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if so...are they anything like they are portrayed on movies / tv....just curious. thanks :)

2007-04-13 16:29:09 · 31 answers · asked by ~muffun~ 3 in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

31 answers

Okay so pretty much everyone else who has answered thus far has been either making fun of the real witches who are out there, or just being ignorant. That or trying to make a crack about the superiority of Christianity over witchcraft. So here we go: straight answer, no remarks about either religious faiths, just the straight answer.

Yes there are witches out there. They are nothing like you see on television or movies. There is no wand waving and 'poof' it happens. There is no nose-twitching, finger-waving or the like. If there was any show that had it at all close, it would be the movie The Craft. But even that has some inconsistancies.
The basics of it being: there are two main religions which are considered 'magical religions' being paganism (or neo-paganism) and wicca. Both of these religions have their own sects, the same way that Christianity has Protestant or Orthadox, Roman Catholic or Mormans; each of these religions has a similar breakdown into different faiths which have the same general basis of belief, but different faulting points. Some put more stock in the nature side, others on the more spiritual side. But overall, both are nature religions. They center around nature and how we interact with it. They have many deities(gods and goddesses), coming from the "old ways" of the Norse dieties, the ancient greek and roman pantheon, and following the same nature traditions of the "heathens" (meaning those on the outside, as they tended to live more on the edges of society and more closely with nature). They worship their own mix of deities and nature (the four elements of earth, air, water and fire, mother earth, father sky, the main Goddess and Consort. There are many intricate aspects which differentiate the different sects, but they all share these main aspects. They have special holy days which follow the cycle of nature and the earth and the seasons, which are the solstices and the equinoxes. These are basically just celebrations of nature.

Over the years, movies and other beliefs (mainly Christianity) have tried to portray Wicca and witchcraft as evil and devil worshippers, and all these other negative things, but witches are peace-loving, nature worshiping, normal people. To begin with the devil isn't even something that witches believe in: witches believe in the natural balance of good and evil, to belive in a purely evil being would be going against their religion; the devil is a purely christian construct which sought to convert the old pagans to christianity by making their old ways appear to be evil and negative. The horns and cloven feet of 'satan' are direct links to the original image of the Consort, or Horned god, whom the pagans originally worshipped. So much of the Christian lore and holidays have to do with the "old ways" that modern Christians don't even grasp or acknowledge. Easter: eggs and rabbits were symbols of the fertility goddess, the time being of the fertility celebrations of the ancient pagans. Halloween: time of celebration and communion with the spirits of their ancestors, now children run around dressed like ghosts and other monsters without knowing the correlation to the old ways...there are many others, but suffice to say that witches are real, normal and religious people. They are not evil, devil-worshipers, who run around naked and have sex with the devil like the Christians of the Inquisition would have you believe; nor are they the finger wagging, wand waving, hocus pocus women with green faces and warts with hag-like appearence that movies and television would have you believe.

2007-04-13 17:43:30 · answer #1 · answered by Jade de Rhiannon 2 · 0 2

I am a Witch, we are nothing like the way Hollywood tries to portray us... Most of us are at one with the Earth and the Universe.. We are clean living, healthy people, who help others and a lot of us are healers..We look out for our environment, we are not two faced and worship our Goddess and your Satan.. We don't, for the most, believe in anything the Christian faith has tried to shove down our throats..I have answered your question and am now defending my beliefs against the ignorant, arrogant, small mindedness from the self righteous Christian element in here...I get fed up, time after time having to tell these clowns we don't believe in their Devil so we don't worship him, we are free and not brainwashed and spoon fed scripture and the like from birth.. We are of the earth based religions of our ancestors which can be traced back 40,000 years...Your religion is solely based on murder and assimilation..You stole just about everything from the Pagans, right down to all your festivals, which all have Pagan roots.. Sit over there in the corner and face the wall, we don't want to hear you on Witchcraft subjects again, not unless you have a PhD in ancient religion studies... Love and Light.. Blessed Be... )O(

2007-04-13 23:17:32 · answer #2 · answered by Bunge 7 · 1 0

No offence? Ok, none taken.

