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I'm not crazy, just want 2 know any paranormal things other people have seen, or thought they've seen

2007-04-13 10:35:26 · 34 answers · asked by piratica123 2 in Science & Mathematics Alternative Paranormal Phenomena

34 answers

In 1973 I did not think ghost existed. I has newly married to my first wife and living in a small one bedroom house. One night I woke up and an old man was standing at the foot of my bed. I at first thought I was still dreaming and made sure I was awake and the old man was still there. At first I thought he had broke in the house and I started yelling at him to get out of my house and it woke my wife up and she started screaming when she saw this old man in our bedroom.

Just as I was about to get out of bed and escort him out physically, he then pointed his finger at me and said" NO! You get out of MY HOUSE" Then he just vanished. I did not believe my eyes and checked both doors and all windows and everything was locked.

Next day I was visiting with a school friend who was visiting his parents across the street and he grew up in that house, and I told him what happened and he looked pale, went inside and came out with a picture and asked me if that was the man in my house, and it was. My friend said the old man lived in our house his last days and died about 6 months before and he was attached to that small house. It did not take long to figure out the ghost thought I was the intruder.

2007-04-13 14:55:00 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

Yes, I have. Once when I was lying in my bed, my door open just a bit and I thought it was my cat comming into my room. But, I was wrong it was a ghost and she was dressed in white and had blonde hair. She came into my room and the dissappeared through the wall. It took me a few seconds to realize that a ghost just came into my room. I knew she was probably a good sprit, but I didn't want to take any chances so I called a priest to come bless my house. That was not the only experience that I had. I had 2 more after that. I was asleep in my bed and tried to stretch out my legs but was unable to. Someone or something was blocking my way and I could not move my legs. I also saw that my bed looked like that someone was sitting at the end of my bed. The next time this sprit desided to come to visit he desided to pull me off my bed. I was scared to death. Good thing whoever it was left.
The last experiece I had and hope to have was a few yrs ago. This happened after my friend passed away. He would play with the mobil on my babies crib and make it move around. Then one night he desided that he would visit my body for a while. When he left I was very weak and scared. I called a friend that practices voodoo and she came to get him out of my house it was an experience to see how she called him into her and told me what he looked like and then I knew it was Dave. I am glad he is gone and hope he is finally at piece. These experiences my sound off the wall but are very true and I hope that I don't ever have to encounter any thing that isn't alive and that I can see through.

2007-04-14 11:16:19 · answer #2 · answered by liz 1 · 0 1

I live in an old historic german settlement in the middle of nowhere in Australia. The settlement was started in the mid 1800's and was pretty much abandoned by 1920. There are still many of the original buildings here including 2 churches, a school, and the cemetery. I live in one of the churchs, and the other buildings are set up as a museum and storage. It would be rare for a day or night to go by that we didn't have some sort of visitor. There's a little girl, who I believe is named Louise who plays in the loft of my residence. There is a man dressed in black who sits on the verandah of the other church. We think he might be the original owner of the land here. He's buried in the cemetery. There is an old woman who yells in German. Doors open and close on their own. The kitchen blinds have a mind of their own... Small items get thrown from the loft... When my partner is away at night there are several plump little ladies dressed in flowery dresses (I assume it's their Sunday going-to-church dresses) who hang around in the church with me after lights out. I think they are here to keep an eye on me when I am alone. I have 3 pet kangaroos who live inside at night. They have a food bowl in the laundry area. Some nights all three of them will come flying in here like they been chased and will refuse to go back in there until I go back with them. I know it all sounds a bit freaky, and unlikely, but most people who spend time here agree that we are not alone. I don't find it to be at all frightening. In fact, I think I feel safer here than anywhere else I have ever lived.

2007-04-14 19:12:31 · answer #3 · answered by PJJ 5 · 0 1

How do you define ghost? Must it be seen? Is ghost physical? I don't think i've seen a ghost, but I asked the same question to several people, and besides all sorts of crazy answers (and confusion) what I learnt was that they all have different definition of what qualifies "it" as a ghost.

