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33 answers


2007-04-13 09:29:54 · answer #1 · answered by MaryBeth 7 · 2 4

There are many reasons as to why someone is depressed. Environmental reasons such as the moon- it is known to affect behavior, The weather due to the pressure in the air, a lack of vitamins or as a reaction to stress, anxiety or a situation. The first thing to determine is why someone is depressed- you have to go to the root of the question. The other question to ask is when is that person depressed? This is to determine whether it could be hormonal or a reaction to outside things such as weather etc. The other thing is there is this thing called Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD for short) which is a depression which is linked to lack of sunlight- highest rates of suicides are from countries with not much sunlight- grim but true- sunlight makes us happy. So when you've determined the why and when then you can focus on a solution. If it's hormonal, there are supplements and herbs you can use which will help to ease this, If it's SAD or if it's full blown depression and to consider getting out of bed one needs a crutch then consider St John's Wort- it goes through the same pathways as prozac but it's a herb and doesn't have the side effects- read up about it though because sometimes it's contraindicated- it's also not addictive and it doesn't change your personality so that's a major plus. If depression is due to circumstance then it might be good to think about changing your situation, sometimes a person needs help with that and counselling can be good to help understand what is wrong and how one can change it. If one is prone to depression and it tends to recur the other thing to consider is what to avoid- certain foods make it worse like alcohol, caffeine, fats- stimulants in general- they generally heighten anxiety. Food can also heal so eat good, healthy food and eat regularly. The last cure is exercise- If I remember correctly, when you exercise, it releases endorphins in the brain which makes you happy. So if you exercise regularly, you should see a difference. There is another thing and that's serotonin. Also if I remember correctly, serotonin is linked to melatonin in the brain (serotonin is the happy hormone in your brain- some people have less of it.. and melatonin is to do with light and sleep) So if you have regular good sleep your serotonin is less likely to suffer, if you have less (if I remember correctly) it impinges on it. Other thing is computers they disturb melatonin production because you're basically looking at a bright light for ages and your body doesn't know when it's day or night so it confuses it- that also affects serotonin levels. The cure for depression is treating the cause of it- it's best to treat the cause as opposed to the symptom otherwise it will keep coming back. Pills in the long run are not the solution because they're addictive, mask the causes and symptoms and they change your personality. If you suffer from depression often it may be also that you're very sensitive and reactive to your environment and lifestyle- in that case, changing certain things in your lifestyle will be one of the best cures.

2007-04-14 08:12:07 · answer #2 · answered by daydreaming_duchess 1 · 0 0

Yes, there is! For years I suffered with depression until I discovered the Bach Flower remedies. There are 38 remedies and I am now a practitioner. They really do work. They are safe, non-addictive and absolutely effective in helping you to look at your life in a different way and helping you to change any negative feelings, feelings of worthlessness, tiredness, lack of motivitation, exhaustion, and the occasional suicidal thoughts. They help with any emotion from anger and frustration through to anxiety, fear, deep depression, and they are completely safe. You can buy books that will help you to help yourself, if you would find a consultation with a Bach Flower Therapist too expensive and you can buy the flower remedies from most health food/complementary shops. Two excellent books that I found so useful when I was studying are: ' Bach Flower Therapy' (The Complete Approach) by Mechthild Scheffer - Published by Thorsons - ISBN: 0-7225-2232-3, costs £11.99 (UK); and 'Bach Flower Remedies' (a book full of pictures and very easy to follow) by Jeremy Harwood and published by DK Natural Health, ISBN: 0-7894-6774-7 (Website - www.dk.com). All you do with the remedies, is decide through studying which to use; also use your intuition, which is almost always correct. You put 2 drops of each remedy in a small bottle (pharmacists supply 30 ml dropper bottles), top up with spring water, and if you are going to be carrying the bottle around with you, add two drops of brandy as a preservative. Put 4 drops on your tongue every time you think to throughout each day - give it a few days and you should be feeling different about things. You may then need to change, add or no longer have one or more of the remedies. Best thing to do is have a consultation with a qualified practitioner. Put into your search engine Bach Flower Therapists, and then the area in which you live.
You will get through this, please believe me.

2007-04-13 11:52:58 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Yes, and you are right to look for a non-drug cure because drugs have side effects and really mask things more than curing them.

The cure for depression is to understand a couple things. One is that you can only live now, in this present moment, right this second. At any point in time, now is the only point in time that you can live. You can't live in the past or the future. So now, at this moment, you CAN choose to be happy. Depression isn't something that happens to you from outside. It is a long series of choices that the depressed person makes to think a lot about the past and the future and to choose to be unhappy in the present.

