can the FDA a government agency do away with our freedom of religion, our freedom to meditate how we want to, our freedom to write what we want to, our freedom to give each other a message, our freedom to do what we want to with our own groups, our freedom to use vitamins and supplements and grow herbs and use them in food the way that we want to, our freedom to recreation, our sexual freedoms, our freedom to think, believe, feel, live like we want to?
Yes they can, all they have to do since "half" of our country is now labeled "mentally ill" is say that it is good for us and it is an "alternative treatment" and they can control it.
Is that what we want, do you want these things forced on you if it is not what you want? What do you think about this?
Am I going overboard, or can this happen in America? How will this affect other countries? Ever read any Orwell? Just putting out a feeler here, should we try to stop it before it happens this way?
9 answers
asked by
Social Science
➔ Psychology
Not only can they do this it has happened in small scales already. The bill of rights which tell us what our freedoms are get bent so much they must be made of rubber. I honestly feel that those freedoms should be by the letter with no variation at all. When a government can make revisions to the bill of rights they are not as stable as they should be. The government documents that we all live by should not be allowed to be messed with, changed or altered to fit the governments controls and needs. We need to have a stronger standard that can't be bent to fit any ones needs. No law should be allowed that goes against these standards and all persons should have to live by these standards that live within these boarders.
2007-04-14 09:46:03
answer #1
answered by Savage 7
Super Kitten, don't take Orwell literally all the time. Yes, many of Orwell's prophecies from "1984" are coming true, with the government wiretaps and such. I've always liked Orwell and his writing style.
However, his idea on controlling people is not perfect. Eventually, there will be someone not afraid to challenge the government, and that is why Orwellian government would fail.
If you're interested in that kind of stuff, and govt. control, you should also look at Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World". It was written earlier, in the 30s. Where Orwell focuses on pain and fear as control, Huxley focuses on pleasure as control. What better way is there to control someone that making them happy? Fear can be eventually be conquered. But happy people will never go against the government, because they have no REASON to.
I really recommend "Brave New World". It relates more to today's society.
2007-04-13 18:39:54
answer #2
answered by doctorevil64 4
I think it is possible that they will do it. They already do so many things that people aren't even aware of like hide MSG on food labels(mono sodium Glutamate is under 17 different code names on labels. It is so bad for you that it can cause so many mental and physical problems like confusion, forgetfulness, head aches, stomach disorders, and the list goes on and on. But no one knows it is in what they are eating and drinking. (Natural flavors, flavorings, spices are just a few of the code names) Any way they are taking away our freedom of speach and religion and all that the Constitution was made for. We should do everything we can to stop all of what you said or wel will be controlled by the government more and more.
2007-04-13 18:57:08
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Anything can happen. In a government that is essentially run by the people of that government, it can only happen if the people agree to let it happen.
As long as you are one of the many people who don't want things to go that way, it won't happen.
Orwell was a writer of fiction. That's all. Ever read 1984? Yeah, well, it's way past 1984 and everything's still fine.
Ever hear of Y2K? Yep, it's 2007 and we're still fine.
2007-04-13 18:35:19
answer #4
answered by scruffycat 7
That would be scary. We would be no more than over medicated dolts; having the feeling of wanting to sleep because our medication would be too strong but can't because it has triple the caffeine in it. I was medicated like that once, long story, no one ones to live like that. Let's just hope not; though I haven't been in the States for years I don't see things getting as bad as that.
How would it affect other countries, the ones who hate the States would have a field day!
2007-04-13 18:42:51
answer #5
answered by Laela (Layla) 6
Controlling the masses has been going on for decades. When Sigmund Freud's nephew coined the phrase 'public relations' and made it an acceptable, profitable way to make money, the masses continue to go by what "THEY" say.
Americans have been conditioned over the years to accept govermental control over their lives through welfare, food stamp programs, and social security.
Many Americans DEPEND on the US government for their very existence.
Read about Bernays below. Interesting stuff.
2007-04-13 18:43:22
answer #6
answered by ? 6
How in the heck can the Food, Drug, Admn. restrict freedom of religion and what goes on in your mind? I fail to see your reasoning on this.
2007-04-13 18:32:15
answer #7
answered by WC 7
If you always keep your wishes close to your heart and remember what you believe in...then yes they can do it to the world but NOT YOU.
2007-04-13 18:31:00
answer #8
answered by imissrascal 3
they sure can , if you keep voting republican . dems are corrupt too . lets all vote other .
2007-04-13 18:38:21
answer #9
answered by Anonymous