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Just another question people.

2007-04-13 12:59:56 · 24 answers · asked by Nnenna 2 in News & Events Media & Journalism

24 answers

No, I think a suspension and discussions about sexism and even race were in order but that's it. The 'victims' didnt even call for his firing. They accepted his apology. He talked to them even after he found out he got fired.
The only reason he was fired was due to money. That and the likes of Sharpton made a big mess of it. I wish that man would go away. Or atleast be held accountable for his own actions. If you dont know his past, look it up sometime. He is a crook, racist, self loathing, evil bigot. He has called whites numerous names and much much worse. He made a reference to Greeks as 'homos'. He has called Jews 'diamond merchants'. He has ruined numerous white mens lives through false accusations and rhetoric. He even helped get one Jewish man killed. (no he didnt participate but he got the fire going) And he has NEVER and said he will not ever apologize to certain groups or people he has done damage to. Most recently the Duke players. This guy calls himself a reverend. I still dont see how or why that is or why people refer to him as one. He is no Christian or God fearing man. He is a liar, a bigot, and the worst thing the black community has in their corner.
Imus should not have been fired. But he was, so where is the media circus on the Duke case? Why is no one calling out on Sharpton and that accuser? Funny how things work when you have a biased media and live in a double standard society.

2007-04-13 13:18:41 · answer #1 · answered by Bucfan 2 · 3 1

# 1 I have seen more then one race with NAPPY HAIR..... Black people call each other the N word, Hoes, and much worse.... So why is it so wrong if a white person said it. If IMUS was black noone would have thru a fit.

I do not support what he said however............He said sorry, and besides..... If someone on the radio says something you dont like change the station, dont make a federal case over it. ................. Thats why they have different stations........ stop grand standing and get over it.

The whole team looked Nappy, it had nothing to do with color.... besides its women's basketball..... Not like its a big deal.... I think they are all drama queens.

The funny part is he had just signed a new contract............. so he will still get millions out of it, he will get another job, Or just retire and laugh everytime he opens his checkbook...... I say GOOD FOR HIM>>>>

2007-04-13 21:11:02 · answer #2 · answered by tammer 5 · 0 0

Commercial radio is a business. When the advertisers decide to cancel their ads the show is worthless. Imus is paid $10 mil a year to attract an audience that can be sold to advertisers. If the show can not be sold, the corporate owners made a business decision and cancelled the show.

As far as Imus is concerned, I am sure he will bounce back probably on Sirius.

2007-04-13 20:23:17 · answer #3 · answered by andywho2006 5 · 0 1

I think Imus said something extremely inappropriate. He apologizes and groveled to the media.
I think Jackson and Sharpton should not have been involved. They are not in my opinion true representatives of the African- Americans I have met and know personally who are sincere honest compassionate and full of integrity. They promote differences between races and never point out the similarities and the good things.
I do not care for Imus. Maybe he should have been given forced early retirement instead of firing. ? But what is done is done. Let's band together and get rid of ALLracial slurs. (And there is MORE than one race.)
Music, movies television come on who are we trying to kid EVERY Race is guilty. So everyone let's clean clean up our act!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For the sake of our future. Do we want our children to hate or be hated? Of course not.

2007-04-13 20:27:24 · answer #4 · answered by Proud Nana 3 · 1 0

Imus got fired because most of his sponsors pulled out of the show. Without sponsors, you basically have no show. Believe me, if the ssponsors did not pull out, Imus will still be on radio.

2007-04-13 20:27:00 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

in my opinion I don't think it's wrong that they fired him because radio hosts have been fired for less for instince in St. Louis there were 2 radio hosts that got fired for letting people voice their opinions about a cop who had been shot and they were not encouraging violence toward police but some of the listeners that called in felt like what happened to that officer was right because of the situation. these 2 hosts particularly said the opinions of our listeners are not the opinions of the show or clear channel but they were still fired and Imus clearly used racial slurs even though what he was saying was off of a movie if ya'll have seen school days by spike lee then u would get what I'm talking about now I didn't find it offensive cause I know the source of the comment but others will and it's these organizations that push for people to get fired when it comes to a situation like this one. in my opinion if you don't approve of what someone is saying you dodn't have to listen to it.

2007-04-13 20:17:41 · answer #6 · answered by getemgirl2105 3 · 1 1

No it isn't, If a black news reporter would have said something like that about black or white women he would have heard nothing about it, but since Imus is white it is not okay, but a black person can say whatever they want about a white person and it's "not racist", yeah right. It just a joke. If you are a Minority in America you have more rights then an average or low income white person. Peace.

2007-04-13 20:12:45 · answer #7 · answered by sarah 1 · 4 1

Of course not.

Not an IMUS fan - but he got railroaded.

Bryant Gumble made racist remark about the "whiteness" of the winter olympics and nothing happened!

2007-04-13 21:09:13 · answer #8 · answered by rjrmpk 6 · 1 0

No its not Sharpton, Jackson, and NOW (among others) are acting as the word police. Who appointed them?! Last time I checked, Sharpton has destroyed the lives of numerous white police officers and others with an endless stream of calumnies, falsehoods, and smears. Jackson's career has been spent shaking down corporations for "donations" to his Rainbow PUSH organization and using anti-Semitic epithets like "hymietown" to describe New York City.

2007-04-13 21:00:23 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Thanks for asking, because this issue has been driving me batty.

Here it goes: people get fired every single day for offending the hands that feed them, whether those "hands" are customers, shareholders, or sponsors. I know that I would get fired if I said something offensive enough to cost my company money, and so would many of you. Why should Don Imus get special treatment?

P.S. ATHF Rules!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-04-13 20:41:57 · answer #10 · answered by I like cheese 1 · 0 0

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