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People on this site have been so kind to me. I try to help others with their depression and anxiety but have been unsuccessful at helping myself. It helps me so much to know that someone out there heres me and might understand what it feels like to be completely alone. I'm looking for encouraging words to handle my severe depression. I would appreciate any words of wisdom to get me through another night alone here. I have thoughts of suicide, but would never make a plan to do it, so no worries there. I just wish I knew how to stop feeling such pain inside. I know that I need professional help but cannot afford a doctor and the state of Tennessee offers me nothing in the way of free support. I have no money and no on that I know can help me. I would love information on a website that offers volunteer therapy from a professional psychologist, but I know that that is unrealistic. Please help with any kind words you can take the time to spare. I would appreciate it so much.

2007-04-13 11:20:24 · 104 answers · asked by peaceseeker 2 in Social Science Psychology

I cannot express just how helpful all of you guys have been with your answers. It is amazing how much better I feel after reaching out to people when I'm hurting. I thank each and every one of you for your compassion and concern. I'm taking it day by day and will try my best not to isolate myself in all my confusion. I know most of us on this site aren't here for the "best answer points," but I leave it up to the community to decide because I can't begin to choose....everyones answer spoke to me and had a part of healing my heart. Please take care and I hope I'm able to return the favor to you :)

2007-04-15 17:27:54 · update #1

104 answers

talk to some one tell them how you fell see a pshycoyocris or talk to someomne you are close too

2007-04-13 11:24:01 · answer #1 · answered by scenicgg 2 · 2 5

Yeah, easy to speak for those who haven't been there I think. Depression is a serious issue and it creates things you normally wouldn't feel if you weren't depressed. I too have often had thoughts of suicide, though I would never make a plan to do it. I know what it's like to feel so alone you're on knees screaming "GOD" there's no point. I can't move on, it's impossible. I just can't do it anymore and you physcially and mentally honestly feel like you "can't" do it anymore. I can not afford the insurance either, unfortunately most people do not understand the seriousness of depression and to show that most don't even listen to you, look at this:
You clearly stated you could not afford insurance, and implied there was no one close to you that could help you" however most of these answers tell you to seek counseling, so that's frustrating right there. Then you get the talk to someone close you.. I mean come guys did you ever really read the question from the beginning??? NO NO NO!!! and that is why people become depressed and feel like they are all alone because truly nobody is listening to them. I'm sorry about your pain, and I don't have and quotes or wise words. I can only tell you, that if you don't do what's right for and what it takes to make you happy and if you don't take care of your needs, NOBODY WILL. You have to build strength from within. Search your higher power whatever it might for you. Soul search, find yourself. Pick yourself up off the floor and let your tears run, but let it build you strength, strength to move on and get better and eventually you will be better.

2007-04-13 13:51:25 · answer #2 · answered by mommy of 4 2 · 0 1

First, let me tell you it took courage to even write this. I am not a professional so I am just making a few suggestions. The first thing is I hope you know if you kill yourself, the Bible says you will spend eternity in Hell. I know you don't want that so I hope you don't decide to take your life. You deserve and are worthy of better.

The next thing I would say is call a mental health facility or crisis intervention helpline. Somewhere there can direct you to someone who can help you. You don't say how old you are but there are usually school social workers and psychologists who would be more than happy to help you. There is help out there for everyone. You do not need to be rich to get help, nor is therapy a sign of weakness. If you have a family doctor you should talk to that person. You should be able to talk to your minister or to a minister at a church. Please, seek help from someone so you can stop hurting. Have you ever been diagnosed as depressed? If not, maybe you are not depressed at all but you do feel alone. Do you start conversations with people and are you friendly? One way to make a friend is to be a friend. Join a sport or some activity where you can meet people. I am sure there is someone out there who would love to be your friend. Please take my suggestions about getting help so you can find peace.

I happen to be lucky because one of my closest friends is a psychologist. When I am upset or feeling down, I can always talk to her about anything. She's a bit older so she usually has been where I am or has had a similar problem. I guess if you can find a therapist to listen you might be happy and find that you are normal and not depressed at all.

I hope this helps you.
Good Luck!

