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1. Supported Slavery in 1863
2. Last 50 years enslaving blacks through govt programs
Net result:
50% high school drop out rate
16 year old girls pregnant
Worse off than 50 years ago

2007-04-13 16:47:49 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

22 answers

oh, and dont forget hurricane katrina. the democrat panacea, new orleans. they had so much control, they somehow forgot to fix the levees though millions went out for repair the city was so under the democratic thumb, they to sat and waited for a ride out of a hurricane. guess what?
yeah, i agree with the guy above me. apologize to all of humanity.

2007-04-13 18:49:06 · answer #1 · answered by afterflakes 4 · 0 1

okay, seriously. get your stuff straight.

republicans didn't exactly have clean hands either.

they only wanted to keep slavery from expanding into the new territories... such as Missouri, Kansas, Texas, etc. so in a way, they supported it. remember this. Thomas Jefferson was a republican, and he was an actual slave holder.

they never called for total emancipation. the war was never about slavery. there were so many reasons why the war was declared. (economic, or social pressures)

and please remember... that there were two kinds of democrats in the election of 1860. (the election that Lincoln was voted into office) The southern democrats that supported slavery, and the northern democrats that did not. So not all democrats support slavery... (an ignorant comment to say the least...)

and also, it's not like all northerners were abolitionists at this time. Being an abolitionist at that time can be compared to being a communist during the 1950s. Abolitionists were beaten, lynched, etc.

by the way, you claim that in the past 50 years that blacks are being enslaved through government programs and that the drop out rate and the pregnant 16 year olds are a direct cause of these programs.

lets look at the causality of these statistics... if they're true.

50% drop out rate?

more than likely caused by the underfunding of the schools. I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but school funding has been cut by 18.2% while spending on prisons, and reforms has increased by 30%.

doesn't help that the republicans are helping out the really rich by giving them a HUGE tax break either I suppose...

16 year old girls becoming pregnant?

maybe try the whole abstinence only teaching. it's proven that it doesn't work. so maybe you republicans should pull your heads out of your asses and realize that sex will happen, and that you can't stop it... no matter how hard you try. It's normal, natural, and something that we all do.

2007-04-13 17:15:18 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1. The southern democrats supported slavery, which is not the same as the current democratic party.

2. Enslaving blacks with government programs? Exactly how do you figure that? And where are your sources?

If the government programs weren't there, you'd have millions of pissed off starving people wondering exactly why they need to follow the laws of a government that doesn't do anything to help them out. Picture the Katrina mess and multiply that by a thousand.

There is an entire class of people called the working poor, who have meager paying jobs.

3. 16 year old girls getting pregnant? I guess I need to remind you that it is the CONSERVATIVES who have cut funding to programs like planned parenthood and sex education, and promoting abstinence instead of protection. Abstinence programs which, BTW have been recently shown to have no impact on teenage pregnancy/STD rates.

African americans are far better off now than where they were 50 years ago. It was during those times when racial crimes would go unpunished. It was during those times where they got paid pennies on the dollar and had to take it. It was during those times of "seperate-but-equal" where an entire race of human beings were being degraded and treated like third class citizens.

Crack open a history book. Or better yet, educate yourself about the civil rights movement.


2007-04-13 17:03:32 · answer #3 · answered by X 4 · 0 0

Hmm... good question.

Well, first off clearly not all blacks, because not all black people have a history of slavery in their family. Then you have to take into accuont that what each party has stood for has changed over the years. And you have to also look at the policies that were put into place by both parties that have affected not only the blacks, but many people in the lower income brackets in this country.

The housing projects for example, were ill concieved by the left, had their funding cut by the right, and are now being bulldozed because they are hellholes, but neither side is putting any thought into where their residents will go.

Go figure.

2007-04-13 16:59:25 · answer #4 · answered by joecool123_us 5 · 0 0

I think if any of the ''Republicrats'' cared about blacks they would remove the monument of Albert Pike from Wash DC.
He was a general for the confederacy who fought very hard to keep slavery going strong.
Both parties policies are identical on this issue, the Iraq War, open borders during the war on terror, the SPP, the trans Texas corridor, illegal immigration and the jailing of Ignacio Ramos, Jose Campean and Gilmer Hernandez.
Both these parties are on the same team and owe all Americans an apology.

2007-04-13 17:01:45 · answer #5 · answered by guiseppeamore 2 · 0 0

the united states, by using the Congress, have issued an apology in need of commencing up the possibility that African individuals can sue the U.S. government for the therapy they gained on the palms of Democrats AND Republicans. The historic previous of this us of a regrettably while with the aid of a time while Blacks weren't seen a "finished human." yet, with the aid of time, we extra the thirteenth, 14th, and fifteenth Amendments which sought to renowned that Blacks, in deed, are those with rights. some Black agencies have not commonly used the apology presented because of the fact they sense they might desire to have a ideal to money like what replaced into given to the jap who interred for the period of WWII.

2016-10-22 03:07:37 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well, I, being a history buff have to agree with 4 of your 5 observances. The one I don't agree with is 16 yr old girls having out of wedlock babies because the Democrats support "A Womans' Right To Choose" meaning they support abortion,legal killing of a healthy child which in the trimester of pregnancy where a baby can be born prematurely and live they allow it to be "aborted" (Killed legally) Lincoln (republican) signed the Proclamation freeing all slaves. Sen Byrd of W.Virginia(DEM) was a member of the KKK and only switched when he saw that democrats were starting to "brainwash both African Americans and "Poor Whites" ( commonly called "White Trash") to believe they were on their side. Yes the Democrats owe an apology to the African American community and Poor Whites!And they ,(African Americans and Poor Whites) in turn,owe the Republican party an apology for "jumping ship" over to the very party that tried to keep both "under their thumb"

2007-04-13 17:16:56 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Yep, they opress them with government programs. All the while brainwashing them into thinking they're victims because of slavery and racism from 100 years ago and that the big bad white conservative/republicans are the cause of their plight! All just to get votes from them, and people think liberals are the fair, open minded ones.....

2007-04-13 16:57:36 · answer #8 · answered by Bunz 5 · 0 0

I only apologize for my own actions.

You have to list your sources on those statistics or else its just noise. The drop out rate/fertility age is not caused by "democrats" but social conditions, bias, poverty and "new racism". Both parties are to blame but more specifically the tax cuts on social programs which only account for 6% of the total national budget (Dr. Etzinn and Zinn, Social Problems 2nd edition).

Take a class is sociology I recommend it.

2007-04-13 16:54:57 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1


Welfare is the worst form of social engineering that I have ever seen. Also, busing poor black children to affluent white neighborhoods instead of making their neighborhood schools better is a sin.
They also need to apologize for Political Correctness which FEEDS racism instead of the "nice" thing liberals SAY it is.

2007-04-13 17:12:50 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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