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What do you look 4 in a boy?

2007-04-13 16:59:05 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Beauty & Style Fashion & Accessories

30 answers

Makes me laugh, is sweet, calls me beautiful, says he loves me and MEANS it, smart but not a nerd, generally like me, good hair [i'm a big fan of hair], good music style, calls me etc etc etc ^_^
sadly no guy like this exists.. yet for me anyways

2007-04-13 17:03:56 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

First personality. But in order for me to get to know your personality I would have to be attracted to you first. A nice smile is tops on my list of attractive features on a guy. Then cleanliness/neatness and confidence. You MUST have a good personality (Unless you are just drop-dead fine. In that case an Okay personality would pass.) I like a guy with a sense of humor although I must take out the time to apologize to all the guys that laughed at their own jokes while I just gave them a blank stare. But if you can make me laugh I like you already. You must be pretty outgoing. You must take the time out to call at least once a week. You have to be sweet but not too romantic too early. And you must be able to hold up a conversation and fill in the awkward silences that occur while on the phone. Don't be too forward, but don't be afraid to touch. Make a girl feel good. What i mean is hug her or hold her and make her feel special. But thats just the kind of guys that I like. Did I help at all?

2007-04-14 00:12:09 · answer #2 · answered by =)™ 5 · 0 0

Hot and good personality!!
The taller the better....6'8-6'11 =]
Muscular not skinny!
Sweet && Kind
Respects my family as I would his
Good sense of humor
Not perverted-only jokingly
Knows what you are thinking & you dont have to say anything
Good dresser
Smart && gorgeous smile
Perfect length hair-
Way into sports-
I want a guy that knows as much about NBA as I do =]
And last but not least-He MUST play basketball!!

I described:
Dwight Howard of the Orlando Magic*

2007-04-14 00:04:36 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

OK, I think I'm older than most people answering this question, but I have a lot more experience and so do my friends.
Men should be: smart, nice[ to everyone- not just you, or you'll wind up on his * list too], have a sense of humor,and have good hygiene, and have a job [or going to school full time].
You can add religious preference and body types, but don't marry/date someone thinking they're going to change-they probably won't.

2007-04-21 15:57:34 · answer #4 · answered by Nurse Susan 7 · 0 0

I'm looking for a boy that will accept as me. For what I am really is. Someone who can protect me and be with in good times and bad times. Caring , honest, understanding and lovable.

2007-04-14 00:04:29 · answer #5 · answered by peevee 1 · 0 0

Well,on the outside,he has to always be smiling,and at least care about his physical looks to some degree. I know that sounds bad,but I just like guys that at least try to work out because it shows that they care.

Next,he has to be able to make me laugh,be kind not only to me but the people around him,and be intelligent. He has to be sweet,and not afraid to say how he feels.

Hope this helped~

2007-04-14 00:03:57 · answer #6 · answered by Peace♥Musiic 4 · 0 0

He has to dress well, current trends or a preppy style outfit is always good. Also personal hygene is a must! Brush your teeth and wash your hair! Another big one is confedence. If you act like your something important you'll get treated like it, act insecure and I'll think youre a loser. You must have a good personality, be nice to my friends, I LOVE funny guys and dont come on too strong or become annoying.

2007-04-21 23:49:46 · answer #7 · answered by JLynne 3 · 0 0

He has to be a Christian searching for God's will and has to love God more than me.

Sweet to everyone he meets.

No drugs or Alcohol

No Piercings

Has to be funny

Make good grades

Gets along with his parents

Has a good job.

Helps people when they are in need

Has to protect me from harm

Comfort me when I need it

Be a shoulder for me to cry on

Athletic, Into Parkour

2007-04-21 17:42:18 · answer #8 · answered by Questions 1 · 0 0

Well I want him to have decent looks, they aren't too important. I want him to be kind of tall, nice, sweet, caring, and lovable. I also like a guy with kind of a wilder side to him. I have to dig deep to find the real him and I like that challenge! LOL.. OH YES!!!!!.. He MUST be athletic, or at least strong. I love to play sports and goof around and I want someone who will do it with me.

2007-04-14 00:13:41 · answer #9 · answered by Amanda 4 · 0 0

Well, as I'm older, I'd have to say what do I look for in a man. I want someone who has a steady job. Someone who respects me as a woman, but also as an equal. I want someone who takes me out to dinner, to nice dinners at times, but also to a good diner at times, or likes to cook in and shares in the cooking and the cleaning.
I want someone who has the same interests as I have. I studies Art History in college, so he has to have an interest in art and going to museums. He has to like to wander around the city (NYC) and just see what's around. He has to have a good sense of humor. He has to be willing to try to be friendly with my friends and to be willing to introduce me to his friends. And I would like him to be the kind of person who cared enough about me to bring me flowers when I'm down in the dumps, to try and help me feel better.
Also, he has to be someone who is willing to deal with me through my skinny and my weight gain phases and not get upset.
Ok, that may sound like a lot, but, I'm lucky, I found him and I've been with him for 24 years.

2007-04-14 00:10:57 · answer #10 · answered by lochmessy 6 · 1 0

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