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24 answers

He will never be caught, he knows the country better than any one, that is why the Russians never defeated the Taliban years ago.

2007-04-13 08:27:44 · answer #1 · answered by richard_beckham2001 7 · 3 1

What's the point? They're like weeds. Shoot one and another 3 will spring up.

At the risk of controversy, I think it was rather convenient the way his name was suddenly pulled out of a hat when Uncle Sam was looking for a scapegoat for 9/11 - If he was so high profile they could point the finger of guilt so quickly, how come they didn't get a sniff of what was going down?

It should also be remembered that these are the same intelligence agencies who were so absolutely sure Saddam had WMD.

Bush had to do something about 9/11 and quick or those "good old boys" would've had him out of the Oval Office by teatime. It's possible that all he's done is given Bin Laden more street cred among the extremists than he actually deserves.

2007-04-13 18:02:50 · answer #2 · answered by Kes51 4 · 1 2

He'll be caught when he gets tired of hiding like Saddam did...if you don't want to get caught, you don't hide somewhere you can't get out of.
The Bin Ladens of this world have the power because they will do whatever it takes to make their point. Unfortunately, to beat them, we have to become them, and I don't think we'll ever be capable of doing that. That ISN'T a bad thing; it just means that we have a heart, a soul, a brain and a conscience. Osama Bin Laden truly is evil-personified. Do we really want to become that?
As for how he should be punished if he's caught, I would lock him in a dark room with the families of his victims in night-vision goggles and give them a can of petrol and a box of matches, then I would tell them to pour a tiny bit of petrol on him, light it, then put it out. I would let them torture him like this for however many hours it took for him to realise the fear and pain his 9/11 victims felt. (This is coming from someone who has a major fear of being burned alive, so this shows how much anger and hatred I have for this..thing...and I'm not even an American).
I apologise if you think this is a little too severe, but after I read the story of a fireman saying he found a dead little girls dress with something that resembled a dead little girl in it...the things that did that to that innocent baby and the thousands of other innocent vicitims like her...they DO NOT get the benefit of ANY doubt.

2007-04-13 18:01:34 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

bin laden used to get training from the usa government in the 1980s to fight the russian invasion of afganistain. it would not suprise me if in 50 years time we dont find out the CIA had kept him in a safe house so america could wage war on any oil producing country under the pretense of hunting for osma
dont forget the only flights let out of the usa during the 9/11 disaster were osama's family

2007-04-14 16:02:31 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

It is highly unlikely that Osama bin Laden will ever be caught. What is much more likely and hoped for, is that he will be killed, either by one of his own, or by an overhead CIA drone. Let's hope it happens soon. Good riddance and down into hell with you Osama bin Laden.

Osama, you son of a *****, if you're reading this, know also that your body in effigy was burned to death in the English [Sussex] town of Lewes immediately following 9/11 by the Bonfire Society of that town. Death to the Taliban and al Qaida. Your racist scum.

2007-04-14 13:15:58 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Osama has stated that he will never be captured alive.

Osama bin Muhammad bin 'Awad bin Laden
(Arabic: أسامة بن محمد بن عوض بن لادن‎) born March 10, 1957

At one time, everyone was looking for Osama at the Pakistan/Afghanistan border. Some have suggested that Osama Bin Laden is hiding in the Alborz mountains of Iran. Though I do believe he is bold enough to hide in the city of Qom, (Persian: قم) Iran, the same place as Iran's Supreme's Leader Sayyid Ali Khamenei.

Ayatollah Khamenei even brandishes a Kalishnikov at the US and Israel so he shares that in common with OBL.

Remember Osama wants to bridge the gap between Sunni and Shia? So does Khamenei.

The US has some control over the Musharraf government in Pakistan but not over Iran. That makes Iran the safest place for Osama. Qom and Mashad have important Muslim shrines so they are the safest cities in Iran for Osama. The Wali al Asr was hidden at Masjid Jamkaran in Qom.
It would be the perfect place for Osama. Ahmadinejad spent $17 million to prepare for the mahdi although Iranians believe the mahdi to be Shiah.

OBL has quite a following amongst the Muslim community. He stands up to Western powers. He is considered by some to be the mahdi (divinely guided one for Muslims) and inspires many to become martyrs (shahid)

Even if the US or its allies take military action against the underground nuclear research facility at Natanz, the heavy water nuclear facility at Arak and the nuclear power plant at Bushehr, there will likely be no attack against the holy shrines in Qom and Mashad.

Iran's key nuclear sites.

2007-04-15 17:12:45 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I think people need to have a figure to blame for all terror attacks and to vent their anger at...

This is Bin Laden.... a Symbol of justification as to why American is in Iraq...

Once American plans to move out i have no doubt Bin Laden will be found and killed within that same week (coincidentally)

But lets not forget Bin Laden doesn't deserve to live.

my only worry is that he is been used as a symbol to justify actions of spineless politicians. That's why he has never been "found"

2007-04-14 14:55:56 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

He hasn't been caught and I believe is still at the top of the most wanted list....I think that he is still alive and planning an second attack... I think that if he was caught then he should be given the chair....

I think he will never be caught because we aren't looking for him any more...I know we have the ability to find this man.... but why has it gone on this long and he's still out there...It's crazy and depressing to know that he can still hurt us...

2007-04-13 15:36:06 · answer #8 · answered by danxtsupamodel 5 · 0 1

He must be bathing and throwing off the search dogs cos he's masked his stench, hiding under a rock like the coward he is, enticing the hatred and genocide and torture of people and animals all over the world. He is an Anti-Christ, and he makes really shitty public service announcements. If someone can get his email address to Jessica r or that other winner with the horrid avatar photo threatening "white" people who come into his kabob shop after being at the pub all night, those retards would take care of him.

My freedom to say what I want about a bastard, brought to you by all the brave and unselfish members of the armed forces sacrificing their lives for our freedom. Peace out, rise up.

2007-04-13 16:37:04 · answer #9 · answered by Hot Coco Puff 7 · 1 3

Do you think that Osama is more liable for what is going on today or is Bush?? And Bush is right at the head of America and America does nothing about him. Osama is million of miles away. Start with your home.

2007-04-13 16:06:45 · answer #10 · answered by Aim4 3 · 3 1

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