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Apparently killing 3000 US citizens doesn't get liberals blood pumping for revenge as much as Don Imus remarks

2007-04-13 18:25:06 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

15 answers

Looks like some people missed the point AGAIN. There's a surprise!

Other than the usual "Bush killed 3,000 Americans" tripe, nobody addressed the issue.

Liberals need a "righteous" cause for their ranting. Terrorism didn't fit the bill. Global warming does. Racism does. Abortion on demand does. Gay marriage does.

Their causes seem to be based on the victim v. oppressor theory. Not right v. wrong. If I am correct, we need to start framing issues so they can be understood in their world-view.

For example, if we said, "Iran is planning a nuclear holocaust that will send the world into an ice age," they maybe could get it.

2007-04-13 18:41:22 · answer #1 · answered by ? 7 · 4 4

______________________________________ With reference to Bill Maher's joke: From the vantage point of an independent , what I see is that when liberals, or lefties, make such comments they may or may not be appreciated by some in the black community, but at the same time, they are not taken as demeaning or insulting because it's known that a lefty generally supports Obama. However, when conservatives, or right-wingers, make such comments it is assumed to be a slur or an insult because it's known that conservatives generally do not support Obama. I think it's just that simple. btw, Imus' comment, "Nappy Headed Ho's", is just wrong. And, even a liberal would have been chastised for saying that. _____________________________________

2016-05-19 21:32:01 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

two thumbs up !
Now on the remarks about OLD IMUS ( I don't like this guy)
I was work on shift with 2 black guy's and they moved another black guy on shift with us, he had been working here for 12 yrs. and John W. has been here for 32 years. Well the first day on our shift the 12 year guy used the "N" word talking to Pete our shift super. Two brothers just talking to each other. Well John W. old guy from N.C. jumped up and proceeded to jump 12 yr guy's @SS over the use of the "N" word. John told him that it wasn't right for a white person to say it and it was just as bad for a black person to say it. He told him how can you expect other not to use that word if you go around saying it. Anyway John W. won and I have never seen C.G. use that word around him again. Thing of it is I was the only white guy their to here all of this and what John W. said that day was never so true as it is now. So while you are sitting their beating down on Imus, you need to turn that stick around and beat up on Snoop, G and all the others sitting their putting it out for all to here. I want to see the black leaders step up to the plate like John W. did that day if front of me. That is one black man I will always respect as long as I live.

2007-04-13 18:59:55 · answer #3 · answered by ULTRA150 5 · 3 0

In fact doesn't seem to have had the Neo Cons blood pumping and that is why they distracted out efforts to wage a war in Iraq, give a safe haven to Bin Laden, and kill 3000 more US citizens. Oh! you have our blood pumping that is why we want the idiot impeached and out soldiers home or at least fighting the right war, and most definitely to kill Bin Laden.

2007-04-13 19:40:55 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Actually, immediately after the 3000 global citizens were killed (not only americans in the World Trade Center) both sides of the isle were ready to get some serious revenge on those responsible. However, dissention began when tactics, and attacks on those who were not responsible began. Liberals are all about going after terrorists, just not about going to war with countries that happen to have terrorists in them. Or around them.Or whatever.

2007-04-13 18:30:40 · answer #5 · answered by joecool123_us 5 · 3 3

Let me ask you a question. Why do you people hate blacks and women so much that you make this sound like Don Imus is the victim here? Don Imus fvcked up. He didn't resign, he didn't quit. The advertisers refused to pay for his show so the network fired him. It's that simple. Why do you give this man so much power?
And as far as terrorists killing 3000 us citizens making me angry: Yes, it makes me very angry. And, it would be nice if Bush would go after Bin Laden who perpetrated 9/11. Instead he went into a country that had nothing to do with it or terrorism. What a waste of a question. My god, your questions are so trite.

Ruth... It's obvious you missed the point along time ago. You cons are always playing the victim. Even your crooks play the victim. H*ll you people invented the word victim. Look at Tom Delay, he's a crook and he was whining about the prosecutor victimizing him! It's you people who are making Imus into a victim. The liberals aren't.
And Terrorism was at the top of our list of going after the S.O.B's who did 9/11. But Bush went after Saddam instead. Where's Bin Laden. I'd love to see him and Zarwiri gone from the planet. But if you don't think Global Warming is a problem, you're dead wrong. Wake up, for god's sake.

2007-04-13 18:29:18 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 4 6

How easy we forget Ruth.

Liberals unilaterally supported the military action in Afghanistan, in an attempt to bring those who committed the terroristic acts against us to justice.

When Pres. Bush offered the evidence for war with Iraq, including attempts to get WMD's and a strong connection to Al Qaeda, Liberals also voted in favor of the action.

It's only when we find out that we were lied to, that our Commander in Chief and his staff failed to fully research the implications for a war, that we begin to reject the idea of fighting.

2007-04-13 19:02:50 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Only if they didn`t allow the "NHH`s" to marry each other, & have abortions. The word needs to be spread!!! Terrorists drive SUV`s!!!!!

2007-04-13 19:17:19 · answer #8 · answered by ropar 5 · 1 1

by the way , dum a s s , the media is not liberal, for the most part they are financial, and they went after him, with the help of those idiots like reverend "i got a mistriss" jackson. they are all idiots, just like the ditto eads that believe in a pill popn womanizer that says"family values"

2007-04-13 18:30:29 · answer #9 · answered by dwill604 3 · 3 4

2 points rocks here ;l-}))

2007-04-13 18:33:43 · answer #10 · answered by Conan 4 · 2 0

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