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Growing up we all sang Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.

Our country was founded on the principle of free speech. We preach tolerance but the entire concept of political correctness, and the sense that some "words", some "phrases" and some speech is just so inflammatory, so insulting, and so hurtful, and it should be censored.

But, they are just words, aren't they?

If directed at someone who does not understand the language they are delivered in, they are just sounds with no meanings.

They are not physical attacks. Being punched, kicked, stabbed, or shot results in tangible injury. How can words to that?

Are we too hypersensitive over words and their impact?

Can words really hurt someone? How?

2007-04-13 08:39:22 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Social Science Psychology

25 answers

Actually, NOTHING can really hurts us, BUT, it is our REACTION that can potentially hurts us. Consider for example your boss calling you "dumb" but when you look at it at the context that he is your boss and knows better than you do, not to mention he can say whatever he likes to his subbordinates, then this could not hurt us so much. Compare this when you child or your subbordinate calling you "dumb"? Your reaction would be different, often time you get insulted, get mad, and this is where the hurt is at its greatest damage.
In other words, it is not the word per se but our interpretation and most important how we react to the word that hurts us.

2007-04-13 08:47:22 · answer #1 · answered by BigBro Paul 3 · 1 0

I never did understand how a stick or stone could break a bone, maybe cause slight injury at best. Words will never hurt us is just a defense mechanism. We are trained and or expected to have strong will power. However, war of the words has caused more to affect self-esteem than any physical threat. When physically threatened, adrenalin puts us into fight or flight. When words are toxic, brain chemistry brings emotions full throttle and not necessarily as in fight or flight. The impact can stay for a long time like a scar on the skin as a reminder. Tangible injury has tangible cure. Intangible injury does not. Physical hurt is about parts. Mentally hurt is about one's whole being where the sum is greater than all of the parts.

2007-04-13 08:53:18 · answer #2 · answered by Joseph H 4 · 0 1

Alls I needed to read was the title of your question and here is my answer, you be the judge if words hurt us after reading this. And yes what I'm about to write is a true story. Do you know who Karen Carpenter was? For those who don't Karen Carpenter was a singer with a wonderful voice. She and her brother got together and banged out tons of songs together, they called themselves the Carpenters. Before they became really known to everyone one day a bunch of people were standing around her (can't remember now why). Anyway a girl turned to another person and said (and loud enough that Karen heard her) she'll never become famous she's too fat! Those words, words from someone I don't even think she knew started Karen Carpenter on her deadly journey of having an eating disorder. Karen died because of her balemia and its because she thought she needed to fix herself in order to be someone. Sooooo, I guess nobody has spoken any words to you in your lifetime so far that has or hasn't had a positive or negative effect on you or your life. You see its not just the bad things we say to each other its also the good ones that can also effect our lives too. C'mon, heres a thought......how about thinking about the the question your going to put on this site for more than half a minute. Do you honestly believe what you said? Ever heard the term words can cut like a knife.....trust me been cut and scared plenty of times in my life and not by a knife.....just someone's words.......and yes sometimes it takes alot of strength to get over it....some people aren't so tuff. MLJ

2007-04-13 09:11:08 · answer #3 · answered by MLJ 6 · 0 0

Some people can be, yes. Invariable, we are most sensitive to words when they hurt our feelings, and most likely to say that it's all just fair comment, nobody got hurt, and the people complaining are just whining and should grow up, get a life, etc. The best response is to do as you advise, and learn to ignore it or, better (IMO), laugh at it. Rude behaviour usually goes hand in hand with some degree of stupidity, and stupid behaviour really is funny.

No physical harm, but feelings can (and do) get hurt. It's possibly to harass and bully someone without lifting a finger, and doing so can cause lasting psychological harm to the target. (Anyone that disagrees either led a charmed life, has an enormously thick skin, or was doing the bullying.)

2007-04-13 08:42:23 · answer #4 · answered by Susan W 1 · 0 0

physical abuse can tangibly hurt us but sometimes the words that are directed at us cause more pain. some people can't deal with emotional pain as well as physical pain. for some people (like cutters) physical pain is a way to escape from their emotional (or mental) pain. you don't hear about people commiting suicide over a broken arm. but (for example) you do hear about a woman who was driven to suicide by her verbally abusive husband. we put a lot of our self worth into what others think about us (no matter how hard we try not to care). to be denied exceptance, or rejected, in the world can really hurt, leading to depression and a lack in self-value. if someone calls me a ***** and they don't know me i usually just brush it off as someone having a bad day or something along those lines. but if someone i know says something mean to me i take it really personally. it hurts my feelings and makes me feel like crap. the other thing is that most of the time when you've been hurt mentally it can start to show on the outside, in physical symptoms, as well. people who are depressed suffer from a variety of physical symptoms, from aches and pains, to stomach problems, the list goes on. the brain is a very powerful thing, the most important part of our body. if you hurt that, there are negative consequences. but the worst part is that sometimes the verbal wounds take a while to come into effect and sometimes those verbally inflicted wounds are unable to heal.

2007-04-13 08:59:40 · answer #5 · answered by Decoy 2.0 4 · 0 0

Ever seen one of those movies where they go into some virtual reality and if they believe they died inside then they actually die.

It's a lot like that. Words will only hurt you if you believe they will. They have no effect on me because I'm no fool.

I recommend not taking mere words at face value. Look at the true meaning of things - why they spoke such words and go from there.

2007-04-13 08:56:40 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes! INSULT them! Berate their efforts. Just ask Imus, he learned the hard way, it cost him his job! This country is only founded on free speech if it does not be little any one, insult them, or harm them emotionally. No regard if it is true or not!
also remember when these words were put down this country was not as much of a mixed population as it is now, and women were considerate property of their man. Our world has changed; for the good I think and these words must grow with it.

2007-04-13 08:53:39 · answer #7 · answered by zipper 7 · 0 1

Absolutely words can hurt you! Havent you ever been told something that made your stomach churn? When being mentally abused, people are proven to develope a chemical imbalance in their brains - depression. Your brain reacts to emotional stimulation (which is all words) and therefor affects your body with ulcers, heartburn, and even the rare "broken heart disease".

2007-04-13 08:47:54 · answer #8 · answered by Mommyof3 BGB 5 · 0 0

because some words relying on their which ability are waiting to evoke thoughts or emotions that we've issues coping with or are delicate about. it may also convey forth a experience of feeling undesirable which to maximum persons damage if it comes from someone they care about extremely in case you position time and attempt into with the intention that individual is satisfied.

2016-12-03 23:39:53 · answer #9 · answered by pass 3 · 0 0

We are too hypersensitive over words and we allow them to hurt us. When they come from people we do not even know, it would be nice if we were strong enough to shrug off ugly words...

2007-04-13 08:49:13 · answer #10 · answered by chatting 4 · 0 0

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