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Why do American accept communist China as good, buy there products sometimes not by choice then cry bloody murder when we say universal health care or socialism,

2007-04-13 08:36:44 · 20 answers · asked by man of ape 6 in Politics & Government Politics

20 answers

Most people including most of our politicians treat China as if it were neutral towards us or even an ally. Communist China is an enemy country. Soon they will surpass the U.S. in total exports. They have more spies in our country than any other nation, and they are building their military more rapidly than any other country. They will soon own the U.S. as we are going more deeply in debt to them because of our enormous trade imbalance.

Our clueless leaders do nothing but talk to the Chinese as they violate trade agreements, and they steal our intellectual property. It is time that our government treated Communist China as the enemy that it is. Only CNN's Lou Dobbs is telling America the truth about Communist China! Watch Lou Dobbs every night.

2007-04-13 09:07:14 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

People in the US do not hate communism. You're thinking of the US 30 to 50 years ago. Today, America self-identifies as a 'social-democracy' a sort of mixed command & capitalist economy combined with a strong (but nominally elected) central government. It owes some of it's structure and egalitarian ideals to communist thought.

Similarly, China is now running a mixed ecconomy - it's capitalist-influenced communism, while the US is comunist-influenced capitalism, and it's much more segregated with only certain regions benefiting from the capitalist 'liberalization,' but the US can view China as moving towards social-democracy, and China could, if it wanted to, view the US as moving towards an inevitable cummunist revolution (though it might also view the US as a crumbling empire it will be able to conquer in a few generations).

So the two nations can get along well enough.

Of course, some Americans aren't that crazy about living in a social-democracy, when they'd rather live in a real democracy, or a capitalist plutocracy. They're the ones that make noise about efforts to expand the socialist aspects of America's mixed economy.

2007-04-13 09:14:32 · answer #2 · answered by B.Kevorkian 7 · 0 3

Many lefties in America today are communist sympathizers. They like the Chinese because they are communist. Period. Bill Clinton received a boatload of campaign money from Chinese sources because he's a sympathizer. It doesn't mean these people want full blown socialism or communism in America but they lean generally in the direction of federal control versus state, local or private. Therefore, it is a myth that America hates Communism. More Americans oppose its tenets than support them but that's about it.

As for why we support China? Money to be made.

2007-04-13 09:07:56 · answer #3 · answered by Dubberino 3 · 1 0

We don't, as a general rule and certainly not politically.

The apparant "support" you observe is economic. Which is not the same thing.

Our government does make mewling sounds about human rights etc, but the bottom line is that China is a market for the US and the US is a market for China.

There is a great deal about China that I don't like. The trending towards a free market system ISN'T one of them.

And if you hadn't noticed, America is NOT China. They are communistic though economically they aren't making the same mistakes the USSR made, and We are a representative republic.

The reader's digest version of how they are different is:

America is a country of SELF-GOVERNING citizens.
China is a country where the central government CONTROLS EVERYTHING, even the "free market" economy they have.

I don't want to copy some other socialistic/communistic form of government...I want to get back to who we are as Americans, free, indipendent and responsible for ourselves.

That is why I am against universal health care and socialism. They both take away my right to self government.

2007-04-13 08:47:52 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

Well, you seem to not remember the days of Deng Xiao Ping. The Chinese of today are far more moderate, and less Maoist than the old guard, and are moving toward a more capitalistic economy, with a communistic government. What does that mean? It means it's better than what was.

I am a staunch defender of Taiwan, but the PRC can either be our ally or our adversary. Which would you prefer?

To further elaborate on my position:
I am a dyed in the wool Capitalist.
I disagree with the political philosophy of Communism for nations.
I think Marx and Engels were fruitcakes who didn't have a full scope on much of anything, except for their belly lint.
I do respect China's existence, and therefore its sovereignty, but, Taiwan is independent, and the PRC had better step off.

2007-04-13 09:33:28 · answer #5 · answered by sjsosullivan 5 · 0 2

I don't think anyone in America accepts Communist China as good, accept maybe the media who constantly ignore China's human rights record. In Europe though I am afraid it is a much different story.

2007-04-13 08:44:16 · answer #6 · answered by asmith1022_2006 5 · 2 0

They sure have efficient factories, for now but are polluting the crap out of the Yellow River (which now runs orange).

I won't be happy with China until they allow free elections and freedom of the press and religion.

Socialism, like the form practiced in Venezuela, sure suppresses freedom of the press/media. Is that the

As for goverment health programs, you really want the government deciding if your surgery is 'medically necessary' or what priority it should have? I don't. I do agree there should be a way to insure the uninsured (that is, people who cannot obtain coverage, not the ones who opt out), but, you shouldn't be forcing people to buy coverage, nor do I believe a government monopoly will be good.

2007-04-13 08:44:48 · answer #7 · answered by MoltarRocks 7 · 2 1

Communism / marxism / socialism is always bad, whether in China, cuber, hugoland, or the democratt party. I personally don't differentiate between followers of Mao and followers of chomsky. They are all evil.

As to purchasing Chinese goods, in a free society we all have the choice to buy products made here or abroad. So even though I don't necessarily like it, these goods are available, and if you want to buy them you can. I have purchased a dozen or so vehicles in my life, and only one (a Land Rover) has not been made within America by one of the big three. I buy American whenever I can, but I don't stroke out when I have to buy Chinese goods. Do the profits prop up the commie government - of course they do. But they also help to introduce capitalism and success to the Chinese population. And a population who can afford to support themselves will have less and less need for marxism, so all in all I see it as a wash.

2007-04-13 09:04:05 · answer #8 · answered by boonietech 5 · 1 1

china manages to keep a veneer of respectability with the world for allowing taiwan and hong kong be "free and capitalistic" when they really have a tight reign on both places. china will never let either island go. they have the unique situation where the mainland is under a dictatorship and the aforementioned are both somewhat free to do as they will. this has permitted china to remain in the un and relatively ok with everyone. they have been a member since 49 only because of chiang kai shek . when mao kicked out chiang he went to taiwan (taking historic treasures with him) and his government has been in power there ever since. china had to promise to leave hong kong alone for like fifty years before the brits would hand it back over to china. i am thinking china will bide its time with both places, building arms and industry unless outside influences will force her to act. they are still a communist country and dont ever forget that as some have appeared to do.

2007-04-13 08:54:15 · answer #9 · answered by afterflakes 4 · 3 0

I'm a comunist and I live in america. I think only old people in america are afraid of communism. Most americans think china is Capitalist. I keep trying to explain to people hear that they are still communists and that they are only leting capitalism grow cause they need it in place before communism can grow sucssesfully. But most americans don't even know what communism is. they think it has something to do with takeing away a persons individuality. but its kind of the opposite. it makeing everything communial and eliminateing the class system all together. No more class dimophism. ! Oh and most older americans grew up during the red scare and were brain washed in school to hate and fear communism cause we were at war with communist russia or something.

2007-04-13 08:46:41 · answer #10 · answered by Aztrik 3 · 1 2

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