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48 answers

Like what - freedom? How dare we?

2007-04-13 09:32:32 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 10

America is a continent not a country. If you are referring to the USA, a country in America, then I say your suppostion is wrong. The current administration has adopted a policy to impose democracy on other countries. He was not elected by a majority of Americans either time and he has less than 2 years in office. Hopefully the policy will change in the next election.

That said every country tries to influence events in the way that benefits thier country the best. Even whe Bush is out of office that will not change, as it will not change for any other country. We need to have dialogue between nations to develop policies that are mutually beneficial for the all and the planet.

2007-04-13 12:19:48 · answer #2 · answered by CHELLE BELLE 5 · 0 0

Boy do you get some squirrely answers!!!
Seriously, I think it's because our Leader (s) lacks any idea of what other countries are like, and cannot conceive of anyone wanting anything different than we do.
It doesn't help the problem that Bush is just a bit of a religious fanatic. Nothing like the radical Muslims, but nonetheless believes that his duty is to impose Christian beliefs on the world. "Impose" may be too strong a word - but certainly he'd like to evangelize much more aggressively than I feel appropriate.

2007-04-13 20:07:47 · answer #3 · answered by James F 3 · 0 0

This is phenomenon not confined to the government of the USA it's global. The basic problem is Ethical Discrimination, or rather the lack of it, giving rise to a failure, refusal, to correctly differentiate between what they CAN do and what they SHOULD do, sometimes in pursuit of an alternative agenda than that mandated by the people.

Frequently a religious basis is claimed for such actions, despite the fact these actions directly contravene the tennets of most known religions.

2007-04-14 02:29:34 · answer #4 · answered by Black Knight 2 · 0 0

ARRGGGGGGGGH! The people on here stating they are in the best country in the world, and have their freedom and liberty make me ill. I have traveled this world , and sadly enough have to say, I see America as one of the most enslaved countries in the world. They are enslaved to the dollar. They shop at Walmart's and their local Big Chain grocery store; allow their teenagers to hang out at the mall on the weekends(for something to do), and wander stores as a pastime. It disturbs me how people will say they are in the greatest country in the world, but if you ask most of them where else they have been, most will say they have been nowhere else. Hence, they have no comparison. In many, many places in this world, people are ANGRY with the USA. That's right, ANGRY. Overall, most people feel Americans, are self absorbed, pathetic and sloths. Wake up people there are wonderful places all over this world, and that includes places without a Walmart. sigh

2007-04-13 15:11:41 · answer #5 · answered by White Rose 3 · 1 0

It's a basic human impulse to impose one's will upon the world. That extends to cultures. Every culture either thinks it's the best possible culture in the world and everyone else should be exactly like it, or it's destroyed (conquered, slowly assimlated) or replaced (having died out) by others that do feel that way.

That may sound cynical, but it's also inevitable. If you don't have a strong belief in the superiority of your own culture, why defend it, even passively?

2007-04-13 09:36:47 · answer #6 · answered by B.Kevorkian 7 · 2 2

it's not the majority of american's who feel the need to impose our beliefs on other countries. It's our s*** government and people in power who just want others to think all americans think this way.... we as a country in the USA don't have a lot to be proud of ( in the past 7 years) as far as our government is concerned.... just think, Bush didn't win either election, he cheated his way into office, he has lied to the american people time and time again, he waged war on a country based on lies, he has NOT done 1 good thing for the American people in all of his years in power........ so so so sad

2007-04-13 15:05:03 · answer #7 · answered by Chery 5 · 1 1

Are you an American? We do tend to push our beliefs on others especially on others in our own country. For instance, the monument with the ten commandments was removed from an Alabama courthouse because it offended people and of course they didn't want to mix religion and state. It is a sad day in our country when the moral foundation of our law and the acknowledgment of God has to be hidden from public view to appease a federal judge.
It's also sad the i have to learn to speak 10 different languages to speak to my neighbor. I think if you come to live in america you should at least learn our language.
It's also sad that our own children can't say a prayer in school because it offended a woman. God have mercy on us.
It's also sad that all these people come to live in America from other countries and throw a fit because some of the things we do offend them. I think it's time we do stand up for the things we believe in or everything that Americans died for and worked hard for and the faith we believe in will dissapear. So if you think that American impose their beliefs on others I stand up and say GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!!!!

2007-04-13 22:24:52 · answer #8 · answered by ulyses38 1 · 0 2

I have always thought that they feel superior to other countries. I am not American, but my sister in law is, and everyone is different. I do agree with some of the American beliefs, not all.

2007-04-13 18:07:43 · answer #9 · answered by chukx 2 · 0 0

First off, America is controlled by zionististic bigots. Google AIPAC and start reading.

Documents released this week show as early as 67 senators knew who controlled them.

Actually it was started way back when the congress removed our gold backed standard for the dollar. We have been in a steady decline since. The FED is a group of private bankers, not associated with the federal government.

Too few Americans know this, but I bet they have noticed all the trips to Israel by our leaders.

No man can serve two masters, and our government serves Israel. Israel wags the American dog from the media to the movie industry.

Americans spend too much time watching mainsteam media, and American Idol. They are simple too mind controlled and TV addicted to understand.

So the answer to your question is......It is not America, it is Israel that controls our politicians.

2007-04-13 11:08:33 · answer #10 · answered by KTR 3 · 3 2

I don't know Homes, you are also an American perhaps you know why you feel that same need. I think we feel the need because we want the world to be a safer place for the U.S.A. If other countries share a beliefs they will be less likely to undermine us.

2007-04-13 20:47:45 · answer #11 · answered by Bud#21 4 · 0 1

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