2007-04-13 10:39:48 · answer #4 · answered by tereghar k saamne 2 · 0 0

Here's my experience:
I am staying in a borrowed flat in London. After the firstfull day of sightseeing, I come back, lay across the bed propped up reading, and I am facing away from the door and towards the window. Under the window is a TV set, turned off. I look up at the TV set and see, reflected from the foyer behind me, a guy standing there in 17th century garb, like the powdered wig & stuff? He's turning back & forth, side to side, as if he is checking out the room I am in. I am startled and spin my head around. Nothing there. I spin my head back and there is nothing reflected in the TV set anymore, but I KNOW I saw something...

Next day, afterwalking all over London for 6 hours, I come back to the flat, toss off my coat in the foyer and sprawl perpendicular across the bed. As the bed is still rocking a bit, I VERY DISTINCTLY hear five footsteps across a wooden floor (there were no carpets) and just after the footsteps stop, a cold wave kind of washes over me... I feel like my molecules are vibrating? (weird but that's what it felt like)... It felt as if someone had walked across the floor and jumped on top of me... someone cold...

So I start thinking "It's OK. Whoever you are, I am harmless. I am just passing through. I mean no ill will" and stuff like that. The coldness fades away, and after that, over the next few days, all was quiet until I flew home later in the week...

2007-04-13 16:11:36 · answer #5 · answered by aspicco 7 · 1 1

You don't need to apologize for your curiosity, you are fully entitled to ask anything you want to ask about.

I think maybe when I was a child I may have encountered one but since then my rational adult mind (and parents' influence)has explained everything away. I do however distinctly remember waking from sleep as a child and sensing a man standing by my bed. When I looked there was a man shape right above me wearing glasses, felt hat and white shirt. I squeezed my eyes shut and when I looked again there was no one there. Later in the morning I heard that my grandfather who I had never met had died on his way to reconcile with my mother and meet me. When i saw his picture I was sure it was him who had been standing by my bed (down to the hat he was wearing). Of course I was told it wasn't possible and I believe it...half-heartedly. I cant think what the sane explanaton would be and even if it was only a dream, it was still eerie.

2007-04-13 15:11:48 · answer #6 · answered by nicolette 3 · 3 1

This didn't happen to me, but it's a great story. The rock group "The Doors" were playing San Francisco in the late 60's and during the song "Break On Through" Jim Morrison started doing something like a native-american dance halfway through the song. As he was dancing, keyboard player Ray Manzarek swears he saw what looked like "indian ghosts" dancing alongside Morrison.

After the concert, guitarist Robby Kreiger also admitted to seeing "this weird fog" that surrounded Morrison during the song. Other stagehands also said they "felt weird" and spoke of "strange lights and music" during the song.

2007-04-14 16:43:01 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I am Irish /Scottish/American Indian. Raised Catholic and in a rich culture, we always accepted such as part of "who" we are. All the woman in my family are mediums, honestly. We all use that gift in different ways, and not for profit. I live in central Texas and have enjoyed knowing the spirits on my property and try to honor them.

Since I was a small child, I could "see" them, since past my twenties, I can just feel them and get dream messages. I take great comfort in it. Its not wild or crazy like TV. Its calm and reassuring and each one is different in their essence (just like people).

My 3yr old can see them too..... I can tell, he is playing with a child at my farmhouse. I did some archival research and it validated my belief....two children died of scarlet fever in that old farm house in the 1930's. I only can "feel" the one child and the mother. I have seen Mom....literally walking the halls in the early morning/dawn hours and seen her standing over my infant son when he was sick. When I learned her name, I called her and she stopped as if she heard me. So I talk to her all the time, and she moves my flowers and napkins on my kitchen table. I have seen her daughter once, playing with a ribbon, but I don't know which child it is...so I don't call her by name. I do however leave a loose flower on the bathroom counter for her at times, I sense her laughing at times when I can't find my shoes.

