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Ok , I'm poking a little fun at the expense of the Liberals , but I do wonder just what it would take to get all of them to understand this threat from Radical Islam .
I see many liberals trumpet the fact that they get their news fron the oh so 'fair and balanced BBC . OK.. . Then how 'fair and balanced' is it when the BBC censors a film teaching us all about the threat from Radical Islam ?

BTW , I appreciate all opinions , just as long as folks address the posted question !!

2007-04-13 19:07:06 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

Honest to God . . .Did any of you liberals see the question about 'fair and balanced' BBC ?

2007-04-13 19:14:22 · update #1

How refreshing !!
At least one Liberal who is honest about it and several other good answers , especially for this time of the evening !!
Thank you .

2007-04-13 19:27:16 · update #2

20 answers

I think all parties will be a little upset if Iran does as you suggested

Iran has shown it's true colours it will if it is capable kill as many people as possible

It's leaders have no regaurd for life They are threat to all of the planet and the planet must at all cost stop their ability to make war They should not have anything more that a match box and that should be monitored

They will happlily put us in the position of them or us I would like to vote for us -

The only answer on the issue of foriegn policy tword Iran is the demolition of it's military power at any cost.

As Sir Winstonsaid of the German Nazi

It is better to die as free men then to live as slaves

We must destroy the power of Iran to disturb the peace of the world

I am a card carrying Liberal - I do not like war I do not like the idea of conflict etc

But Iran must be stopped before it is able to reach it's dark dream of nuclear power and if that means that we have to kill every last one of them then I say they brought it upon themselves

Oh and yes as a Liberal I wouldn't like it if Iran or anyone ends up responsible for coolling or heating the globe -

2007-04-13 19:18:58 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

I as a Liberal think that all media including BBC, FOX, CNN and the others shouldn't censor anything, and show us ALL everything to be fair and balanced. Let us decide for ourselves what is and is not real.

What I find interesting in reading the posts is that they seem to think it not possible. Or are quick to blame the liberals if Iran happens to find a way to get a hold of Nuclear weapons. I won't mention other countries, but am certain for a price they'd be willing to sell them some now wouldn't they?

2007-04-13 19:22:15 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Its the same hippies from the 60-70's pushing it now. Nothing has changed except the fact that the climate changes over the coarse of time- history proves it. I remember blizzards, hurricanes, droughts, ect growing up and now all I see is the media making it out to be bizarre that we experience a hot summer or a storm of any sort. Fact is China burns tires for heat and India is right behind them in pollution so if we could have an effect on the environment than they should be on fire or under 20 feet of snow.

2016-05-19 21:38:22 · answer #3 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

If there is nuclear holocaust no one's gona talk about global warming, free Iraq, democracy promotion, or anything else. We'll all be fighting for that last piece of chicken leg.

Radical Islam is different threat. There's no 'we fight there so we won't fight here.' For them(extremists), its 'been there & done that.' They're here, over there, they're every where.

It is threat, but it is small threat compared to poverty, domestic violent crimes, AIDS, global freakin warming...etc.

There have been lot of overreaction since 9/11. This is not a threat that you can go out and kill off. Threat like this need to be eradicated, resolved.

Nobody says we should go sing kumbaya with Osama, but we can't just keep playing wack a mole hoping we'll keep them down.

Nobody understands what this threat is about. Neither conservatives or liberals.

Fellow Muslims have the greatest ability than anybody to eradicate this extremism problems that is tarnishing their reputation and hurting others around the world.

You can tell your drunken buddy about all the bad things that come along with drinking, send him to AA meetings, therapy...etc. But ultimately, it is your drunken buddy who will decide to quit drinking. You don't make that decision.

We don't make the decision to stop Radical Islamic extremists. We can only try. Muslims will make that decision.

We can only do so much. It is Muslims who will solve this problem ultimately. Not the US, Britain. Not France. We can only play wack a mole, 'free people' and whatever. That won't stop threat of radical islamic extremists.

I don't see lot of people reaching out to Muslims in the US or else where. I guess because we all know that they're a 'threat' to our well being. Right? People don't like idea of any Muslims, Middle Easterner walking past them. We treat every Muslims like terrorists then that's what they'll be. Or become.

2007-04-13 20:07:30 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

What if, What if, What if,
You might be an American youth as I once was. You don't know chit about anything. Iranians love the US. Americans don't know anything about Iranians. If they get a bomb, so what?
We have them. Why were we not up in arms that (Muslim)Pakistan or India got the bomb? Why are we not threatening an invasion with N. Korea? I'll tell you why. They have no oil. If Iran gets a bomb, (i don't like that anyone has one) they might be able to get some leverage against a resource sucking bully who won't stay on his side of the globe. Do you know that Iranians are Persians not Arabs. They fought off the muslims for years to keep their culture intact. Don't call a Persian an Arab, he might get offended. Start reading about who you think your enemy is, you will find that over the last 60 years the US has been pretty evil. I love Americans, but not the corporations that run it.
PS When I say bully I mean someone who picks on somebody who they think will not offer resistance. Iraq, Vietnam, and back in the day (weak)N. Korea and China, came out and punched us right in the face. Thats what you do to a bully.

