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we keep searching for it,but always seems so far away..

2007-04-13 15:53:25 · 20 answers · asked by catarina 1 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

20 answers

happiness is being happy with what you have and where you are and who you are with. that is happiness. if you are lacking in any of those things, then yes, you will be searching. such is life.

2007-04-13 16:09:04 · answer #1 · answered by KJC 7 · 0 3

Happiness is a choice. For some silly reason we've got this idea that happiness has to be found or earned or something, but the fact is it's nothing more than a state of mind.

When I wake up in the morning, I can be pretty unhappy. I hate waking up, and sometimes I just don't want to do what I have to do. But when I decide to enjoy the day, I've gotten to where I can. It took practice, but all I had to do was keep remembering that I can't always change reality. What I can change is how I feel about it.

So here's what you do. Find something to enjoy or even laugh about in every circumstance. And where that seems impossible, find reasons it's at least not so bad as it seems. Recognize that people can control your physical situation, but not your mind, not your personality, and not your 'soul'. They can't take away your right to be happy.

The more you practice, the easier it gets. Finally, at some point, you'll realize that you're happy more often than not. You'll then have a better idea on what things in your life make it easier for you to choose to be happy, and how to keep them in your life.

Also, practice telling the unhappy or judgmental ideas in your head to just shut up and get out of your way. That may sound crazy, but it works for me and my friends. Rather than feel miserable, we tell the miserable ideas we're too busy for them, and focus instead on the productive thoughts. That helps us stay focused on making each other and ourselves happier.

Good luck!

2007-04-13 23:06:26 · answer #2 · answered by Barky 2 · 1 3

True happiness is something that seems to be
far away of most americans because they try to buy
it as consumist way. But how much we buy we dont
get closer the happines, but when we feel fine with
what we already have. To want something more is
normal, but the happiness is not to get or to have,
but how much the things and thinkings make we
more together the world.

2007-04-13 23:29:19 · answer #3 · answered by Antonio G 4 · 0 2

The problem is that you are searching for something that seems so far away, when it is there within you all along.

2007-04-13 23:05:53 · answer #4 · answered by Michael 3 · 1 2

Your natural state. You've had it all along.
You bury it behind your self-image, your self-worth, every wall between you and others, between you and the world. You prize your walls, as do most, and only when you find someone similar enough to make you feel safe do you drop them partially, and then marvel at the sense of freedom and sudden happiness you feel. If you do it enough, you call it love, and bond even further with the other person.

It's possible to be there all the time. Some of us already live in Eden.

2007-04-13 22:57:27 · answer #5 · answered by mckenziecalhoun 7 · 1 2

Happiness is what happens when Endorphins are released in your brain.

This can be caused by several common activities, being with someone you care about, completing a job well, or making love.

It can also be caused by what we are 'taught' to find fun. Sadly in many cases it is found thru doing things that are dangerous, self destructive or even acts of violence committed on others.

Actually, having watched some of America's Funniest Home Videos', happiness for many is watching someone get hit in the nuts. I can't stand the show.

Chocolate is a natural releaser of endorphins. This is probably why America is getting obese. We are too often to lazy to release endorphins thru exercise, thus we chew instead of getting out, running around, etc.

As the source of happiness is often the result of our up bringing, I suspect many people in our culture, having been left to 'find themselves' and are freed from the natural pressures and pleasures of real life, find that, as they were never taught what was supposed to make them happy, there is no happiness to find.

Easy to understand in a world where television and movies teach us NOT to find happiness in our kids, or significant others, calling them the old ball and chain, or a burden.

We're supposed to HATE work, a part of life that should be fulfilling, self-esteem and self-respect building, as well as a source of pride.

A generation or two ago, these were jokes, tongue in cheek, with the understanding that it wasn't real.

But, as children often do, we have accepted the jokes, and choked off all of the REAL things in life that should fulfilling, and replacing them with fancy cars, pretty people, shiny teeth, no dandruff, and other things that Advertising assures us will make us happy, but which never really provide the 'joy' the ads imply.

Sad, but heck, as a society we have done it to ourselves. And modern America has never been really happy with blaming itself for anything.

So who is sadder, people trapped in the middle of it, or those of us who see the car-door closing on our metaphorical thumb? Hard to say, but really happiness is in short supply for both groups.

Only the truly ignorant are capable of rising above, finding
pleasure in rims that go round-and-round, $150.00 tennis shoes, and enough booze to kill a horse.

I think I'll choose to stay sad.

2007-04-13 23:28:43 · answer #6 · answered by PtolemyJones 3 · 0 3

Happiness comes from within - we all make choices that effect how our life plays out. The trick is to remove those things that do not make you happy and replace them with things that make you happy.

2007-04-13 23:02:39 · answer #7 · answered by Savage 7 · 1 2

It's in the things that aren't tangible, which have a permanent residence in our hearts, souls and minds. If you think about it, it works in a cyclicle motion:
The mind detects the happiness, shares it with the heart and the heart reverberates it until it is driven all the way into the soul.
Makes sense to me, how about you?..!

2007-04-13 23:02:23 · answer #8 · answered by Jesus is Real 3 · 1 3

That's because it keeps moving from place to place to place! BUT, if you go to Istanbul and just wait there for 10 months it'll come around and you'll find it / have it!!! Just be patient.

2007-04-14 02:17:22 · answer #9 · answered by Izen G 5 · 0 2

That is because happiness lies in self. Lack of happiness can be a lack of self esteem often a result of fear. Ask yourself what are your fears and why, try to get rid of fears i.e. anxieties and I think you will find more happiness. ( Don't think that you have to please people, just be yourself and that is good enough :) )

2007-04-13 22:59:25 · answer #10 · answered by synergy_butterfly 1 · 1 2

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