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sick that the American people are supposed to support a government who lies to the people and won't tell us certain issues. Im not really interested in politics but I would like to hear what you think about Bush and 911 and if you do think that planned 911 why do you think that he would do it?

2007-04-13 18:01:14 · 25 answers · asked by marissa w 2 in Politics & Government Politics

25 answers

Yes...and he's hiding a time traveling Delorian to keep Al Gore from going back to 2000 and changing the elections in Florida...

2007-04-13 18:04:42 · answer #1 · answered by The Cult of Personality 5 · 6 3

I can't believe how people don't even want to think about it.
There are so many questions that haven't been answered. Why keep being blind?
The first question in a crime is: "Who is benefited from this".
Can you suppose that alqaida was benefited from such an act? How? Oh, by imposing fear on american people.
This is like a mouse going to a lion and biting it's tail. What has it suceeded? Nothing.
Alqaida doesn't think like kids. They think in relation to profit and benefit.
So does the goverment of the us.
If there wasn't such an incidence like the 911 there wouldn't be enough excuse to justify their acts. After 911 they were able to grow a climate of panic and fear and attempt the 2 wars in afghanistan and iraq that they have wished for long time.
I don't think that bush planned it. I think he knew about it though. The plains that were thrown on the towers did not have fighter jets escorting them. This is classic procedure, there is no need for presidential approval, but those plains were never bothered by anyone. And where? In the united states with the most sophisticated technology.
There are a million of things that indicate the participation of the goverment but some people will not even stop to think of such a possibility. "Bad islams" is the excuse.. Is it that simple? Are they terrorists? Or are they just defending their countries?
There never was any war on terror. There was war towards expansion of business

2007-04-17 08:16:57 · answer #2 · answered by QUESTIONER 2 · 0 0

Well if you're not that interested in politics I'm not sure how much you know about the situation in general. I'm guessing since you don't know a lot about politics, you might be susceptible to bad information. 9/11 was not planned by the bush administration. The planning was done years before he was ever in office. The truth is that there are a sizable amount of people in the world who want you dead and your life to be ruined because you are an American and that you enjoy a nice life compared to most people in the world. George Bush is not the enemy. He will leave office in less than two years and we will continue to deal with the problem of Islamic fundamentalism long after he leaves. This is no joke and don't be fooled by these conspiracy nuts who will believe anything they are told. I'll tell you this about conspiracy people... they've never been right.

2007-04-13 18:31:17 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

marissa hello my name is Brad. It's a good question although
next to imposible to prove. Though I would keep that question
in mind, I would move on to other just as important questions,
like why you thought of it in the first place? There is a bit of
studying that needs to be done, some of it to be read and some
to be understood with.... I suppose it all needs to be read,
though some of the information is in text and some is symbolic. You should research the masons and their masonic
symbols and alchemy and its symbols. scull & x-bones, and
go to wga.com and crystalinks.com. And remember all
religions are man made to control the masses, unless of course you worship the sun (which is were sunday comes
from) and the earth. Everything has to do w/ everything.
30,32,33,322,37,12. The myans say that we are at the end
of a sun cycle or a earth cycle. That could be the secret or
at least one of them.

hidden in photo's , paintings, poetry, art, history,movies.
there's a few books I've read one was a General World His-
tory by Phillip van ness Meyers 1880's, others are Worlds
Masonic register 1860's, and the Book of the Detrioters 1860
follow the last names and how they compare to some big
names in the U.S. The world isn't how it seems.

2007-04-14 09:17:32 · answer #4 · answered by brad b 1 · 1 0

Listen I have said it before but I will say it again for the sheep out there. George Bush is not the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks. George was specifically chosen to be the frontman for the most powerful organisation on the planet. George couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery. The man is just the face and anyone who thinks George Bush flew 4 planes and planted hundreds of explosives in the twin towers all by himself are retarded. But I have to say that that is exactly what the sheep of this world are trying to say that we believe. We do believe that the towers and WTC 7 were brought down in controlled demolitions. We don't believe that George Bush is a bad superman and did it all by himself and only he knows what is going on here. This thing is massive. It was a big operation and there are thousands of people out there that know exactly how it all went down. The people who know what is going on are people who have no interest in coming forward and saying "Hell yeah it was bush and his cronies now take me away and put me in prison." Be rational if you knew and were being financially rewarded for keeping your mouth shut would you risk everything you have on the hope one of the others who know about it may back you up? Nah its not going to happen..........yet....but maybe just maybe sometime in the future when enough people have become informed of the situation, then just maybe, you will see the can of worms unopened.

