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5 answers

The first thing you have to do is finish the book. Publishers just dont have time to discuss incomplete manuscripts.

Secondly, go to Resolved Questions here and surf key words publishing. You will find a wealth of information already stored. Take the time to read through the material. Everything you need to know is already here. Pax - C.

2007-04-13 11:32:25 · answer #1 · answered by Persiphone_Hellecat 7 · 1 1

First of all, finish the book. This is not an easy thing. Finishing books is probably the hardest thing aside from starting one. What is your book about? If you were a reader what would YOU want the ending to be? Look at your manuscript from another point of view. I'm sure that your book is an awesome one–(probably more awesome than mine) and I wish you luck with it. You can email me some of it and I promise best critiques but you have to finish a book before you even think about publishing. Finishing is the first step. The second step is major drafting and editing. You must go through extremely hard crituqing from your friends/family/relatives/teachers/ and whoever else you want help from. Believe me, a lot of people will be interested in reading your manucript. Beware of privacy however. The last thing you want is someone copying your work–(probably because it's the best work ever) If you put it online, put it up with a copyright notice. What I do with my storylines is I write an outline. If you have written one already then that's great. You're ready to finishy your book. But here's for when you finish and it's tweaked and everything's good about it: DON'T BE DISAPPOINTED. A lot of the greatest authors on earth have gotten more than 50 rejections from publishers. Publishers are harsh. They want to make money. So you want your book to be sellable. Something publishers also look for is a literary agent. To get one, just google LITERARY AGENTS. Make sure you look for some that live in your area. They will help find an answer. Good luck with your book! and you are welcome to let me be your editor. I'm extremely good with this type of thing. I expect to see this novel of yours up on the shelves in notime!!!

2007-04-13 11:43:34 · answer #2 · answered by Liz 3 · 0 0

You are writing a book. I assume this means you have not yet finished it yet. Just focus on finishing that novel for now. There is a publisher for just about every topic.

Deciding on a publisher varies depending on the genre you write and how long it is. Some publishing companies only focus on fiction. You will need to research what thier standards are and how to meet them.

You will need to edit your novel. Upon posting questions like these, many people will ask to read your novel. You may also encounter people who want to check out your book as well. Unless they are very close friends and family, do not let them. It's not a matter of being rude, but safety. Anyone can take your plot and write it for themselves.

Editing/Writing Tips:
1.) Make sure your plot makes sense and is strong
-that means make an outline
-have an ending
-(It'll save you from lots of Writer's Block)
2.) Do not go off on tangents
3.) Do not over-use the thesaurus
4.) Make sure dialogue makes sense
5.) Make sure you have believable characters
-no one is PURE evil
-no one is PURE good
-make sure your characters are not clones; give them different personalities. They will all tackle problems in different manners.
-no one is PERFECT
6.) Have a climax (the big rising point)
7.) Tie up loose ends. If you are writing a series, there is usually one main problem to tie up in the end. With a trilogy, there is usually a sub-problem which must be solved and at the last book the final problem is solved.
8.) Basic Stuff
9.) Just about everything is important
-don't include a whole boring chapter that has nothing to do with the initial outcome.
10.) Be origional!
11.) Don't worry about what people will think of it. There will always be people who love it, hate it, and are so-so about it.

Your chances of making it big in the world of writers START OUT very slim, I am sorry to say. There is a great deal of competition out there, including experienced adults who have gone through college and writing classes. It isn't however impossible.

Why does your story deserve to be published? It needs to be well written of course, but also well thought out. Plots can take years to develop.

I highly suggest a TWIST at the end. Something that the reader won't expect. Amaze them with your brilliance! "How did they think of that? Wow, I wish I had thought of that!" Sound familiar? Check your novel to see if they have a twist. It isn't a MUST HAVE but readers love it. (Even better, twist the twist. Don't give readers cliche "I am your father" twists.)


So you want to get published...?
1.) Has your story been edited OVER and OVER?
2.) Is it the best it can be?
3.) Does it make sense? (confusion is a no-no)
4.) Are you proud?

It will help you to get a literary agent. Research this. It costs, but in the end you will usually come out ahead. You take the same precautions as looking for a publisher. Reputable? Definetly! And no reading fees. I warn you of scams.

First off, look for publishing companies who have published recently. They must also be REPUTABLE. Make sure that they're sold good books that are popular or at least heard of. Beware reading fees. You don't have to pay to be read.

Also, make sure they publish you genre and length of novels. Please do your homework and research the standards for what the company wants you to submit.

Then, when you send your story, make sure it's not your only copy. Include an SASE (self-adressed-stamped-envalop... if you want a faster response. Remember however that 1.) fast does not equal a day, not even a week. It can take months to get a response. 2.) you aren't published yet.

Chances are, you'll end up getting a rejection letter. Many fameous authors have gotten these. Don't think of it as an "you can't write, haha" letter. The editors are informing you that your material doesn't quite reach thier standards.

Then you edit again, and sent it off again. Send it to many publishing companies.

And about your rights... This is very difficult to explain. Check out books at the library. (I don't recommend using internet because of miscommunication and false information. Using a published book from the library ensures it is reliable.) Don't just take answers from this website although they are helpful. Again, research with books. "How to Write a Damn Good Novel" was a big help for me.

Don't be discouraged. Publishing is something that you work hard for. It will pay off in the end. If you really only want to publish just to see your book in hard binding, I suggest Self-Publishing.

For Self-Publishing: www.lulu.com

Good Luck! :]

2007-04-13 11:43:55 · answer #3 · answered by ♥Fire Storm♥ 2 · 0 0

Just Contact Cyberwit Press

2007-04-13 21:37:36 · answer #4 · answered by ROCHAK 1 · 0 0

First you have to get a Literary Agent to read the manuscript and see if it is worthy of pitching it to Publishers.

Buy a copy of The Writer's Market. It lists names and addresses of Literary Agents.

2007-04-13 11:33:15 · answer #5 · answered by newyorkgal71 7 · 0 0

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