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And then blame it on Iran?

2007-04-13 14:38:03 · 21 answers · asked by Ugly Betty 3 in Politics & Government Politics

21 answers

I know Iran will get blamed for something.

Maybe they'll pin Imus on Iran?

2007-04-13 14:41:39 · answer #1 · answered by ScooterLibby 3 · 1 11

They didn't even bring the WTC Towers Down.

For the record, Betty. Marvin Bush left Securacom in 2000.

2007-04-13 21:42:35 · answer #2 · answered by ddey65 4 · 8 1

I was not aware that Marvin the Martian or Curious George, being that they are cartoons had the ability to affect the real world.

2007-04-13 21:50:29 · answer #3 · answered by Mother 6 · 2 3

C'mon, ugly Betty, can't you think of anything better than dis our current administration. like planting a tree, or doing something else to better th Earth instead of venting personal beliefs! : (

P.S. that goes for that Kim girl too.

2007-04-13 23:20:46 · answer #4 · answered by drummr4hire 2 · 2 1

Sorry I'm late on the conspiracy train...I didn't get the email from George Soros and Move on.org for this operation. Rosie's also has not confirmed where we should blame....

2007-04-13 21:57:35 · answer #5 · answered by garyb1616 6 · 4 2

No, probably the Eiffel tower.

2007-04-14 00:42:44 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

This is not Funny, and is a Libelous Statement.
It was people like you who caused the Fall of Rome. I would like to pay for your one way ticket to any other Country on this Planet, if you will renounce your American Citizenship, if you are a Citizen of Our Country!

2007-04-13 21:46:04 · answer #7 · answered by Sentinel 5 · 10 2

1. There are people calling Bush a dictator and a liar. Why? For protecting his own country from being attacked by Islamic radicals?
There are the idiots who blame Bush for the attacks on 9-11. They even say that there were bombs placed in the Twin Towers. These idiots should try using some common sense. If Bush really planned the attacks of 9-11, imagine how long the planning would have taken?

Bush would have to get in contact with Osama Bin Laden himself to get enough men who are willing to kill themselves for George Bush (remember, he’s the one being blamed). These men would have to know how to fly airplanes, so Bush would have to make sure they had flying lessons. Then, to make sure the Towers would fall, Bush would have men sneak into two of the biggest buildings in America to plant bombs throughout the buildings.
This would have taken 2 to 3 years to plan. BUT BUSH WAS IN OFFICE FOR ONLY 8 MONTHS WHEN THIS HAPPENED!!!!!! Who was in office when these men were taking flying lessons? Clinton. Who was president when the Towers were attacked the first time? Clinton. Who was the president that never made a strong effort to kill Bin Laden when there were at least 5 opportunities to do so? Clinton.
Why did Jamie Gorelick, the number two official in the U.S. Department of Justice during the Clinton administration, put up “The Wall” that kept the CIA and FBI from sharing information? Was there a reason to keep them from sharing information? Could they have uncovered why Clinton passed on the opportunities to get Bin Laden when he had the chance? Could they have discovered something the Clinton administration wasn’t supposed to be doing or hiding?
What information did Sandy “The Burglar” Berger, U.S. National Security Advisor for Clinton, put in his socks and underwear that is still a mystery? What was he trying to hide? Was there information that would have blown the lid off secrets kept by the Clinton administration?
Maybe Clinton was so angry about his personal secrets being put out for the whole country to see then getting impeached for lying to the country that he’s supposed to protect, he actually planned the whole 9-11 episode out to get back at America.
None of the liberals that are so far in outer space that they are lost in space ever tries to answer these questions. They find it easier to put the blame on Bush.
Then there are those who say Bush went to war in Iraq for oil. If so, where is the oil? It’s not here. It’s still in Iraq. Again, because of their tunnel vision, they will make up something to make Bush and stick with it.
Does anybody remember the speech Bush gave to the country right aftrer 9-11? He told us (Americans) that we are not only going after the terrorists, but anybody who “aids and abets” terrorists.
For those who still have their head stuck in the ground, we went to war in Afghanistan first to try to get Bin Laden. In Afghanistan, Zarqowi was wounded. Where did he go? To Paris? To Japan? To Norway? NO, NO, and NO. He went to Iraq. He knew he would be protected in Iraq.
Then you have the loonies (can anybody say Cindy Sheehan?) that say that Bush is killing our men by sending them to war. First off, does anybody blame the mayor of a city for the deaths of police officers or firemen? No. Being a policeman or fireman is a dangerous job and those are chances those men chose to take to do their job. It’s the same thing with our soldiers. They chose to protect our country because they feel the job and country is worth the sacrifice.
It won’t be long before people realize that becuase they believed the liberal media’s rants against Bush is the main reason the Democrats have taken control of the house and the senate. Because Democrats are the ones who might take control of the Whitehouse, our country is going to be in great danger.
Liberals and Democrats were not the only ones who were rejoicing and throwing parties when they took the house and senate. The people who are trying to kill all Americans were doing the same thing.
People are so blind that they will not open their eyes and realize that it was Mayor Ray Nagin who turned away help from Amtrack. It was Nagin who left hundreds of buses in the parking lots and not to help people get of New Orleans. Nagin is the mayor of New Orleans and it was his responsiblity. Nagin is a Democrat.
Florida was hit by more hurricanes than New Orleans and they were prepared for all of them. Texas also got hit with hurricanes and was prepared for Katrina. Who is in charge of Florida? George Bush’s brother, a Republican. Who is in charge of Texas? Rick Perry, a Republican.
Both Florida and Texas were prepared because they are run by Republicans. Louisianna wasn’t prepared, even after the warnings, and it is a Democrat state. If America is run by Democrats, we will not be prepared for what the Islamic radicals have planned for us next. The Democrats want to do away with the Patriot Act which tore down the wall by Jamie Gorelick. The Democrats want to appease the Islamic radicals. These Islamic radicals want to kill all of us, and they won’t stop until they do just that.

2007-04-13 22:01:56 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 4 3

So, which one of your personae will answer this question and get Best Answer this time? I'm all goose bumps waiting to see.

2007-04-13 21:41:10 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 13 2

Another pathetic attempt at humor. Why?

2007-04-13 21:42:39 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 11 2

No and This is not an intelligent question. But what more can you expect from a lib.

2007-04-13 21:40:04 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 12 3

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