2007-04-15 13:54:35 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

have you ever said how the time period Al Qaeda is used like a interest practice capture word. They do have magic on there aspect tho they managed to take over American planes with plastic spoons ( field cutters sorry ) were given Norad to face down and hit 3 out of four aims with untrained pilots. They even used magic to make 3 thieve structure homes fall at loose fall speed one no longer even hit by using a airplane. I inform you in case you've faith the reliable tale then us of a of america is doomed because the muslims might want to be proper Allah might want to be on there aspect with all this magic that's a miracle of biblical scale. I don`t position self belief in magic so i'm guessing it became a pretend flag operation and the american human beings have once lower back been deceived by using there own media

2016-11-23 18:41:55 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

how is your math...........check this out
There are hundreds of scholars and engineers who agree
I read the 9/11 commission report twice.The LACK of mathematical analyisis was conspicuous by its absence.
And here is a whole raft of peer reviewed papers proving the 9/ 11 lie.
watch the movie on google video "inplane site" lots of info there for the layman who perhaps doesnt have the math skills.
Why is it so hard to believe?I mean there have been rotten governments in the past historically.
Also do a search for project for a new american century,also known as PNAC.Look at the august 2000 report.Signatory members include Cheney and company.I dont understand how ANYONE can deny a document of this nature signed by members of the current administration
Hey dont get me wrong.I am Canadian but I believe that the US HAS BEEN one of the greatest countries ever.But there is rot in high levels of govt and if people dont wake up it will be the loss of something that could have been greater.

2007-04-13 18:27:25 · answer #7 · answered by Paul I 4 · 1 2

I think the world bank planned 9/11,and I think they put Bush in power.It is not "just" abunch of loonies saying this. Former government workers,scientists, physicists are saying this. If you haven't seen 9/11 revisited or 9/11 mysteries, I would recommend watching them. Pretty much you can make up your mind....for now.

2007-04-14 12:30:08 · answer #8 · answered by lalalalaconnectthedots 5 · 0 0

Bush did not have anything to do with the terrorist attacks. That was planned and executed by radicals of Islam under direction of Osama Bin Laden because they were pissed that the U.S. came in to Afghanistan to fight the Russians in the 1980s then left the Afghanis high and dry. Then in the first war with Iraq the U.S. stationed military equipment in Saudi Arabia and that pissed off bin Laden also. The Bush family and the royal al-Saud family of Saudi Arabia have a long standing business relationship and that pissed off bin Laden and complicates world affairs. The terrorists that attacked us were primarily from Saudi Arabia yet we are now in Iraq searching for terrorists that were never there to begin with. We are only in Iraq to protect the oil and Israel.

Conspiracy theories about Bush and 9-11 are rooted in the idea that perpetual war in the Middle East would solidify power and money for the Neo-Cons; Cheney, Rove, Rumsfield, Wolfowitz.

no one knows for sure.

2007-04-13 18:13:21 · answer #9 · answered by Diggy 5 · 3 1

Q33 NY was the first plane to crash the first tower.

Q33 NY on Webding
will show a Plane, 2 Buildings, As Skull, and A Jewish star.

Maybe the world(God) is giving out hints to this coincidence.
The plane crashing(Jewish star) 2 buildings causing deaths(skull).

That 'Jewish star' I believe could have some relations to the Jew(Zionist) plan.

From there, you can think for yourself..

2007-04-14 18:07:44 · answer #10 · answered by HighlighterOfTruth 1 · 0 0

It's a very silly question. Think about it. To plot this mass murder would be political suicide. He would have to find multiple terrorists who wouldn't turn their contacts in.Then plant bombs in the towers. Somehow stage the bombs to go off at different times without an outward blast. At different levels precisely where the planes hit. (we saw the planes) People claim that it was done by placing explosives in the building. I see no need for planes to hit a building if explosives were already there. Seems like a waste of terrorists to me. (I'm all for wasting terrorists however) Come on use a small amount of common sense.

2007-04-13 18:22:33 · answer #11 · answered by Homeschool produces winners 7 · 3 1

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