2007-04-13 12:57:38 · answer #3 · answered by Kimberly C 2 · 1 1

Hi Sweetie--I do understand; from personal experience & from clients over the years. & please, don't believe for a minute that there's nothing you can do. Unfortunately, some people consider "therapist" to be a pejorative name, but it's not. A therapist, or counselor or whatever the name, can help you more than you'd dream. You've been feeling like this for quite some time, indicating it's not a "phase," you haven't found any options, & from my heart of hearts, I don't want you to keep feeling this way! It makes me very sad. The first thing I'd do, would be to look up--online or even in your phone book--all the services that you can gain access to. County or City, whatever. Make that first move to reach out to someone QUALIFED to help you. It's possible you may need anti-depressants to stabilze you while you go through the process of finding someone with whom you can relate, trust, feel comfortable with. When I was very, very young, I had a lot of baggage that drew me inward, more & more alone. A psychologist, so gentle & so logical, opened doors I didn't know existed. I know that in California there are "therapy" centers that base their fee only on what you're able to afford, as well as other sources that require no money at all. I feel you DO need someone to talk with. If Tennessee offers no help, surely there must be "someone" you can talk with. When you say you have no friends, I wonder. It's possible that someone is out there you haven't even considered, who has the objectivity & empathy to listen. I hope so! I'm encouraged that you aren't considering suicide. I did, once. Yet all these wonderful years have made me glad I didn't succeed. EVERYONE needs help some time. I don't like to make speculations on cyberspace, but I believe you do need someone. & hey, girl! Didn't I suggest you change your nickname? You've labeled yourself as a problem child. I wish you would turn that around to, oh, something more positive, or even humourous! This may sound silly, but it's not. The more you reinforce the "positive" of yourself, the more you will think in a positive way. If there is anything I can do, please let me know. I'd need to know more about you, your environment, your experiences. (Somehow, I think you can be very "spirited" when you're not mired down in you aloneness.)

2007-04-14 14:26:28 · answer #4 · answered by Psychic Cat 6 · 2 0

I have suffered from depression off and on for years and know how hard it is to do even simple things let alone traverse the system to find help when resources are limited but that is what you need to do. Depression is not about having the blues for a day or 2 its about having this black cloud over life that takes joy out of everything. Good thing is it can be treated.

The state may not offer services but there are other institutions that do. I would like to suggest you contact the local United Way to ask for services they support that might be available for you. Also if you have a place of worship, the minister may be able to help you find help that you can afford.

Short of that a general physician can give you a prescription for anti-depressants. When I was in the midst of depression the idea of having to take drugs to feel normal just depresses you more, but think of it like this. If you broke your leg you would get treatment for it, if you heart problems, you would get it treated...well your brain is part of your body and it needs to be treated right now also.

I have been through your struggle and after about 10 years of fits and starts have come out on the other side and can assure you that nothing feels better than just being happy. Being able to enjoy the simple things in life and the big things in life is the best.

2007-04-13 12:12:28 · answer #5 · answered by CHELLE BELLE 5 · 0 0

Hi there, I have been suffering some nasty post natal myself lately, and only wish there were words or people to make you feel better. I refuse to be medicated and am going it alone, and happy to report that i have just about got it by the b@lls now. I dont know what works the best, but here are some things that I do everyday. Look in the mirror, right into your eyes and see the strong powerful woman that you are and challenge that sad little sh!t to mess with her! Be proud of who you are, be super confident in ALL that you do. DO NOT dwell on the things that are bugging you, because it often spirals way out of control, if you so much as think a negative thought. Remember U2's song "It's a beautiful day!" Go for a walk in the sun, or in the park and start planning how you are going to start the rest of your life.... Make some fun plans towards living the life you want to live. And remember, even if you have a bad day/week, PICK YOURSELF UP and start a new day the next day.

2016-04-01 00:36:09 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think part of it may be point of view, or how your brain is trained to see things; the other part may be chemical. Is there something happening in your life that triggered this? Things I struggle with are the feelings that I am alone, that I have no real friends, that the friends I thought I had were just acquaintances; and that I struggle to not live in the past. Each day I try not to think about what I could have done, or what could have been, but just accept things as they are and go from there. Another thing that helps me is to help others. If I sit around it only gets worse. Find a place that needs a volunteer and help out, it really forces you outside of yourself and helps make you feel better. Plus, when you work around like-minded folks (for whatever cause you are all interested in) you are likely to make friends. If people you like don't call you, call them and make plans. Best of luck. But please remember, sometimes you can't snap out of it yourself, it is a disease like any other, and you may need some help (despite what Tom Cruise says).

2007-04-13 12:10:38 · answer #7 · answered by eekmod 1 · 1 0

Take heart - the universe understands you. You are never alone and there is help. Almost all mental diseases can be treated and cured through profesional help and medications. There are professionals in your area that can help you and will treat you regardless of your financial situation.

Physical injuries are tangible and its often easier to see the healing process - put your arm in a cast and in a few weeks its healed - or when you have a headache an asprin may take away the pain. Mental illness can be healed, but recovery is not always as tangible and obvious, so it takes the guidance of a professional to help you to see the progress.

Many people live with depression or other mental illness and many have been successfully treated. Treat your depression like a disease and get help - it is worth it - you are worth it!

Through treatment you can stop the pain cycle, validate your feelings, learn to idenitfy the thoughts and habits that are hurting you and deal with the issues that keep coming up.

