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Reps beleive in serving their country and their people in the country but realise that it is impossible to save everyone so work as hard as they can to make it so the most people get by well and try to raise the amount of ppl that fit in that catagory

Dems suffer from the delusion you can save the world and EVERYONE in the country which is just not possible but they dont care because if its a sad fact then its just not true. So what they do is tax the hell out of everyone the support those who arent very well off therefore forcing a nation into "charity" even though its more like theft. Charity is given willingly. Theft is taking something that doesnt belong to you.

O ya and republicans tend to revolve around facts and dems tend to revolve around emotions.

I my self have mainly conservative views but Im independant

O yes and my question. What are your opinions on this analaysis

2007-04-13 11:00:25 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics


Im not talking about congressmen reps but the actual beleifs the part SHOULD stand for. Neither party in congress stands for anything worthwhile

2007-04-13 11:06:17 · update #1

To the aviator:
When you try to save everyone you push the middle class into poverty therefore damning everyone instead

2007-04-13 11:09:25 · update #2

17 answers

You deserve an Emeritus Degree in Political Science. What you've said makes more sense than supposed "experts".

When I've gotten Liberals really riled up, they will finally blurt out the truth. On some occasions, I've had some fun at their expense because they spount absolute nonsense, which I counter with evidence, logic, reason and facts.

Their response is exactly as you described it: just emotion. Since they've lost the argument on factual and rational points, they lash out. I had one say, "Sometimes feelings are more important than paying attention to the facts and whether something works well or not." Reminds me of a friend who was extolling the virtues of a pair of Diesel shoes. When I pointed out that they were extraordinarily uncomfortable, he said, "Johnny, they're not for walking!". I guess that's the fashion counterpart to a Liberal's political views. They say the most ludicrous things without being aware of the irony.

Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher said it best: "The problem with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money".

2007-04-13 11:15:15 · answer #1 · answered by pachl@sbcglobal.net 7 · 0 0

Wow! It sounds like you have bought into the lies of the Republican party hook, line and sinker. The Republicans understand that there is a gullible sucker like you born every minute.

Republicans believe in pretending to serve their country and their people with their conservative, thought and mind-controlling policies. They pretend to have high morals and values in their public platforms while they seduce congressional pages (male and female), cheat on their wives and steal all they can from the American taxpayers to line their own pockets. This theft comes in the form of excess expense charges for fact finding trips that are actually taxpayer paid vacations for them and their entourages; also in the form of working in the best interests of whatever industry has the most highly paid lobbyists. (Look into the Enron debacle. The energy companies were in the back pocket and the front zipper of the President of the United States, George W. The Republicans claim to be financially responsible but run up the federal deficit. The Republicans lie so well with a straight face that you bought into all the crap they are selling. The Republicans say they won't raise taxes and they do anyway. The Republicans say they won't increase the budget and they do anyway. The short memory public just remembers the promises made. They forget that the promises are never kept.

The Democrats also lie and cheat. They are just not as good at it as the Republicans so they get exposed to the public more often. The Democrats are upfront about tax increases and get the public's ire because of their honesty. It doesn't help that hypocritical blowhards like Rush Limbaugh and Bill O-Reilly get off on pushing the conservative political agenda and in the process don't care if they lie about what was said by either party and lie about what Rush and Bill themselves said earlier in their careers and lie about statistical facts to make whatever point they are ranting about that day to keep up their ratings. The last time the federal deficit was reduced was during a Democratic term in office. Bill Clinton was not a saint, but the economy was in good shape and the federal deficit was at it's lowest in many years.

Republicans and Democrats both manipulate the emotions of the taxpayers for their own political agenda. Republicans feed on the fears of conservatives that someone out there might take something that the conservative somehow thinks he is more entitled to than anyone else. Democrats feed on the fear that everyone won't be taken care of and we all somehow need to make sure that all in this country are taken care of. Neither party cares about the poor or less fortunate. They just take an extreme position to play on our emotions.

Don't be so naive. Wake up your brain. Research the facts and make up your own mind. Don't be so easily led by any politician that is bottom-line working in his or her own best interests, not yours. After you start thinking independently of any political party, then you can call yourself an independent.

2007-04-13 11:24:35 · answer #2 · answered by friendlyadvice 7 · 0 0

It's grotesquely biased against Democrats.

What you say in your last Additional simply isn't true.

When we had a strong and growing middle class, there were fewer poor. Now that we have an economic system moving toward feudalism (a very few people own everything; the rest, nothing), yes, there IS a lot of suffering and deprivation.

If we were a civilized society, everyone could have their basic needs met, and most people could be quite comfy.

