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Should we install mandatory requirements in college sports like football and basketball that forces the college to offer proportionately equal scholarships to white players? Considering that whites make up 80% of the USA population and blacks make up 13% (2005 Census) it seems unfair that the football and basketball teams are predominantly black. If we balk at this question then why do we support forcing colleges to hire black coaches?

Another side note that not many reporters had the nerve to report was when Patrick Ewing Jr, in reference to Georgetown's Basketball program, was quoted that "the Princeton offense was mostly associated with white people, not athletes." Why did this not become headline news and a cry from the public about racism? Is it ok to call white people " non-athletes" ?

It appears to me that the USA has started embracing reverse racism and will it eventually make the non-racist white person become racist because of the consistent one sided complaining?

2007-04-13 08:54:18 · 17 answers · asked by R T 2 in Sports Basketball

17 answers

Well if you have not noticed people let black people do what they want so they that other people can hate them. You said it yourself whites make up 80% and blacks 13% you mean to tell me that the 13% of blacks have more say than the 80% of whites. If that is true what does that say of whites. Sometimes I think this double standard exists so that other races will hate black people more and make all black people look like hyprocrites. People always complain about how black people can have their own channel, clubs, etc and white people can. But think about its white people that make the laws and enforce them. There are not that many black people in Congress and the judicial system so maybe the blame needs to shift to those in power to change the system.

2007-04-13 09:05:44 · answer #1 · answered by jason j 3 · 2 0

Maybe you should do some research in American History.
Did you know that African Americans were once slaves before? Did you know that they were once considered 1/5 human? They were eslaved for 400 years and are therefore behind financially. Although all white people are not racist, alot of them are and if they were not forced to allow blacks to participate they would never have a chance at anything.
It does not matter who the negative comment is coming from, some things should be kept to themselves, especially disrepectful comments.
Also, If a white person is racist they often have the power to keep a race of people down. Black people don't own any insititutions and if they made a comment about white people It would just be a negative comment, and have no affect on a race of peoples lives.

2007-04-13 09:10:05 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 5

I don't disagree that reverse racism (a stupid term really..racism is racism and if you judge based on skincolor you're a pinhead) exists. Black comics can dog on white people, but if white people made the exact same comments about black people? All hell would break loose. But I think your numbers are kind of insane.

The Patrick Ewing Jr story sucks, sure. But it ain't the only thing that goes un-covered by the media. Awhile back Phil Fulmer spoke at a fund raiser dinner in Knoxville and when asked why he didn't really recruit in East Tennessee during a Q/A session he said something about Memphis being where all the black kids were.

True story, whether you buy it or not. None of the dozens of media folks there made this story public. I think this kind of protection goes beyond race and gets more into protecting valuable athletic department folks at big time programs (like Tennessee and Georgetown both are).

Everything should be based on skill and merit. Period. I don't support any school being forced to hire a black coach. I support them hiring a GOOD coach, be he/she black, white, hispanic, pink, purple, or blue. Whatever!

2007-04-13 10:16:34 · answer #3 · answered by psyduck702 4 · 0 0

Don't U get it ?

Whenever we try to equalize anything it almost always ends up in disaster.

Because white people don't want to take a backseat to a minority. And a lower skilled minority will be hired based on race and do a terrible job.

Should we force 80% of sushi chefs to be white ? Or 50% of Army soldiers to be female ? Or 95% of male fashion designers to be straight ?

If a white person was an outstanding athlete, he or she will already be on a good college team. Athletes are selected based on their skill.

Black people dominate in Basketball and Football because their high schools are more focused on athletics rather than academics.

White people have access to a better education. Getting a career in science or business, has a better chance of success than gambling on an athletic career.

By the way, Football and Basketball are only TWO sports.
What about Swimming, Tennis, Rowing, Gymnastics, Wrestling ? and yes.... Lacrosse.

Are these not college sports dominated by white people ?

2007-04-13 09:59:02 · answer #4 · answered by Whitman Lam 5 · 4 0

Dude... you got your facts wrong man. 80%... not since 1940 have 80% of the U.S. been white! Your confusing the black to white ratio! Thats slightly under 80%! Anyway, but I do agree in some points, Black people are just as raciest as white people, they just get away with it easier. Dave Chappelle is just as raciest as Michael Richards... he is just way, way more funner. That might just be the key to it all. If you are funny and extremely famous for it, you can be as raciest as you want! I think the president had something to do with it. Cant fire him for being racist, you gotta find another white guy to point the finger at. I thing if people focused more on things that really mattered, racism would soon be gone in this country, soon like in about 100 years rather that 1000, thats were we are about now, 1000 years from now. How sad!

2007-04-13 10:15:33 · answer #5 · answered by maestrosantana 5 · 1 1

Umm...colleges offer scholarships to the best athletes in that particular sport. So if the top 50 basketball players coming out of highschool were white, then they would be the most highly recruited players. If it was the same situation, but the players were all black, then they would be wanted by more colleges. Colleges hire whoever the **** they want to be there coach. If that person is white, black, chinese, it doesn't matter.

2007-04-13 09:26:40 · answer #6 · answered by tk 3 · 0 0

But you forget the undeniable fact, based on piles of private and publicly produced statistics, that minorities absolutely get the short end of the stick in this country. Minorities, including women, African-Americans, Hispanics, etc., make less money (even in the same jobs), receive worse health care, are consistently discriminated against by the judicial system, are often pushed to live in worse areas....Yes, maybe in one small segment of society (high level sports, of certain types), African-Americans have an advantage. But maybe this is because they are pushed away from other opportunities for success, and believe that the system is rigged against them succeeding anywhere other than the entertainment industry.

2007-04-13 09:01:39 · answer #7 · answered by Qwyrx 6 · 4 4

No one is forced to hire a black coach. In the NFL you have to interview a minority for a vacant coaching position but you do not have to hire them.

As far as the players, they want to get the best players available and as far as basketball goes the best white ones come from other countries. If you can ball you can ball, no one cares about race, they care about winning. Name the best white American basketball player...Keith Van Horn, Adam Morrison, Tyler Hansboro?

Let's not for get about baseball, golf, tennis and hockey. Where are the blacks in that? Yeah the best golfer is mixed, one of the best female tennis players is black and the home run king from last year was black but those sports are white mainly. Those sports are where the white kids get college scholarships.

2007-04-13 09:14:19 · answer #8 · answered by UPGRAYEDD 4 · 3 0

Exactly. Look at the Duke case. People go after the prosecutor, when it was the ******* black ***** who ruined their lives. Also, Al Sharpton is an asshole.

If a white man (Micheal Richards, Don Imus), says anything about a black man, their carrers r over. Meanwhile, black people can say anthing. If they want 2 be treated so fairly, then they should be gone after if they say something about a white person, which happens every day.

This is one sided. Maybe in 20 years, the white people will be leading a revolt. RACISIM HAS NO COLOR PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-04-13 12:45:13 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Finally, someone has the balls to say it! You know, white people can't say a damn thing because someone will think you're racist. It's bullsh*t. You get black people talking trash, calling white people crackers and that idiot Ewing Jr., implying that whites aren't athletes. F uck him!! I was far better at football than the black kids at my school. Just cuz his daddy was a big ogre, and so is he. It's okay for blacks to be racist cuz they were oppressed for so many years, but if a white guy says one little thing not even remotely racist everybody blows it way out of proportion.

2007-04-13 11:18:18 · answer #10 · answered by Polamalu is God 5 · 3 1

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