Part of being human is the mythical journey into the belly of the whale - your depression is the experience of being in a dark and lonely place - this is where you find yourself, you find your strength and you emerge with the wisdom and strength you gained from the difficult and challenging journey.

No one can experience your pain, this part we do on our own, but part of the mythical journey is finding a guide or guides who help you find yourself. This may be a good place to start, but I highly encourage you to find a professional who will work with you through your journey.

2007-04-14 14:39:42 · answer #8 · answered by simplyshapely 2 · 0 0

First off you're not alone. So many people suffer from depression it's astonishing. I personally have found that if I take 30 minutes answering questions on Yahoo, it helps. (Helping others in turn helps us.) I too feel very alone and I have to take care of my children and help out with my elderly parents. Which is so hard. Because of the pain inside. I don't know if you like to read, that too helps. You can read magazines or books also watching nature programs does help. Watching something that can make you laugh helps out alot!. Scrapbooking is good, you don't have to get too fancy, glue stick, notebook, crayons, scissors, and pictures whether yours or from a magazine is all you need. Also by calling a suicide hotline (even if you are not thinking about that, does help, they have people who can talk with you about depression. They will listen. Check Girls and Boys club of America, Maybe if you call them too they can give you a number in which you can call. They do have "800" numbers that are free. Look into social services in your area, they may have something. Look everywhere, planned parenthood until you find a place you can go to. Write a letter to your state and take it from there. There are so many of us in the same situation. If you can't find anything keep coming back to questions/answers in yahoo. You do have all of us. :) It's not easy but I want you to know that your "bouts" of depression can happen at any time. Remember do not drink any alcoholic drinks. Alcohol makes depression WORSE! Don't skip meals. Try exercising even if it's slow movements. Write out all your feelings in a journal. No matter what they are. Getting them off your chest does help. If you pray, pray. Make a list of everything positive you have first (your life, your smile, your health, pets, family etc.) Look at how many things you do have and be thankful. Every time you start thinking negative tell yourself to hush up! Get up splash some water on your face and listen to music and dance around. Or take a bubble bath (if you don't have any use some shampoo) and relax. Hope some of these things help. Just remember I will be sending you some positive vibes and I will have you in my prayers tonight. You are not alone. Just hang in there you will get through it. :)

2007-04-13 14:29:52 · answer #9 · answered by rencar32002 4 · 0 0

So much to say, so little space. First of all, professional help is very expensive; agreed. BUT, you might not need it. It's terrible of me to say becuase I'm crapping on my own proffession as I say this.Professional help is good for a foundation and also for people who suffer from disorders, which you might not have. Second of all, though your considerations for suicide have not been acted upon they're very dangerous. Don't dismiss them just becuase you haven't made a plan yet. Even if you're only entertainign what the world would be liek without you, as minute as it seems, it's the first step in the wrong direction. Third of all, depression starts from somewhere. I know a few people who felt this way and then fixed up their lives, but it didn't help. Why? Becuase your environment is only helpign how you feel. It's almost a paradox, becuase if your environment were to change to something healthie, you'd be getting better, but your real problem would not have been eliminated: why you were prone to depression in the first place. Getting out of depression is somethign that takes work and time. I wish Ic ould give you somethign to make you smile right now, but I can't. I only help you see a better tomorrow. It is truly difficult to reply to a message like this with yahoo as a medium but I'm left no choice. What you should do is make a list of every thing that happened in your life or is happeneding now that you don't like, why you don't liek ti, what it's outcome was and all that jazz. Then make a list of how you want things to be. that's the first step. This list sounds simple, but I mean everything. I did this excercise as well, and it took me a little over a week to consider everything. But you should consider EVERYTHING. After that, begin to take the appropraite steps to have the life you want. Getting out of depression could sometiems be as simple as making yourself happy. SOmetimes. Here's one thing I can promise you, if you work on this, you'll be absolutely fine. As for proffesional volenteers, I doubt it. But, I'll look for something and if I find anything I'll post it. Other than that, if you'd liek to, feel free to email me.

2007-04-13 13:09:49 · answer #10 · answered by PaintltPink 2 · 1 0

You clearly stated you could not afford insurance, and implied there was no one close to you that could help you" however most of these answers tell you to seek counseling, so that's frustrating right there. Then you get the talk to someone close you.. I mean come guys did you ever really read the question from the beginning??? NO NO NO!!! and that is why people become depressed and feel like they are all alone because truly nobody is listening to them. I'm sorry about your pain, and I don't have and quotes or wise words. I can only tell you, that if you don't do what's right for and what it takes to make you happy and if you don't take care of your needs, NOBODY WILL. You have to build strength from within. Search your higher power whatever it might for you. Soul search, find yourself. Pick yourself up off the floor and let your tears run, but let it build you strength, strength to move on and get better and eventually you will be better.

2016-03-03 05:35:53 · answer #11 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

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