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i have. for countless reasons. am i the only one? i hate the fact that im a girl and that we always are standing behind the guys. i hate the fact that they can be playing us and just walk away like we nothing. i hate the fact that they are the people who are having fun and can be laughing about everything. i hate the fact that they can b the ones to be tough. i hate that they are the ones to be funny. when girls try to be funny, it just doesn't work. don't you ladies out there ever felt like this? or am i the only one? and o yeah, i hate the most that boys are more capable in sports. no matter how hard i try, i can't run as fast as the guys who hardly run or try to swim faster than them. am the only one who feels like this?

2007-04-13 19:08:08 · 114 answers · asked by Anonymous in Beauty & Style Other - Beauty & Style

114 answers

no ur not the only one who feels like that i wish i was a boy and i no some guys who wish they where girls.

2007-04-13 19:10:22 · answer #1 · answered by Josie S 1 · 1 2

What do you mean "...always standing behind the guys?" If you're standing behind them, it's because you've chosen to do so.

Everything about your post points to the fact that you appear to have very low self esteem. My suggestion is that you do some work on raising your self esteem first and stop worrying about how you think you'd have been better off being born a male. As a female, I can tell you, you're dead wrong. Being a female is the most wonderful thing on earth. Without us, life would literally cease. When I see some of the stupid things men do and say, I thank God that I was born a female.

As far as sports, hon, there's so much more to life than how fast someone can run. Do some serious work on yourself - counseling has been a great help to a lot of people. There are also wonderful books on raising your self esteem that you can buy or get at the library. I guarantee you, work on feeling better about who you are, and the very important contributions YOU can make and offer to the world, and your illusion of how wonderful it must be to be a male will be greatly diminished, if not disappear altogether.

2007-04-14 05:30:38 · answer #2 · answered by loveblue 5 · 2 0

Yes I have wished at one time or another that i was a boy; however not for the same reasons as you. I don't let men stand in front of me. If I have something to say I will say it. If I want to be funny I am funny. Yes some boys are capable in sports but that's just cause thats how they are built. Us ladies are built for children, and boys are made to hunt and kill stuff. Try not to let this get to you . There really is nothing you can do about it with out surgery. The real reason I hate boys, they don't have periods.

2007-04-13 20:26:18 · answer #3 · answered by whs_vikings_05 3 · 1 0

I've felt that way too, especially when I was in my teens. I always felt dissed by the guys when I would try and be "down" with them, because I wasn't conventionally hot, and I wasn't a guy, and I was insecure. That was what they responded to the most, I think. When I got a bit older I became a bit more self-secure. The thing about the sports...that's why we have girls' teams, so it's an equal playing field. Girls can do anything guys do...I'm grateful I had a really cool girl friend who taught me to skateboard. Then when I got a bit older I learned to play drums. I get so much respect for doing those things. True, sometimes guys want to horn in and grab my board or my drumsticks and show off, but it's important that I recognize their behavior as annoying and often reflecting dominating sexist attitudes.

It's really important to me that I don't let guys "talk over" me, cut me off, drown me out, etc. If I feel like that's happening, I call them on it, or I walk away. I got lessons to play the drums with a professional teacher because it was too intimidating (YES) to learn from male friends! Guys are often quite good at making girls feel stupid, awkward and intimidated; girls are good at making each other feel that way as well. And yes, they are naturally good at some things--I can't tell you how many times I've seen an 8 year old boy who is a better skater than me as a 26 year old woman! I think that is because my body knows I want to make babies someday so when I say "do a trick" my body says "protect baby making devices!" LOL.

The most important commitment I have made to myself is not allowing myself to be around people who are undermining, intimidating or degrading in any way. And when they are, recognizing that THEY HAVE ISSUES. If I don't feel like people appreciate me, I try to find people who do. And just remember, there are BILLIONS of people in the world, and you can find ones who will laugh at your jokes and appreciate you for your toughness (including guys). :D The best guys love girls who are tough. Even if it's tough on the inside ;)

2007-04-13 19:41:30 · answer #4 · answered by bahtsatang 2 · 1 1

Yes, sometimes I feel exactly the same way. Especially during that time of the month, I wish I was a guy! And when a couple gets pregnancy unexpectantly, the guy has the option of walking away but the girl HAS to deal with it. But then there are other times that I'm soooo glad I'm a woman. Everything that men do, they do to please a woman or get attention from women. Women are independent. We do things because we want to do them for ourselves - to prove it to ourselves that we can do it. Guys do all those things you mentioned - try to be funny, try hard at sports, act tough, act outgoing - because they don't want to look weak in front of other males and because they want women to admire them. I would hate living my life trying to constantly impress people or trying not to be outdone by somebody else. And, without women, the population would die. So, I guess I can suffer through a few periods and difficult situations in exchange for the power and attention that are automatically ours!

