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23 answers

Big Bang Theory,

Stars are masses of Hydrogen (and other smaller amounts of elements) undergoing a nuclear fusion reaction,

and the best formation of the moon theory currently is the Ejected Ring Theory, in which a mars-sized planetoid impacted earth during its formation, ejecting large volumes of matter. A disk of orbiting material was formed, and this matter eventually condensed to form the Moon in orbit around the Earth.

They are Theories (except for stars makeup, thats very well established), but they make SENSE. Physics works. Mathematics works. There is huge amounts of evidence the Universe is NOT 7000 years old, and it continues to be denied. why? because it makes people uncomfortable? change is scary i know. But if all this is so bad, then stop using the computer that scientific research and experimentation have brought you, and go live in a mud hut and worship how you choose. I simply choose to believe in science. Why do people have to meet religions definitions of spirituality? Just because i dont believe in your definition of God doesnt mean i dont believe in anything. Prejudgment is one of the worst aspects of religion. If you're different, you're wrong. How narrow minded and shallow, in my opinion. I've been to church, i've read the bible, i've looked at both sides, and i choose to BELIEVE in science. I have faith in physics just the same as you have faith in God. There is no difference except in a narrow religious viewpoint.

2007-04-13 16:34:34 · answer #1 · answered by Beach_Bum 4 · 1 1

Atheists argue that in the beginning all that existed was energy, the simplest of all things, and they don't know where it came from.

The religious argue that, in the beginning all that existed was a super-intelligent being.. the most complicated of all things, and they don't know where it came from.

If you are arguing that it's impossible for something to come from nowhere, then it is less logical for you to argue that the most complicated of all life came from out of nowhere. You will probably say 'it was just always there', but all that means is you don't know and can't admit it.

I'm not an Atheist, myself, but they do make a better point than you do.

If you are so uncomfortable with scientific progress, turn off your computer and denounce all things that use a microprocessor. They would not exist if not for quantum-physics and quantum-physics makes a pretty daming case against the God you are asking us to believe in. By simply using a microprocessor, you are, in action, denying the existance of the God you espouse.

Scinentific progress continues to be right. Religious assumptuion continues to be wrong. And when Science turns out to be wrong, it is Science that finds out first, it is Science that proves it and Science that corrects it. When Religion is wrong, you call us names for daring to think. You said Earth was the center of the Universe, it was not. You said Earth was flat, it was not. And in the end, your leaders could not escape the truth any longer and back-peddled. They said that 'The Four Corners of the Earth' was just a metaphor, even though they killed people for saying otherwise.

You are a contradiction.

Good day. ^_^

2007-04-13 19:27:15 · answer #2 · answered by socialdeevolution 4 · 0 0

As for the Universe:
There is no evidence that the Universe was created for a reason. All we know is that there is a Universe and there is no hard evidence that there is a God controlling, creating, or manipulating the Universe.
As for the Stars and Moon:
Modern astronomical data shows that at some point in the past, all matter in the Universe was simultaeneously at one singular point. This resulted in an infinitely fast expansion spreading matter and energy throughout the Universe. Eventually, the friction of the interstellar medium slowed the matter down and gravitational forces among the matter caused it to move together with other matter around it, resulting in bodies such as stars, moons and planets.

2007-04-13 16:25:28 · answer #3 · answered by joe.bruner 3 · 3 0

The premise you put forward really doesn't make any sense. Atheists don't require the existence of an omnipotent Deity to explain what is there in the universe. As a religious person (I assume you are), other than saying "God created the universe", can you say anything more about how the universe appears to be set-up?

2007-04-13 16:24:41 · answer #4 · answered by cattbarf 7 · 5 1

i dont know about other atheists, but i have an entirely different theory about everything. i believe this world is nothing more than a virtual reality, we nothing more than a bunch of atoms and molecules which together formed proteins and carbohydrates, water etc. to form cells and tissues and organs and organ systems, and our thoughts no more than chemical activities in the brain, our emotions no more than some chemical stimulation of a specific area of our brain through an external influence or inner activities and our memories nothing more than a group of brain cells aligned in a specific manner to produce precise results, likewise the earth is just a group of different molecules and group of atoms of the same kind, according to physics and chemistry. thus, nothing in the universe is a miracle, everything taking place abiding by the laws of science.
and one more thing, i do not consider that there is anything such as life. its just something biochemical taking place which gives us the impression that there is something which has been believed over an appreciably long period of time to be life.
also, i believe everything is an entirely different unit in itself but is then too not entirely separated from other things in case of special frequent events of physical interaction. and also, i do not believe that there should be someone to carry out, or even supervise the process of the formation of the universe and everything, which according to you theists, happen to be the so called god.

2007-04-14 02:25:22 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It was here, and will always be here. On the other hand some people have even postulated that we (the Solar System) may be an electron orbiting the nucleus of an atom that makes up the atomic structure of a matrix that comprises the overall structure of a much larger organism.

2007-04-17 04:01:48 · answer #6 · answered by hilltopobservatory 3 · 0 0

If you'd been paying attention, you would have heard about the Big Bang theory, stellar evolution, the nebular hypothesis, etc.

Saying "God did it" is no more an explanation than saying "Flying Spaghetti Monster™ did it". In both cases, you still have to explain where the hypothetical supernatural being came from. Otherwise, religion is just an agreement not to ask too many questions.

2007-04-13 16:36:40 · answer #7 · answered by injanier 7 · 3 1

They keep an open mind. They understand that they do not know for sure, but that science keeps finding out new possible explanations and answers. They are happy with this state of affairs. They do not feel the need to believe fairy stories that have no basis in reality. They do not need to concoct a story to make themselves feel better then try to get everyone else who will listen to believe it also. They do not feel the need to be 'right' and condemn everyone else as wrong.

2007-04-13 16:22:46 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

Try asking this in the Religion and Spirituality section and see what happens.
Also, I concur with an earlier response, in that merely asking this question shows such a lack of general knowledge and, frankly, basic intelligence. I am saddened that such people still believe in an imaginary and invisible father-figure in this century.
Additionally, is someone just too lazy to type 'the'? Also very sad.

2007-04-13 16:28:52 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

well my train of thought/logic is that 1000 years ago, people thought rain came from the gods, as did the sun and flowers, etc. I think that maybe in another 1000 years well know where the universe came from. also consider than the universe is infinite... and as men in black showed us, our entire universe could be in the marble of another being. soooo ya. believe what you want, whatever makes you happy =]

2007-04-13 16:25:04 · answer #10 · answered by auntnebakenezer 2 · 2 0

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