2007-04-13 19:29:12 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

um ... and how would Iran be the one starting the nuke holocaust since they don't yet have that capability? GW, however, has is finger poised above that big red button literally just looking for an excuse to bunker bust Iran.

GW and his warmongering, oil greedy neoCONS have done more to spread radical Islam than Bin Laden, Zarqawi and all the fanatical Muslim clerics put together.

oh and as far as fair and balanced goes... if you think BBC should run documentaries about radical Islam i guess Fox News should run documentaries about radical Christianity ... like Jesus Camp. right? fair is fair. balanced is balanced.
there are wackadoos in every religion.

2007-04-13 19:20:54 · answer #6 · answered by nebtet 6 · 1 1

Duh.O. K.So much for the posted questionWhat about the other positions?Is there not a certain amount of speculation when it comes to what goes on in the minds of others?Did the Brits think that the exiled folks would later become Australia and America?I am guessing the answer is no.

2007-04-13 19:39:19 · answer #7 · answered by R B 3 · 0 1

We all have 9/11 etched in memory, all want the criminals caught and brought to justice. We all realize that we were hit. We disagree on tactics to bring them in. Got the guy who did the WTC bombing in 93...he is behind bars. Believe in use of intelligence and cooperation with other countries. If going to war works so great, why haven't we got the 9/11 planners?

You can’t fight Islamic Radicalism in conventional ways. It’s not like WWII.

Tired of the liberal jokes that really aren't funny. Even if they were funny, I can’t laugh when we have our troops in Iraq, and our country is being run into the ground.

It doesn't matter if there are sunspots or natural effects, or if some scientist in Britain has another theory that might also be involved; we have to reduce co2 to the best of our ability. There are enough examples that the earth is warming; glaciers over the world are melting and at an increasing rate; Siberian perma frost is melting...all melting ice releases co2, which is one reason why scientists have pulled in the date when we're past the turning point. Pollutants in our atmosphere do warm the earth, much like inside of car is hotter than outside on a sunny day. So, to make the cons happy, are we to stay the course on this as well?

Even if you think that climate change is complete bunk, we also have problems with acid rain, and with oil companies that like to go to war for it. That by itself is enough reason for me to look at alternative energy.

I want to drive an electric car like that Tesla, that I can plug in overnight, and power off my solar panels, and drive with full power the next AM. I want it to be made in America, by a small smart auto company.

Course, if we just stay the course, then after Russia and China take Iran's side after we strike Iran, a dozen or so nukes are shot, when our environment is a cesspool on fire, we can go to war for clean water. I just don't know, is that what would make Republican conservatives happy. Suppose by then you would have tired of the torture occurring in our black site prisons and would be ready for new action by that time.

If Radical Islam is a train speeding by as you stand by the tracks, & someone pushes you into its path. Which is most at fault, the train or the one who pushed you? http://www.jonhs.net/freemovies/power_of_nightmares.htm
PNAC, Clean Break
....The republicans play their fiddle...
Iran has in the past cooperated with us to get Osama, documented. Bush has bullied Iran, has war ships in Persian Gulf and plays war games to intimidate Iran. Iran was cooperating with IAEA inspectors and was going to have Russia do the uranium for them, so there wouldn't even be an issue, but we have been backing them into a corner, wanting preemptive strike on them. Sure could be handled better.

2007-04-13 20:05:03 · answer #8 · answered by dan b 3 · 0 1

I sure hope it never gets that far. But to be honest, I doubt it will. The US will do what it always done. they'll say the war it over and leave the troops there for the next 30 years, regardless of who is in power. Because, the truth is democrats aren't really stupid, they're just willing to win at all costs. They knew darn well when this war started why Iraq was a threat and they voted for it because we need to be there, and they know it. but it's easy to say well we're there now, that's all Bushes fault, I voted but I was lied to.

It's just SCARY. Are you seriously going to tell me that the leaders that we elected to make our world wide decisions don't know what the heck they're voting about before we go to war? You would think that is one of those things a leader would take seriously enough to research on their own.

Personally, I don't believe for one second that democrats really are going to bring the troops home, regardless of what they publish in the papers. Even if they get in the white house and pass a withdrawal date, they'll only withdraw small groups, write a headliner story about it, and deploy more. Or they'll blame Bush and withdraw no one. Because, truthfully, they're not stupid. They know doing so would have INSANE results. Leading to civilian deaths there and here. They just aren't beyond exploiting people's fears and hopes to get in office. You liberals should be just as insulted as I am.

2007-04-13 19:19:48 · answer #9 · answered by Sweetseve 2 · 1 4

They will never get it and we will end up fighting with Radical Islam for the next two thousand years, the way they have fought amongst each other for over two thousand years. Radicals are like cancer they turn good cells bad and the only way to stop it is to remove them, or kill them.

2007-04-13 19:15:49 · answer #10 · answered by ULTRA150 5 · 1 2

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