are you kidding?)

Look we elect our government, but our government is kept in check by our government itself. It's called the check and balance system. This system is the way laws, bills, and governmental decisions are challenged.

there are 3 branches
Legislative Branch- (they make laws/decisions)
Executive Branch- this is the president, holds the power to veto ( reject laws)
Judicial Branch- (enforces laws and/or finds them to be outside the bounds of our Bill of brights) ( supreme court judges are put in place by the president)

Once the people we elect take office we as people have the right to protest, we have the right to send them angry (non threatening) letters, and finally we can decide not to reelect them, but WE DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO MAKE LEGISLATIVE, EXECUTIVE, OR SUPREME COURT DECISIONS.

So, we as the people of the united states have limited responsibility in whatever choices are governments make. Unless you think Americans are psychic and can predict the future. I for one never saw 911 coming.

2007-04-13 21:58:46 · answer #3 · answered by Sweetseve 2 · 0 0

Yes, we should. Please, Send the checks for good we have done in the world over the past 250 years to my door. Rebuild Europe 2x? Rebuild Japan 1x? Stop the Nazis from taking over then entire world? Stop genocidal regimes? I take full responsibility.

The United State is a Democracy and most times actions are done without a majority or without a vast majority. How can you hold responsible the people who voted against George W. Bush? Or maybe the people who didn't vote to authorize Bush to use his discretion with the armed forces? I think your question, it's more of a statement, is completely absurd. Please riddle me this, should I be responsible for the things that were done in the 1820's? Even though I had to power to influence any of it? Please I would love to know where you are from and let me ask you the same question back. The people we elect to represent us do not always do what we want them to do and it is impossible for them to do what we all want them to do. Your statement is absolutely ridiculous.

Menifee Maniac - you might want to do a little research, many statements you make are false. Bush did ask congress, he asked them 3x total and the approved by a massive majority.

2007-04-13 21:36:40 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I hate the term "we". As an American, some people are always saying, "we mistreated the Native Americans", "we commited horrible acts against......". I have never done such. I do not take credit that is not mine and I hate it when people do that. I take credit as deserved and I seek benefits with moderation. I am proud to be a part of the country that has done so many good things though and I am proud to be an American. I don;t think I should be blamed or allowed credit for any good or bad things though since I didn't do it so I don;t deserve it.

2007-04-13 19:51:40 · answer #5 · answered by Elizabeth 4 · 1 0

"Take responsibility for your country or put a cork in it."


I have to agree with you. However, as a society, we are having difficulties with responsibility. Nothing is our fault. If we're fat, it's because of a gene. If we smoke it's because of stress at work, if our kids are failing in school, it's the school's fault....

At some point, PEOPLE have to stand up and take charge of their own lives.

I do take responsibility and will freely admit to supporting our government no matter what, even when I don't agree with it at times. The government does represent me and I represent it. No matter who the President is, was, or will be.

2007-04-13 20:00:22 · answer #6 · answered by ? 6 · 4 0

You cannot blame 300+ million people for the actions of a government. Irregardless of them being voted in or not, not a person can know what their elected leaders will or will not do. All anybody can do is vote and hope. I think it is funny that you talk tough online yet have you been able to come face to face with an American and debate and use such cutting remarks in person? I am sure you haven't. Talk tough in person, not online in your mothers basement. Worry about yourself and your own country.

2007-04-13 20:03:50 · answer #7 · answered by Kenneth C 6 · 2 1

Definetly yes. Especially consider the criminal actions of the US in the supplying of food to other countries. Also the horryfying practice of sponsoring the vaccination of children against such blessed diseases like poliomyelitis. After all a little paralysis is nothing when compared with the polluting touch of a western civilisation.

Enough of that uncivilised behaviour! Let us get rid of the tyranny of western civilisation! Long live the blessed leaders of alternative behaviour- like Pol Pot, Bokassa, Idi Amin, Mugabe...

Come to think of it, given the choice between a McDonald's and a slave labour camp, what would I choose? Tough choice...

2007-04-13 19:57:35 · answer #8 · answered by cp_scipiom 7 · 3 1

Whoever told you Americans live in a free society gave you a pipe-dream.

People are limited by racial, economic and educational barriers.

Concerning the acts of the President, Mr. Bush did not ask the American public to vote on invading Iraq; he did not even ask Congress to vote on declaring war; he invoked his emergency powers as Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces to achieve his ends.

Don't blame the people for the decision...especially not the majority of us, who voted for Al Gore in 2000....

2007-04-13 20:35:26 · answer #9 · answered by MenifeeManiac 7 · 0 1

you're right and that they are jealous....it rather is the record and that they can not deny it...the 1st Universities have been started by Christians, the sciences, music, literary arts and the printing press. on the instant Christians are scuffling with modern-day Slavery around the globe. suggestions you very few talk up against their persecution in 0.33 worldwide countries.

2016-12-29 09:06:38 · answer #10 · answered by poggi 2 · 0 0

No. If I as an American have to be held responsible then I would have to be responsible for all the atrocities that have taken place in Europe for centuries. My ancestors are buried in four different countries in Europe.

Thanks for the question.

2007-04-13 19:57:30 · answer #11 · answered by DeeJay 7 · 5 0

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