One time Mom-put all the pillows in the middle of the bed. That freaked me a bit, and then I found a unpaid bill under them.... she was helping me...it was the "gas" bill, and it would have dangerous if turned off/ on without a person there. It was a cold winter and she was a huge help to me.

She actually helped me with the old pot belly stove "heater for house", my husband was gone and we needed it on, and I asked for help and I left the room to call him, returned to find all the supplies I needed were within reach and in order to do the job. "not" where my husband put them.....she put them out for me. Cool huh.
SO I call my Great Aunt, since its easier to say that, since most folks will think I'm nuts.

She is a very busy ghost, she has a routine. I have seriously considered having "tours" and introducing people. Yet, That would endanger her and we are both happy, so why .....you know. And over night guests, love it.
No we don't do Halloween things there.... its just like an invisible family member.

2007-04-14 07:18:46 · answer #8 · answered by Denise W 6 · 0 1

Well, from my experience the concept of a ghost can apply to several very different entities. However, yes, I suppose I've seen what you would call a ghost. I've been involved in spiritual//metaphysical things for a while, and things like ghosts tend to sort of pop up everywhere around me. What I saw were dead "identities" that hadn't left the three-dimensional world yet and were basically stuck. They talked, too, and were quite friendly for being dead...

2007-04-13 19:56:21 · answer #9 · answered by Mysterious Bob 4 · 1 1

I think so... (don't mind me - I posted this before for another question, so I'll just copy & paste what I said)...

I used to be more of a skeptic, until one morning I woke up earlier than usual, thinking it was 7am. I looked around, wondering WHY I was awake, only to notice it was actually 5am in the morning. After a while, I noticed my bedroom was strangely cold and got up (without turning the lights on) to check on the heater, which I had turned on the night before going to sleep. It was oddly switched off, so I turned it back on and hopped back into bed. After a few minutes, I couldn't get to sleep because I felt like someone was in my bedroom. Assuming it was either one of my parents, I sat up in bed only to see a dark figure standing over the heater. The bottom half of its body didn't seem to exist - and immediately after noticing this, I panicked. I tried to force myself back to sleep, but was so scared I couldn't. Eventually, I convinced myself it was some sort of 'light trick' and got out from under the bed sheets to switch on my lamp. When I did, the figure was not there. I felt like an idiot, you know, foolish and all - so I turned the light out. Just then, I saw it come back - watch me for a couple of seconds and then disappear. Since then, I haven't been afraid of them and I do believe it them - but I don't think I want to experience that sort of thing again. I almost had a heartattack!

Then again, to really believe in a ghost, you need to experience something unexplainable to yourself. And even then, the only one who will really believe you - is yourself.

Anyway, I had another time where I saw some sort of white glowing ball thingy floating above the bed. I have no idea what it was - but it was about the size of a basketball and had electrical sparks around it. I woke up one night around 2am or so and just 'saw' it there... but then I just fell asleep.

That's all I've had really...

2007-04-15 13:10:58 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I've read about ghost stories--real ghost stories.

There was a woman who got a small house as an ornament. She put post cards and stamps and stuff like that. Sometimes, she could see a man wearing old-fashioned clothes walking around the house. She could see right through him, like it was a hologram. .
One day, her daughter visited her mother's house and took the house adornment with her. She put stamps and stuff like that. She saw the small man walking around her house. She decided to put different stuff in the small house, but the man kept walking around her house. The she just took everything out. The man was never seen again. But once in a while, she could see the shadow of a man walking around in the small ornamental house.

There are a lot of things like that, and they are very freaky. And it'll take too much space to write them all down. Just try to find real ghost stories in the non-fiction section of the library. That's where I found that story.

2007-04-14 18:00:49 · answer #11 · answered by aximili12hp 4 · 0 1

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