Um, if you look at posts on this site, it's the Democrats who tend (on the whole) to respect truth, fact, reason, and evidence, and the Republicans who find all those things anathema.

(Or take "Trickle down" -- the fact that it never does trickle down, and that those policies always impoverish the many in favor of the few -- these are the facts that Republicans ignore.)

Republicans don't believe in serving their country; that's more of a Democratic value. Republicans believe in serving themselves and in controlling everyone else's lives.

We wouldn't have to tax the hell out of the middle class if the richest had to pay their share, and if the government helped the poor, rather than the rich.

It was the Democrats that supported unions, which led to the biggest growth in a comfy middle class ever seen. (They have since abandoned unions.)

Let me do a rewrite (as unfair, perhaps, as yours).

Republicans believe in a war of all against all, so work as hard as they can to take everything for themselves, and leave everyone else to starve. They want wealth concentrated in as few hands as possible.

So they tax the poor and run the government for their benefit.

They tend to be governed by greed and by a compulsion to control the beliefs, behaviors, and life decisions of everyone else, imposing their narrow view of their religion on the entire nation, even the world.

They believe that war and violence are the only solutions to all problems.

They believe they have the right to despoil the planet, as long as they can profit by it.

They squelch all innovation that would hurt their profit margin.

They believe in cutting taxes for the rich, and increasing spending.

They want to get their hands on the Social Security fund, because they can't sleep nights knowing it's not their money.

They substitute extreme language and repetition for fact and reason.

Democrats want to raise the general standard of living, and make it possible for the vast majority citizens to earn a decent living that allows them to raise families and keep them all healthy. They believe government should serve all citizens.

Democrats seek ways of protecting the environment, and developing technologies that give people comfy lives, yet leave the planet intact for the next generation.

What do you think of THAT analysis?

Actually, mine was fairer than yours, as it's more fact-based.

2007-04-13 15:33:00 · answer #3 · answered by tehabwa 7 · 1 0

"Hip hop music" and "rap music" mean virtually the same thing. However, some people associate the term "rap" with the more mainstream variety of the genre (which nowadays often includes R&B or pop elements) and reserve the term "hip hop" for the variety of the genre that stays closer to the roots of hip hop music (i.e. - speaking on social and/or political issues, storytelling, bragging about one's lyrical skills while roasting another emcee, etc.). But to be really specific, hip hop itself is a culture. Rap music or hip hop music (specifically, emceeing) is just one element of that culture. The other elements of the culture are graffiti, breakdancing (aka - breakin'), DJing and a more recently added element, beatboxing.

2016-04-01 00:34:09 · answer #4 · answered by April 4 · 0 0

Couldn't have said it better myself!!!! Well, I'm a mouthy kinda guy, so, maybe, with some effort, I coulda come up with something better, but you're so "right-on" that I certainly ain't gonna waste my energy! I think your criticizm of the "charitable" dems isn't harsh enough, considering how two-faced those extraordinarily rich dems want to use EVERYBODY ELSE'S MONEY to help the "less fortunate" of the world, but, you'll get more expressive as time goes by. Good words though!! God Bless you.

2007-04-13 11:07:41 · answer #5 · answered by ? 7 · 1 1

for the most part you are right . and i say that because you only believe most of what you have described . do i agree ? hell yes and hell no , all depends on who im hanging with at what bar and listening to what music . theft is theft and im a thief and if i didnrt think it was wrong to steal i wouldnt say i do but i do so i did and if stealing is the worst thing i do than some curtain people will be able to count themselves lucky and sum , of my loved ones , will be able to enjoy my company , as intended by nature , and that in and of o=itself is why i have chosen to thieve instead of you knowing .

2007-04-13 11:07:31 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Right you are Wall,
By the way, don't let indecisive boneheads pick on you because you actually came to some conclusions. That's what that gray stuff is for!

2007-04-13 11:11:21 · answer #7 · answered by oogabooga37 6 · 0 0

I agree 100%. Did you hear that some democrates in the senate want to give people who can't pay for their mortgages, because they were irresponsible when buying, a federal grant? Once again proving what you just stated: If you are irresponsible then you will be rewarded while the rest of us will carry you along.

2007-04-13 11:06:40 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

They do have one common goal. The New World Order!
They play us against one another and keep us entertained like Don Imus, Anna Nicole Smith, and the lacrosse team to keep us uninform about the war.

2007-04-13 11:15:18 · answer #9 · answered by Ivan S 6 · 0 2

Yes, you obviously have a very un-bias opinion...NOT. You are right, it is impossible to save everyone, especially when you never even try.

2007-04-13 11:07:03 · answer #10 · answered by Take it from Toby 7 · 2 2

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