Witches are real. I am a witch. I am NOT A WICCAN.

Some witches do believe in Satan, some not.
I am a Satanic witch, believe in Satan at least in the archetype.

I am a dark witch. But magic is not black or white. It just is. It has no gender, or morality. The power is just "the power".

I do not acknowledge an existence of God as you may know him/it.

2007-04-13 19:40:49 · answer #3 · answered by hecatemother 3 · 1 0

Yes there are REAL witches. Witchcraft is not a religion...it is a craft. Wicca is a religion and alot of witches are Wiccan, but certainly not all. Paganism is a group of earth based religions and some Pagans are witches and some are not. You don't have to worship anything to be a witch. They are two different topics.

2007-04-14 01:27:35 · answer #4 · answered by Dawn M 1 · 0 0

Okay...First of all, most of your are most likely Catholic bigots who absolutely believe EVERYTHING you are told.

Second of all, yes, there are witches. These spiritual sects were around far before Christianity. I am so disgusted by some of the responses to this question.

We are not brides of Satan!
We do not worship Satan!
We do not even believe in Satan for gods sake!!

Also, we are not all evil. Granted, there are some who chose to harm others. However, th majority would rather help than harm. We do not hunch over a ominously bubbling cauldron and plan human sacrifices. We do not move tables and make them dance.

We simply have chosen a different form of worship. We still pray and we still leave offerings for our gods. We have gatherings where a bunch of us get together and pray, just like Catholics do for mass.

So, you see, there are not a lot of differences between Witches and everyone else.

Oh, and for those of you who totally bashed Witchcraft...At least Witches haven't fought countless of pointless wars in the name of a supposed 'peaceful and loving' god.

2007-04-13 17:40:43 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

yes witches are real, but most people dont understand what we really are. I am a Witch, someone who practices magick in a religious context. There are others who do not. Unfortunately, there are no guidelines to who is "truely" a witch, so anyone can say they are. (Side note: magick is using energies that exist in nature to manifest a desire, similar to prayer.) the following website has lots of info that will help, as it can be really confusing.

2007-04-14 09:34:00 · answer #6 · answered by vince 2 · 0 0

Nope, No such thing as witches. Nope. Definitely not. I'm not one of them, either.

*shifty looks*

Yes, there are witches, not just of the Wiccan traditions, but a whole wide world of them. As for like TV/Movies...... well, generally no. They're a nice quite bunch who like to hang out and generally have a good time away from the largest religious minority who usually condemn them.

2007-04-14 05:36:34 · answer #7 · answered by guhralfromhell 4 · 0 0

Witches may be Wiccans, but Wiccans do not have to be Witches.

I am of the Lore. Many in my family have been called Witches. They were Bone-setters, Healers, Dowsers, Game callers, Midwives, Librarians, makers of potions, Alchemists and Herbalists. Christians murdered many of them as Witches, because they understood nature and did not use bleeding or prayers to the Christian God as a way to cure.

I believe many Christians hate what they cannot understand, take over, or stamp out.

If you Want the Truth.....Ask a Pagan.

2007-04-13 18:13:59 · answer #8 · answered by Terry 7 · 3 0

Yes,there are real Witches.are they like on TV,NO.We dont have all the bells a whistles like on TV but some of us do have a few gifts that make us stand out from the everyday folks.but most of us dont turn people into frogs anymore we just give them nightmares from hell.White Witches arent allowed to use there gifts for self gain.Black crafters use gifts for there own gain and to harm others.We are trying to get more people intouch with the white side for the good of our future.I hope this helps you if not email me and ill explain it further.wolflafaye@yahoo.com

2007-04-13 16:45:32 · answer #9 · answered by wolflafaye 2 · 1 0

There are families who practice the Craft. They are not necessarily into black magic, although some certainly are.
Here is a witch I know of:
She is a good person and a believer in God.

Jesus never burned a witch or said anything about witches. He did say to those without sin to cast the first stone. It seems like there are a number of people answering here who have entirely clean slates.

2007-04-13 16:39:51 · answer #10 · answered by Susan M 7 · 0 2

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