2007-04-14 11:50:18 · answer #5 · answered by tooblessed2doubt 4 · 1 0

Well you should , be happy that your a woman , you were made like that , who said woman can't do what a man can do , most of the times woman can even be much much better than a man, she is most understanding , I know where your coming from ,so men are stronger and faster than a woman , but its not like your having a race with them day-to-day everyday and you have to beat them, as a woman myself , I'm very glad to be girl, I can do everything , and you say those guys who just walk away like were nothing, don't they have a mother who gave birth to them a woman gave birth to them, and yet they have no respect for a woman , because they bad themseleves, there are really bad men, lazy men, fat men, and opposite that theres a women who can run for her country , just imagine a fat man watching a woman racer on tv, or a normal man he would be like wow, she a woman and can do this. I believe you can do everything, and actually I totally do agree that its touch for a woman , but we can do everything if you put your mind to it , and I believe you can do everything, why not you have 2 arms 2 legs just like a man , and at least we don't have a long thing between our legs lol, its the truth , I mean of course we would never be able to be as fast as them in racing or swimming , but there are MORE things beside that which we can show were very much equally the same , so you go out there do what you want, race with boys who, cares they beat you, just go out they and be a brave tough woman, I mean I not joking but most guys are really chicken , be proud that your a woman ,you speacial and one day you 'll meet a nice man who respects you , and loves you because your a speacial woman to him. good luck, take care.

2007-04-13 21:33:04 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I use to wish I was a boy I grew up with 5 bros and no sisters. But then I had my baby and realized that my husband didn't know anything about kids. Every time he picked her up she screamed. I watched him one day and saw he was holding her the wrong way. I had to take care of him, he was a nut case anytime she cried he freaked out. Also Guys might be better at sports but listen, they are by NO means tough. My husband is 6'4 200 lbs was a football player in high school and college but when I went into labor and he saw our childs head he hit the floor!! lol it never gets old. So I guess my answer dear is that its ok to wish your a guy every now and then and you are allowed to be jelious they do have it easier but always remind your self that the only reason they have it so good is cause of women! with out us men would be a big mess! we are the better sex!

2007-04-14 08:57:21 · answer #7 · answered by loven_peachteach 1 · 1 0

Hell no I've never wished I was a boy. "hate the fact that they are the people who are having fun and can be laughing about everything. i hate the fact that they can b the ones to be tough. i hate that they are the ones to be funny." Umm...sweetheart girls can do all of this as well. Men are just bigger idiots.

2007-04-14 02:30:38 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Definitely and absolutely NO! why I wonder girls wish to be boys! What we have is something so unique, so great that can not be replicated by anyone except God.
Okay, lets not talk about procreation, but dear why is it that girls want to be boys, you can have fun being a girl. Work hard and if you still feel that you are standing behind then fight it out, it is basically the fear factor which keeps us down, what if.......? group up with other females who are also blogged down by the gender bias but are afraid to come out. Larger the group, greater the effect.
I dont think the guys can play with us unless we let them to do so. You need to have a strong will power. I thinking that men get effected too and "just walk away" is not entirely true. It only when the man concerned is not emotionally attached that he can just opt out of a relationship without any qualm. If it is so then belive me you are better off without him.
You can have fun too, who is stopping you? Depending where you live, you can just find ways to enjoy life. There is no need to copy men and it is not necessary that if you were to have the same type of "fun" the guys are having- you would enjo it too! You can be happy just sitting in your living room, just think positively!!
And hey! who told you guys are tough, they are just tough in picking up things, but when it come to tolerating pain they came NOWHERE us, it true as our threshold (that is, the limit) of bearing pain is much lower than women. So dont lose heart you are a much better human being biologically and phsiologically. Even if all men were to vanish, human race would still continue to grow as only women can give BIRTH.
I promise you that there are many men who are worse runners than you, it just that you have not met them. And probably there are many women who are better runner than you. so cheer up, it not end of the world!
And please enjoy the luxury of swimming lazily, and try to imagine the sense of loss many of us feel who just can not swim!!!
Finally, girl be happy as you are, as God made you. Being depressed will lead you nowhere. Enjoy what you have as there are millions who dont!!!! and then I feel being a boy cant be so much fun either! boys have to bear a lot of responsibility.
So Cheero!!!!!!

2007-04-14 04:55:43 · answer #9 · answered by thinking2hard 2 · 1 0

On accosions I have. It's mostly because I love sports, and feel like all guys can beat me no matter what I do. But when I do beat them, they are so embarrased, and I love seeing the look on their face when I tell their friends they go beat by a girl. And even though that does not happen so often, us girls do have our advantages. One is that when we want to dress up and be all girly, we can. But when guys do that, it comes off a little queer. The only way they can really act is manly and strong. We can act like that too. Girls can dress in shorts, sneakers, and a t-shirt and won't be judged. When guys dress in a skirt and stiletto's, they are immediately judged. Girls are also more emotionally mature. We can cry and share our feelings with friends. Guys don't do that. They feel like, as men, they can not shed a tear. And even though men might be stronger than us outside, they are DEFINETALY weaker inside.

2007-04-14 15:29:08 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Why are you always standing behind the guys? Why do you let them play you? Why can you not have fun and laugh too? As a women you will realize that your strength is double theirs. Why can you not be good in sports? I used to outrun boys all the time, so I know it can be done. I am very glad I am a woman, and if you concentrated on your strengths instead of what you perceive as weaknesses you too will be glad.

2007-04-14 03:40:02 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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