Suppose something wonderful happened to you right now. Then in this instant, you could choose to be happy about it. So that proves that you do have the ability to be happy now if you want to. And you can also do it in the next moment, and the one after that. And the more you do it, the easier it becomes.

Another way to look at it is to ask yourself, "When am I depressed?" You can't be depressed in the past because the past is just a memory. You can't be depressed in the future because it doesn't even exist yet. You can only be depressed in this instant. But in this instant, you can smile. Your actions and choices can soon rewrite your thoughts and feelings so that you feel spontaneously happy. Depression is just something in the mind. So think about other things and remember to be happy.

2007-04-13 09:38:44 · answer #4 · answered by Larry 6 · 5 0

Yes, I too have heard of laughter therapy, though I've never tried it myself. If you dont want to go down the prescription medicine route then St Johns Wort and Kalms herbal tablets are great for lifting your moods and relieving irritability. You could also consider having life coaching/ hypnotherapy to help get to the root of the problem or try therapies such as reiki or accupuncture.
How is your diet? it is well known that a good balanced diet with plenty of water and exercise can help symptoms of depression. Reducing coffee/ tea/ other stimulants will also be beneficial for you.

2007-04-13 10:30:13 · answer #5 · answered by charlotte s 3 · 1 0

There are two studies that major drug companies to tried keep secret for obvious reasons. The reports findings indicated that a regular exercise regimen was superior in treating depression than all medications currently prescribed. However, the better plan than deciding exercise or medication is to include exercise in any program for treating depression. But for some there may be no cure for depression but ongoing treatment for its effects.

2007-04-13 09:45:51 · answer #6 · answered by pedrodepaca78 4 · 1 0

Yoga is brilliant or search for a hobbie you always wanted to do, and go and do it now, spring is a fab time for new beginnings and depression will lift without medication if you find something to make you happy. Look up the Internet for foods that cause depression and stay away from them, and keep everything in the day, if you learn to take one day at a time, it works wonders, good luck.

2007-04-13 09:42:13 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You probably don't want to hear this, but I've had years of severe depression and I receive disability for being bipolar. You know what helped most? Therapy with someone you can really connect with. Also cognitve behavioral groups and DBT classes (types of psych. thought).

I'm resistant to antidepressants. They don't help. But changing my way of thinking and thinking more positively toward myself and my chances in life has done wonders (and I never used to believe that stuff).

Finally, exercise does create endorphins and dopamine, chemicals similar to heroin that make you feel good naturally. That's what a runner's high is. But as far as nature, try sunlight instead of St. John's Wort. Seasonal Affective Disorder from lack of sunlight is a bigtime depressant.

2007-04-13 09:35:59 · answer #8 · answered by albob3000 2 · 2 0

I'm an herbalist in calif. and for years suffered from depression. An Iridologist said it stemed from the bowels. I did an intense cleansing and colonics and I haven't suffered since. Anxity goes with depression and so does overthinking, worry and insomnia. There is an herbal remedy called suan zao ren from china that works great for that. Because chronic anxiety is a precurser to depression. Helene at botanicawest.com I became an Iridologist since that experiance. I was so impressed by my outcome.

2007-04-13 13:23:48 · answer #9 · answered by elena 2 · 0 0

there are many prescription pills on the market, some of which are completely natural. but one that worked for me is laughter therapy. it sounds stupid, but it works so well. I don't know if there is anything like this in the UK but I was part of a laughter therapy group whilst in India. it is simply a group of people of all ages laughing really loudly for half an hour in the middle of a park. again, it sounds ridiculous, but you'd be amazed how good it is. at first you fake the laughter, just to try and get into it. but eventually, you're actually laughing. and it's an amazing feeling.

2007-04-13 10:08:56 · answer #10 · answered by Mel K 2 · 1 0

NOT COFFEE!! coming down off the caffeine will make the symptoms worse!! for mild depression, you can take evening primrose oil or st. johns wort ( at health food stores).

if you don' t want to take medications, you can try several things. one is to watch your diet. eat healthy!! exercises is good because it gets you outside. the sun on your skin produces "feel happy" chemicals in your body. keep yourself busy (but not overwhelmed).

if the depression continues for more than a couple weeks, or is not related to a traumatic event in your life, you will probably need prescription drugs.

there is no reason to be ashamed about battling depression. it is a real disease that may need to be treated (just like diabetes). don't try to handle this alone. you need support to get through this. you can email me at purrdyw@hotmail.com if you want to talk some more. lots of hugs!!

2007-04-13 09:38:25 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

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