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49 answers

People get married too quick...they really do not know who they are marrying until it's too late...

Folks should slow way down and get to know a person before they make that committment...check out what they look like when the alarm goes off...how they fight with family and how bad their dragon breath is in the morning....Check the spending habits too, if the chic is always buying shoes and the dude is buying fishing crap...there is going to be trouble ahead...

Another reason the divorce rate is so high is that people take the easy way out way to fast...divorce should be a last resort, not the first choice...

2007-04-13 13:38:16 · answer #1 · answered by Mikey ~ The Defender of Myrth 7 · 5 0

Because human nature sucks. Most marriages do not succeed because a lot of couples get into a "Comfort Zone" and the emotions become second nature without the sincerity behind the words spoken. The lack of communicating effectively becomes overwhelming and temptation then takes over and roots its evils. Couples lost the true meaning of a relationship being 50:50. If the two involved only gave 50% into the relationship, where does the other 50% go. The art of compromise has seemed to have gotten ignored and needs to be placed at the front again to eliminate the divorce rate.

2007-04-21 06:43:32 · answer #2 · answered by Angel of Mercy 2 · 0 0

The reason of the high divorce rate has no correlation with the concept that associates happiness with marriage.

Marriage does change people.

The above word change, equates to altering your lifestyle from living by yourself as a single person.

It is up to the two that have chosen to spend the rest of their lives together to learn and grow together as a couple.

Marriage is a huge step in ones life.

A step that should be well thought out beyond the aspects of passion, sex, financial situations or family pressure.

Joining together in the aspect of marriage, besides the piece of paper that accompanies the ceremony, should encompass the mind, spirit, soul and heart of the individuals to come together as one entity.

When walls exist between people, no matter how in love they are, need to be approached and resolved before a truly happy marriage can occur.

Too many couples jump in to marriage without the above concepts, thus the high divorce rate.

2007-04-13 14:01:58 · answer #3 · answered by RudeKarma 3 · 1 0

A couple can be happy without marriage,and the divorce rate is high because people do not commit for life they commit until it gets tough or it no longer works for them personally...

Unfortunately people take marriage lightly and think of it as a option to be in it until they no longer get what they want out of it.Sad but true.

2007-04-13 13:28:52 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I dont think that people take the commitment seriously. It used to be that couples divorcing was a taboo and the woman was enslaved in the mans world, unable to provide for her own living. Now, that is not so and the commitment to stick through the bad as well as the good is not taken seriously. The availability to divorce without stigma is probably a good thing. I wouldn't want to stay in a marriage where as my husband was beating me or cheating on me.

2007-04-21 12:58:14 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Marriage is Nr. 1 source for...divorce.
That's way.
Sometimes Nr. 2 for divorce is ....another marriage.

Read this
Coming Apart Why Relationships End and How to Live Through the Ending of Yours
It makes sense.

2007-04-21 10:49:54 · answer #6 · answered by escapeBLVD 2 · 0 0

You'll get so many different answers to this very thought provoking question...some lame, others put much thought into the answer.

BTW...Remind me to go back and give you a star!

Who said marriage made the couple happy? Who said that marriage made them unhappy...was it marriage that made them unhappy or the ASPECTS of marriage? IE living together, accepting each individuals idiosyncrasies, sleeping with the other snoring?

If we know the divorce rate is so high, do we even know what the 'stay together' rate is?

What is marriage anyway other than a piece of paper and a ceremony saying, 'these two people are legally married' and must PAY to be divorced?

Really...religion aside, what IS marriage?

To me, marriage is NOT what made me happy. My spouse is what makes me happy...to this day, on a daily basis.
He respects me, listens to me, confides in me, makes me laugh, makes me feel sexy, whole-heartedly cares for the happiness and well being of my children, puts up with my opinions on Y!A, cleans up after himself, cleans up after the kids, helps my boys to grow to be REAL men, brings me flowers, cooks wonderful dinners, lights my cigarettes, pulls out my chair, makes me feel like his queen, lets me spoil him rotten, lets me give him massages whenever I so please, indulges in my sexual fantasies and he even loves my pesky little dogs!....
None of the previously mentioned was written in any marriage license I have ever seen.

Sooooooooooo, to answer your question...the reason the divorce rate is so incredibly high is because I have married the only perfect man on earth and he is not available to ANYONE else. Nuff said?! LOL

You live and learn. Honestly, I had qualms about marrying a man that had 3 previous wives...wouldn't you? Unfortunately, these 3 previously's had taken advantage of such a wonderful man. They chose not to respect, love and honor. I'm sure he was leary of a woman who had a previous husband, not to mention 2 boys, especially since he had never had children of his own.

The little piece of paper we have between the two of us is not what makes us happy nor unhappy...the connection we have is what defines us...our connection is what will make us an outstanding stastic...one of those that lasted til death...and then some!!! :)

Good luck in determining your best answer :)

2007-04-13 17:25:06 · answer #7 · answered by SweetKarma 4 · 2 0

People that marry when it is lust not love get divorced quickly. Two people that are truly in love do not stray, abuse, ignore, or take each other for granted. That's why the divorce rate is high. Marriage for just sexual gratification can make people happy for a short time. Marriage for love makes people happy for a lifetime.

2007-04-13 13:33:48 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I don't get it either. I've only been married for a year and a half an we just had a baby boy three months ago. I couldn't fathom getting a divorce, I love them both so much. I think that some people just don't want to try to make it work. My parents were married for 30 years before my mom passed away and my wife's parents have been married for 25 years. I guess I'm just old fashioned, once you get married it should be for life. Isn't that what "till death do you part" means?

2007-04-13 13:31:08 · answer #9 · answered by Polamalu is God 5 · 2 0

Marriage IS wonderful! The problem is that people now a days think being married will make them happy once and for all, that there will never be hard times or problems, or sometimes even misery. Marriage is about COMMITMENT! If you don't stick around for the worse it will never get better.

2007-04-13 13:30:15 · answer #10 · answered by tooyoung2bagrannybabe 7 · 2 0

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